Magical Uses of Herbs
The Magical Uses of Herbs
This is a selection of possible and traditional uses for herbs in magic – no claims or guarantees are made here this information is for interest only. REMEMBER some herbs and resins are potentially dangerous or poisonous so ensure you are fully aware of what you are using and take necessary precautions for yourself and those around you (including offspring and pets). If you plan to wild gather please abide by the Countryside Code and be aware that there are many plants that are rare or endangered and must not be picked or dug up and also be aware of those which are poisonous. If you are not sure about the identification of any plant do not use it.
is useful in incense, particularly to help bind more volatile elements of the mixture such as essential oils. It is used for protection, prosperity, fertility and healing or for spiritual grounding. It is one of the materials that was used by the Ancient Egyptians in the embalming process.
In ancient times this herb was considered to be the all purpose tonic for almost any ailment. In magick it is thought that perhaps the shape of the plant which somewhat suggests the shape of a church steeple meant that this herb was useful for repelling evil spirits. Agrimony enhances the strength of a spell and is beneficial in healing spells, particularly distance healing. It also protective and is said to reverse harmful spells cast on you. It is considered to be masculine and a herb for Jupiter, the star sign Cancer and the element of Air.
Use for protection spells and incense making.
CAUTION – Alum is considered to be a hazardous, potent, or poisonous botanical and should be handled with great caution
Most of us are aware of the wonderful effect the aroma of herbs added to cooking can have. But when you try to burn them as incense the same herbs that smell divine in your herb teas and soups can just give you a nasty smoky, “bonfire” effect. The way to avoid this happening is to grind the herbs you are using in your incense and add some ground Alum into the mixture. When the mixture is then burnt on charcoal, the alum bubbles round the herb, and seems to “carry” the smell up as an incense.
Gums and resins, for example frankincense, myrrh, copal etc. can also be used to avoid the ‘bonfire’ smell. However, each resin has its own distinctive aroma and properties which can mask that of the chosen herb. Alum is neutral and does not overpower the herbs.
ANGELICA HERB and Angelica/Archangel Root
is a strongly protective herb against all evil. It acts like a guardian angel providing insight and guidance.
has the alternative name of Devil’s Dung and once you have smelt this you will understand perhaps why it gained this name. It is, however, also used in cookery particularly in Indian dishes. It is used in magick as a repellent of evil.
are used to attract love and prosperity. Used for spells of the sea and for luck. Ash wood was traditionally used for Druid’s wands and the handle of Witches’ brooms because of the straightness of the grain. It is a herb of the Sun, Neptune and is represented by the elements of Water and Fire.
is added to incense for exorcism or placed in the area to be cleared. It is also used for purification and love spells.
Balm of Gilead buds can be carried to help mend a broken heart and also to help find new love. It is also used to sooth the pain of arguments or disputes. You can also carry Balm of Gilead for its healing and protective powers. Place buds in each corner of your bedroom to bring peace.
Wearing bay leaves can amplify your healing spells or generally to help you to be successful in your endeavours. It is considered to be masculine, ruled by the element of fire, the sun, and the zodiac sign of Leo. To encourage psychic dreams, sleep with bay leaves in your pillow.
This is a very protective herb that is often used in protection pouches hung over doors. Use Bayberry to attract prosperity, luck or power. It is feminine, the element of Earth, rules by the planets Mars and Saturn and the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio.
Benzoin is a shrubby tree with grey bark, simple leaves, and short racemes of small, fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers. The scented yellowish resin is thought to be created in response to injury, so it is tapped by making hatchet incisions in the trunk. The resin, called benzoin or gum benjamin, is used as incense, a fixative in perfumes, and is added to cosmetics to prevent fats turning rancid.
Burn benzoin in incense to sanctify an area. The scent is also used to attract business when combined with basil, peony or cinnamon. Dilute the essential oil and rub onto the body to increase your personal power. It awakens the conscious mind as well. Burn to purify, protect, for prosperity, for astral projection or to increase mental powers.
A feminine herb it can be used to honour the phases of life for women – maiden, mother and crone particularly in relation to motherhood. It can be used in spells for luck, love and family.
Bilberry can be used in sachets or sprinkled as powder round the home for protection. Carrying it can help improve your luck and increase material gain and prosperity. Burnt in incense it can repel negative energies.
Bistort has a range of uses. As an amulet it is carried to aid conception. Burnt in incense it can help to increase your psychic abilities. In a pouch or sachet it is added for money or to aid conception.
Use to attract customers and bring good vibrations to your business. Make a tea of the herb & wash shelves, doors & floors. Also used to summon wind or sea spirits
Boldo leaves are used for banishing in a range of ways. It can be used to keep away bad customers, negative energies, stalkers or aggressive people. Dressing candles or your business cards with Boldo to attract business.
This herb was traditionally used to break fevers. Infusions of boneset can be used to sprinkle around the home to ward off evil spirits. It can also be used for exorcism.
Borage is used to help lift the spirits even in the most difficult of times. It is also used to help you to have courage and strength of character.
Bryony is poisonous so be careful if you are using this plant. Bryony is used for image magic and also for money and protection spells. Some people use this root instead of mandrake as it is a little more easily obtainable.
Burdock is commonly used for purification, strength of character and protection. Dried, hung burdock is placed in rooms for studying, creative work and divination areas because of its tendency to strengthen one’s strongest talents.
Calamus Root is used for protection particularly from snakes and snake bites. It has also been used as an aphrodisiac and for some less noble reasons to be in control and overpower others.
Cassia is used to raise very high spiritual and passionate vibrations. Use in healing incenses and burn to stimulate clairvoyance. Add to prosperity mixtures and mix with myrrh for a good incense for general working.
Catsclaw is particularly useful for increasing your psychic abilities and also for shamanic journeying and vision quests when used in incense. It is also used for prosperity, attraction and protection.
Cedar smoke purifies the home. Use it in smudge sticks and incense. The scent is said to enhance psychic powers.
Incense including centaury is used to drive away snakes and also to reduce anger and repel other negative energies.
Carry or use in spells designed to attract a love or to maintain a relationship that already exists.
Colophony, also known as Pine Resin is believed to be strengthening and cleansing and has long been held sacred in many cultures. Pine resin has a mild citrus like, green – balsamic fragrance. Native Americans used pine in their incense mixtures and chewed it to treat throat infections. They also used the resin to heal wounds and bruises.
Copal is a white, pale yellow or yellowish-orange gum resin. When smouldered on charcoal it produces a rich, delicious, piney-lemony fragrance. Copal is North America’s equivalent of Frankincense. While it lacks some of frankincense’s bittersweet odour, it is a fine substitute. Frankincense burns down to a bitter smell whilst Copal never varies as it burns. It is native to Mexico and Central America and has been used as incense in religious and magical ceremonies for hundreds of years. It is believed to have been used by the Mayans or possible even further back in history.
Comfrey is used for protection for the traveller. Carry a sachet for your own protection and place one in your luggage to prevent it being lost or stolen. A sachet can also be placed in your car for protection. You can burn comfrey in an incense to help you to appropriately deal with unhealthy relationships.
Copal can be burnt to clear your space of negative energy or to cleanse items in the smoke. It is a lovely resin to use in incense during meditation and to increase your psychic abilities. It is often used in smudging and sweat lodge ceremonies.
Cornsilk is a very powerful addition to love spells.
Cramp bark was traditionally used to help women with menstrual cramps hence the name. It is used in magic for feminine energy and for protection.
Burning damiana can increase your psychic abilities and your ability to perform astral travel and other psychic activities. Please note this herb can have serious side effects if consumed and is particularly dangerous for diabetics. If you are in this category it is probably advisable to avoid working with this herb.
Dammar resin, also known as cat-eye resin, lifts the spirit and is said to bring light to the darkness of the soul. Dammar resin is particularly useful to combat sadness, depression and melancholy.
Dandelion is used to open up your psychic abilities. It is good for psychic awareness, dreamwork and divination. A piece of root can be used made into a pendant around your neck to help you connect with Hecate and to commune with spirit. Dandelion root is also used in wish magic. Sprinkle a circle of ground root around a candle to increase the power of your spell.
Used in spells for exorcism, love, protection and lust. The root can be used in pouches to carry or to place around your home for protection.
This herb is a powerful one for hex breaking and protection. It is also used when looking for work – place 7 pieces in a pouch and carry with you.
This herb is used to promote spirit sight. When working with crystal balls, scrying bowls or mirrors burning Dittany of Crete produces a thick smoke which is considered helpful in being able to gaze. It is also used to cleanse your space and to repel all types of negative or evil energies.
Burn for love, protection, exorcism, and sexual potency. A pinch of Dragon’s blood added to other incenses increases their potency and power.
Echinacea is often used in spells to strengthen their power, just as the herb is used to strengthen the immune system. It was used by the Native Americans not only to strengthen their spells, but as a precious offering to spirits.
Also known as Elfwort, this herb is used to attract love. Make it into a sachet. It is also carried for protection, and the herb when burned on charcoal aids in sharpening psychic powers, particularly when scrying.
Elemi produces a bright lemony, woody fragrance with a hint of fennel, frankincense and grass. Elemi is known to be clarifying and cleansing with energizing properties. It stimulates mental ability and works well for morning meditation, tai chi or yoga exercises. It creates a spirit of hopefulness and is said to relieve depression. Traditionally, people use elemi with substances that are refreshing and cleansing such as mastic, lemongrass, and sweet grass.
If worn, it wards off all attackers. When hung over windows and doorways it protects the house from evil. to protect yourself from evil and negativity, carry the berries with you. You can make flutes of the elder branches. The sound of the flute will draw spirits to you when played.
If you are wanting to make a healing poppet, stuff some leaves into it. To help heal the sick, hang a twig over the person’s bed. To help sore throats, string the leaves on some string and wear around the neck. If you want to guard yourself or others from colds, place a leaf under yours or their pillow. Carry some of the leaves for protection.
Eyebright can be used to help you to gain psychic vision. It can also be used in a wash for crystal balls, mirrors or other divination tools prior to use. Eyebright can be used in pouches or sachets to aid memory so can be useful during examinations.
This is a traditional herb for money spells. In fact, most money incenses don’t seem to work as well without it. Combined with soot, it has been used for hexing. It has also been used for protection. Often used in the bath for this purpose. It works to protect against negative influences rather than removing them.
Frankincense A small tree or shrub, with pinnate leaves, and white or pale pink flowers. It yields a natural oleo-resin gum, which is used to make a healing incense, which induces a meditative state.
Sacred to the Sun God Ra, frankincense is burned in rites of exorcism, purification and protection. It is said to accelerate spiritual growth. Use it to anoint tools, sachets or the body.
This is one of the best herbs for dispelling negative energies and is often used in exorcism mixes of incense. It is also used for consecration and protection.
Galangal is extremely useful for bringing about change and can be carried in the pocket during court proceedings to gain a positive outcome. It can be worn for protection and to increase psychic awareness. Burning galangal can break hexes and curses. It can help you to be more focussed. Galangal, when eaten in large amounts, can inhibit platelet aggregation so should be avoided by anyone on blood thinning medication.
Adding ginger to your mixes provides extra energy to them. It is also used in love spells and pouches.
The split shape of these leaves represents duality uniting in one. The Ginkgo tree is believed to be one of the oldest tree species and this fact brings the energy of endurance and longevity. It also represents hope against all the odds. The leaves of Ginkgo are used in healing spells.
You can carry ginseng to attract love. It is also used for protection and wish fulfilment. Burnt in incense ginseng repel negative energies and can be used to break hexes or curses. You can also wear ginseng as an amulet to provide inner strength.
Goat’s rue is used in healing spells and rituals and can also be carried to support well-being and good health. Can be used to banish negativity or bad habits.
There have been some reports outside the UK of toxicity in mammals so it would be advisable to keep this well away from any pets. DO NOT HANDLE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT.
Very pungent seeds of a West African plant related to cardamom, these taste like a spicy pepper. Also known as Malagueta Pepper or Guinea Grains. They were often included along with cloves and mace in spice mixes such as ‘powdor fort’ in medieval dishes.
This is a useful herb for use in wishing spells. Focus on your wish then hold some in your hands then throw a little in each direction, beginning in the North and ending with West.
Ground ivy is used for a range of purposes. It is helpful to encourage good sleep. You can also use it to assist meditation and burning it is useful for divination. Ground ivy is also used for protection and for breaking hexes or curses.
Gum Arabic See Acacia Gum
The Fairy Tree. Using incense with hawthorn berries can help you to see problems from the heart and find heart centred answers. It is used to encourage fertility. Hawthorn can also be carried to alleviated sadness or depression.
Hazel is used to make wands for healing purposes and ‘Y’ shaped pieces have been used for centuries to dowse for water or other material underground.
This pretty flower with its painted maiden face is for broken hearts and for all those disappointed in love. Fable has it that Cupid brought colour to heartsease with one of his arrows, and indeed it is a flower for the heart. The soul of the plant is concerned with love and the healing of the heart. Country people sometimes call it love in idleness or the pansy.
Heather is carried or worn for good luck particularly white heather. It is also used for healing. Heather is said to open the portals to the faerie world. Sleeping with heather in your pillow can bring dreams of coming good fortune.
Hibiscus petals can be used to attract love. They are also used for divination and to encourage dreams. You can use hibiscus to encourage growth in your spiritual work.
Hips are used in love spells in bath mixtures and incense.
Holy thistle is linked to the Mother energy and is protective. Carrying it can bring joy and vitality as well as protection. It can also be used to remove hexes from people.
The seed pods of honesty look like silver coins and these can be used for money spells or carried to encourage prosperity.
Hops are used in healing incenses. Sleep pillows often include hops to induce sleep and pleasant dreams.
Horehound is said to protect against negative spells or energy directed at you. It is also used in blessing your home. Horehound is a useful herb to add to any spell or incense or other working to increase your focus and attention to the task in hand.
To summon snakes, make a whistle of the stems and play. The plant may be used in fertility rituals, mixtures or sachets, or placed in the bedroom to achieve the same purpose.
Hyssop is a purification herb and is often used in a ritual bath before undertaking magical workings. Ritual items can be cleansed using a hyssop wash. A hyssop sprig can be tied into your besom to sweep your space of negativity.
Carry the plant or place beneath rugs to increase luck and to ensure a regular flow of money into the house or your pockets. Carry for protection and safety while travelling, and in money sachets.
Jalop Root is used to draw love and success in incense, pouches or rituals. It is also used to protect from curses. Carrying this root also helps to relieve depression and confusion.
Jasmine flowers can be added to your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams. Crystals can be cleansed and charged by placing them in a bowl of jasmine flowers or passing them through the smoke of burning jasmine.
Ladies’ Mantle (Alchemilla Vulgaris) has a Latin name stemming from ancient Magick. Alchemilla is a variation of Alchemy…its derived from the Arabic word al-kimia. The dew that was captured in the hairs of the leaves was thought to have Magickal properties, and ancient alchemists used it to assist in their search for the philosopher’s stone, with which they wished to turn base metals into gold. They called the water droplets that bead up on the foliage “celestial water”. The morning dew collected from its leaves is much prized in Magick and Alchemy.
Sprinkle lavender flowers around the floor of your home of business premises to ward off evil spirits. Place lavender in your pillow for sound and prophetic sleep.
Also known as Melissa and Bee Balm, this herb is use in spells to bring success and in healing spells. It is often used in spells to find love and friendship. Dispels melancholy.
Life everlasting flowers can be added to sachets or pouches to increase your connection to spirit. It can be added to incense mixtures for powerful connection to spirit. The flowers can also be left in open containers to promote long life and health.
Linden flowers are used in love spells either in pouches or incense. The Linden tree is considered to be a tree of immortality and this imbues the plant with the strong connection to nature and the leaves and flowers can be used in any nature spells. It is also helpful for sleep and luck.
Liquorice root was buried in tombs and caskets to help the soul pass easily into the Summerland. Chewing on a piece of the root will make you passionate. It is added to love sachets, and an ingredient in spells to ensure fidelity.
Also known as Carob Beans. Carry or wear to maintain good health and to guard against evil.
It is said that if you place the root of a lotus under the tongue and say the words “SIGN, ARGIS” toward a locked door. It will open miraculously.
Lotus seeds and pods are used as antidotes to love spells and any part of the lotus carried or worn ensures blessing by the Gods and Good Luck. There are no true Lotus oils. Use this mix to approximate the odour: Rose, White Musk, Jasmine and Ylang-Ylang, Mix until the scent is heavy, floral and warm. Use in spirituality, healing and meditation formulas.
Lovage has been used for many years for love spells, particularly bringing courage in love. In addition, it can bring to you true friends. Use lovage in bath spells for psychic cleansing. It can also be used to encourage prophetic dreams.
Make a gift to a young woman of skeins of wool or a garment of natural cloth dyed with madder, for her coming-of-age ceremony. Madder is an herb of Mars. Madder is used to dye wool, cotton, linen, silk, and leather. Different mordents will bring out different shades of crimson. Alum is used to bring out a lacquer red; chrome gives the dye a garnet colour; alum and tannic acid together create red. Tin produces orange, and iron, brown. Carrying madder can strengthen your will and confidence and increase your energy.
Mandrake is worn to attract love and repel diseases. To activate the dried root, one must display it prominently in the home for three days, after which it is soaked in water overnight. The water can then be sprinkled on entryways, windows, and people to purify them. The root is now ready for magical use. To prepare the root for exorcism rites, place the root in a vessel of water and expose it to one lunar cycle (new moon to full).
To be able to travel without being noticed, have four masses said over the root, and then carry it with you wrapped in black silk. Hung on the headboard for protection while sleeping. It is said that money placed beside a mandrake root (especially silver coins) will double.
Caution: Mandrake should not be taken internally for magical workings! The root and leaves are POISONOUS and can be fatal so this plant is best left to those who have the experience to use with extreme care. If in any doubt use an alternative.
Marigold is still widely used in ointments and other medicinal ways. There are two different plant species called marigold; tagetes which is the true marigold and calendula which is commonly called marigold. This description relates to the use of calendula. In magic you can sprinkle marigold petals on the threshold of your home to prevent evil from entering. Marigold is considered to be a link between the seen and unseen worlds and also acts as gatekeeper to keep unsavoury energies away. They are good plants to grow near your doors or as indoor plants in your work are if you are working in spiritual realms as a medium or other such work. Carry a fresh blossom to improve your good fortune particularly during things like court cases, job interviews or other important events.
Marshmallow can be used as an aphrodisiac and for fertility rites. It has also been added to incense mixtures for protection against disease, to enhance fertility and ensure the easy delivery of healthy children.
Meadowsweet was one of the three most sacred herbs of the Druids (the others being water mint, and vervain). Herb of Jupiter, meadowsweet is used in love spells. It is used to promote peace, and its scent cheers the heart. Meadowsweet should be included in the bridal bouquet, for who is ‘Bride’ but Brighid, patroness of Druids and Bards.
Use it for love, either dried in various mixtures or fresh on the altar. It brings peace to the homes and cheers the heart. To gain knowledge about a theft, gather meadowsweet at the summer solstice. Place it on water and see if it floats or sinks. If it floats it is a woman, if it sings, it is a man that is the thief.
Milk thistle seeds are used for protection in pouches or sachets and are also carried for strength. It is also a ward against depression and is a healing herb.
Druids revered the Mistletoe, especially when found growing on an Oak. Mistletoe is protective against lightning, disease misfortunes and fires. It also aids in matters of the heart.
Caution: Plant is a poison and is not to be taken internally!
Mugwort is said to protect travelers from fatigue, sunstroke, wild animals, and evil spirits. A crown of it is worn at Midsummer. In the home, it prevents elves and ‘evil things’ from entering. A tea or a pillow of it brings vivid prophetic dreams and helps one to contact the astral realm. Keeping it next to the bed helps in astral projection. Use the tea (sweetened with honey) and incense (along with sandalwood or wormwood) to help in scrying. Use it as an infusion to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls. Placing Mugwort leaves around or underneath will also help. Mugwort is carried to increase lust and fertility, prevent backache, to cure disease and madness. In the shoes it promotes strength and endurance for long walks or runs.
To banish nightmares make a pillow stuffed with mullein, or place some under your pillow. Mullein is used to bring courage and prevent one from catching cold. It is carried as protection from wild animals and to gain the love of the opposite sex. Hung over the door, carried as a sachet or placed in the window, it guards against magick and evil spirits.
Myrrh is an ancient and sacred incenses, the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory oil of Myrrh was used for embalming. Myrrh was burned to Ra at noon in Ancient Egypt and was also fumed in the temples of Isis.
Myrrh is a Goddess plant of the Moon’s sphere, sacred to Isis. Burned as an incense, myrrh purifies the area, lifts the vibrations aids contemplation and meditation and creates peace. However, it is seldom burned alone; usually in conjunction with frankincense or other resins. Myrrh increases the power of any incense to which it is added. Myrrh is also included in healing incenses and sachets, and its smoke is used to consecrate, purify and bless objects such as amulets, talismans, charms, and magical tools. It also aids meditation and contemplation.
Nettle is used for protection. It can be used to clear the aura of negative energy. If you are unwell placing nettle nearby can help you to recover more quickly. To send back a curse carry a sachet stuffed with nettle. You can also use a nettle broom to clear space of negative energy.
Putting oak leaves in the bath is considered to be cleansing and rejuvenating of body and spirit. Carry an acorn for luck.
To cure a headache, write Athena’s name on an olive leaf and press it against your forehead. Athenian brides wore crowns of olive leaves to bring fertility. It is also believed that when eaten, olives ensure the sexual potency in men and induce lust. Olive leaves bring peaceful vibrations to a room. Hang the branches over the door and on the chimney for protection from evil and lightning. Wear to bring luck.
This wonderful resin is associated with necromancy and with the Mars/Pluto/Scorpio group. It can be helpful in works of protection or when one is besieged, but it is also great for learning secrets and generally acquiring knowledge. It would be a good scent for meditation. Despite writings to the contrary, this scent is not poisonous. It comes from Kenya, where this resin’s protective qualities are used to treat snakebite and repel parasites. This resin is sometimes referred to as sweet myrrh.
Orange links with the sun and orange peel can be used in any magical working to add the element of the sun. It is useful to lift the spirits and instil joy. Peel does not smell good when burned so either replace with oil in incense or put on a burner rather than charcoal. Use in sachets to attract money.
Orris is a Moon herb and is used for divination and dreamwork. It is often added to sleep pouches/pillows. Orris is also a powerful love herb used in spells, incense and pouches.
Also known as Holy Wood, Palo Santo is a natural wood aromatic incense used for centuries by the Incas as a spiritual remedy for purifying and cleansing and to get rid of evil spirits, misfortune and calamity. Unlike conventional incense which burns completely after lighting, Palo Santo may be relit many times. It has a wonderfully calming, soothing scent, with a powerful energy. Palo Santo is becoming an endangered tree so take care when buying this as to the source from which it has been obtained.
Carry this flower to win friends and increase charisma, not passion. Brought into the home, passionflower calms and brings peace. Sprinkle it over the doorstep to keep harm from entering. Place it in power bundles and love spells to attract love. Burn it in incense to promote understanding. Under the pillow, it aids in sleep.
Because of its rich, earthy smell it is used in prosperity spells and potions. Sprinkle it on money, in purses and wallets, and around green candles. Add to sachets and baths for love and fertility operations. Traditionally, patchouli is used to attract people and to promote lust.
Pennyroyal is an herb of peace and protection when worn or carried. It is placed in the shoe when traveling to prevent weariness and to add strength. It wards off evil and aids in business negotiations. Pennyroyal will cause a quarrelling couple to quit fighting and prevents sea sickness.
Tied on the bedpost, it sharpens the brain and wits. Pennyroyal kept in a bowl brings peace to the household. It is used to bathe the body of the deceased to bring a peaceful transition to the next life.
Planted around your home peony is said to protect against storms and evil. Wearing peony can protect children against naughty fairy activity for adults it is a protective herb to wear. Flowers bring prosperity and luck used in pouches, incense or spell-work.
Once called “sorcerer’s violet”, periwinkle is used in love charms and potions. A powerful charm against evil spirits, it was also called the “flower of death,” as it was made into crowns for dead children at their burial. In Germany it was known as the “flower of immortality,” and in France it symbolised friendship.
Carry this plant to obtain grace, to attract money, and for protection from snakes, poison, wild beasts, terror, and evil spirits. Place it over the door to protect the home. Use in Love spells to increase passion. To restore lost memories, gaze at the periwinkle. One should never bring fewer than seven blossoms into the house.
Pine is a tree of peace and, being an evergreen, an herb of immortality. Its wood is used to make coffins, and its boughs are placed on graves to remind the living that life is eternal and death but a transition to a different reality. Burn the needles and buds to bring harmony and healing to the bereaved.
A protective herb. A piece of it in your pocket will protect from snakebites. Hung in the car it prevents evil spirits from entering it. When bound to the head with red wool it cures headaches, and placed beneath the feet, weariness.
Poke root is used to remove negative energy and entities and also repel your enemies. Wear poke root for protection.
The seeds of the poppy are added to food or carried in sachets to promote love. To gain the answer to a question, with blue ink, write it on a piece of white paper. Place the paper inside the seedpod and sleep with it beneath your pillow for the answer to come to you in your dreams.
Quassia is a herb used to draw and maintain love. In line with good practice remember that if you try to overcome someone else’s free will that this will likely not end up well! So be careful of your intent when using this herb to draw love.
This is an alternative old name for Orris root
It is also part of the funerary décor of the home, done to prevent the deceased from re-entering the home once it has left. Raspberries, when eaten, induce love. During pregnancy carry the leaves to help alleviate the pains of childbirth.
Red clover is said to be a favourite with the fairy folk so it is good to grow some in your garden. Use to attract money in a green pouch. For protection of your house either sprinkle around your home or make a floor wash. Red clover is also used to bless pets.
The powdered wood is strewn to the directions or offered to the fire to bring protection and consecration to any ceremony. Mix it with lavender to enhance contact with the spirit world. Mix it with frankincense for the highest spiritual “octave”.
The scents of frankincense and sandalwood have some of the highest vibrations inherent in any plant. They will resonate with aspects of ourselves or with Devic/Angelic beings of the highest order. This makes them a preferred choice for Full Moon rituals and séances. Beads made from sandalwood promote spiritual awareness.
A piece of the root worn on a string around the neck will protect from stomach ailments.
Use as a magical fumigant to protect animals and dwellings. Sulphur is also placed on the altar during protective rituals or in the home as a general ‘ward’.
Rose is used in love spells, potions and sachets. The different colour of the rose petals can be used for different purposes including red for lustful love, pink for romantic love for instance although the colours have additional uses. Rose is also used for luck spells and divination. Burning rose petals in incense adds positive energy to fire spells. Rose is also very useful in prosperity spells and pouches.
Rowan has long been considered to be a magical tree believed to ward off evil spirits. Wearing a necklace of rowan berries was said to protect against ‘black’ witchcraft. Rowan is a popular choice of wood for wands and Druid’s staffs. It is useful for increasing psychic abilities.
A powerful herb of purification. Rue water (made fresh rue juice and morning dew) is sprinkled around a ritual site, or a branch of rue is used to sprinkle salt water. Rue brings protection and clears negativity. Add it to the bath to rid yourself of all hexes and curses. It is a good addition to mixtures and incenses used for exorcisms. The Romans ate it as a protection from evil, and carried to be safe from poisons, werewolves, and general evil.
Rue is also a healing herb; on the forehead it relieves headaches. Worn around the neck it aids in recuperation and prevents future complaints. Sniffing fresh rue will clear the head, in matters of love, and improve mental abilities. An interesting note: toads do not like rue, so they will stay out of your garden (or that area of it) if rue is planted.
CAUTION Rue can cause skin irritation and is toxic so do not consume and take care with handling this herb.
Saffron is the most expensive herb more expensive than gold. Note of caution too it does stain so be careful. Saffron has been used for wealth and love spells. It is also used in a wash to consecrate altar tools.
Sage is the pale green leaves of an evergreen shrub. Its strong, fresh flavour makes it a popular culinary herb, but it has always been well known for its medicinal properties.
Tradition holds that those who eat sage become immortal both in wisdom and in years. Sage is used in wish manifestation, by writing the wish on the leaf and hide it under your pillow for three nights, if you dream of your wish it will come to pass, if not then bury the leaf; and to attract money.
Sage absorbs negativity and misfortune. It drives away disturbances and tensions, and lifts the spirits above the mundane cares of life. Burn to consecrate a ritual space. Carry it as an herb of protection (usually in a small horn). Use it in the ritual bath and chalice.
A few interesting gardening tips about sage are: 1) It is bad luck to plant sage in your own garden, have someone else do it for you. 2) Always plant some other plant in with the sage. A full bed of sage without something else growing in with it will also bring bad luck. 3) Sage draws toads to the garden.
Used for cleansing crystals, purification, consecration, grounding, protection magick and rituals. Also ideal for making your own bath salts and ritual salts and for use in cooking.
Saltpeter is potassium nitrate. Used as a burning agent for incense, herbs etc. To add potency to all incense just add a pinch to them, also use on candles (remember just a tiny pinch), it will add extra power to all spells and rituals.
This resin of a North African tree has a fresh, clean smell together with the typically resinous scent of plant gum. It got its name from the Assyrian words for “as bright as the moon,” which actually refers to a mineral that it resembles. Aristotle thought it came from bees. Its yellow tears are especially aromatic when heated. It is often used as a fixative in woody, pine, or oriental perfumes.
Sarsparillo root is used for love, health and money magic. It can be used in sachets or incense. Mix with other money herbs and sprinkle around your home for prosperity. It is also used for legal matters and luck.
This was traditionally used as incense to prevent cattle from getting disease or worms. Place it in sickrooms to aid recuperation.
Also known as Scullcap, Greater Scullcap, Hamlet Flower, Hoodwort and Madweed.
Skullcap is an herb of peace and relaxation. It is added to the chalice to strengthen vows. It is given to one’s spouse to wear as protection from the charms of the opposite sex. Skullcap is also used in spells of relaxation and peace. A woman who wears Skullcap protects her husband against the charms of other women.
Also known as, Blackthorn, Mother of the Wood, Wishing Thorn. An all purpose magical wand, or “wishing rod” may be made out of this wood. Dowsers often use sloe for their rods also. When hung at the door or carried, it will banish all types of evil and misfortune, demons and negative vibrations.
As may be guessed from the name this herb is used to make natural soap. This make it ideal for magical cleansing and washes for body or ceremonial robes. There are no other specific magical attributes.
This is a powerful herb for warding off evil and it is very protective. It is also used to attract money. Solomon’s seal is said to instil wisdom in line with the Biblical king’s attributes.
Burn as incense to prevent any type of trouble and to drive snakes away. Use in love spells by either carrying or placing in the bedroom. Beneath the bed it is said to cause lust.
Also known as Gypsyweed, Physic Root and Veronica. Although the flowers are easily ignored when larger and showier plants are nearby, the small pale blue, lavender, and white blooms of speedwell are a common summer sight in woods. Herbalists once employed speedwell in the treatment of a wide variety of ills. In modem herbal medicine, speedwell tea, brewed from the dried flowering plant, sometimes serves as a cough remedy or as a lotion for irritated or infected skin. The somewhat bitter and astringent taste and tea like smell of speedwell led to its use as a tea substitute in 19th-century France, where it was called the d’Europe, or “Europe tea.” The French still use this term as a name for speedwell.
Spikenard root has been used to create a very expensive oil that is linked with spiritual healing, spiritual growth and holy devotion. It was said to be used by Mary Magdalene to anoint the feet of Jesus. It is very active in encouraging dreaming, lucid dreaming and improved dream recall. It is used in love spells and to encourage closeness and commitment in marriage.
The Welsh called this plant the “leaf of the blessed”. It was understood to be an ideal combination of water and fire, the ultimate healing essence. Fire symbolised the fruitful light-filled forces of summer, and water the gathering and setting forces of the dark season. Midsummer is the time of balance between these forces of light and dark. In Brittany the plant is ritually gathered by people wearing loose, flowing robes. One must pray and ask permission before plucking it with the left hand. The earth around the plant is first loosened with a knife, and the whole plant is pulled out at once. Great care is taken to ensure that the roots are intact and undisturbed. The picking of this herb symbolises the dismemberment of the God, the Summer Lord. It is a solemn sacrifice.
After drying or tincturing the plant is administered to the sick. When you give this plant to one who is sick, you are re-membering the God: putting back together the pieces of his body that have been scattered. If St. John’s Wort is gathered on Midsummer or on a Friday, and then worn, it will cure melancholy and mental illness. It is also worn to prevent fevers and colds. Soldiers have worn it to become invincible and to attract love. Use it for protection from thunderbolts and fire by placing it in a glass jar near the window. Burn it to exorcise demons, ghosts, and spirits.
Sunflower is linked to fertility. To help conception eat sunflower seeds and take a ritual bath with sunflower petals sprinkled on the water. Wearing a crown or necklace of dried sunflowers at Litha is for the same purpose. Sunflowers are linked to loyalty and lifelong relationships. Adding sunflower petals to a success candle for extra power. It is also used in success and happiness spells or incenses.
Tansy is used in a smudging mix for children for protection and cleansing. It is used to ward off evil particularly when hung over a stable to protect the animals. Carry tansy for protection on journeys. Tansy is believed to support health and long life.
Tonka beans are used in incense for love spells and magic. It is also believed to bring courage when carried. Placing Tonka beans in a sachet or pouch and carried attract love or money.
Carry tormentil to attract love. Hang the plant in your home to provide protection from evil spirits.
Used to bring the ethereal into the depths of your dreams or your subconscious. Burn during binding spells and in spells to aid the transformation of the subconscious.
Also known as Bearberry and Bear’s Grape. A herb traditionally used by Native Americans to increase visions. Add it to sachets for this purpose.
Valerian is added to the chalice as an herb of peace. It is used to aspurge the ritual space and in incense for purification. Even though this is a rather foul smelling herb it is hung in the home as protection from lightning and the Greeks used sprigs of it at windows to keep evil out.
Being a herb of peace, place some in the vicinity of a quarrelling couple. Add it to love sachets and it is said if a woman wears a sprig of it, it will cause men to “follow her like children.” It will also help insomnia by placing it in the pillow.
It is sprinkled throughout the home or ritual area and burned as incense as a protection and to bring peace. Keep some in the bedroom to bring tranquil dreams. Keep it in the home to attract wealth and to keep plants healthy. Sprinkle some on the garden as an offering to the elementals and other nature spirits.
Drinking the juice of fresh vervain is said to cut sexual desire. Ancient instructions instruct that to remain chaste for seven years, rise before the sun on the first day of the New Moon and gather the vervain until the sun rises. Then press out its juice and drink. Burn it to banish the pangs of unrequited love. Vervain is worn to recover stolen articles. Tucked into a child’s cradle, the plant brings joy and a lively intellect.
Carry violet for luck. You can also add it to your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams. Violet can be used for incense, spells and other workings for luck, protection, wishes, peace and healing.
Walnut wood has been used by Native Americans to make talking sticks and flutes. As talking sticks walnut is considered to gather the energy for new projects. Keep a bowl of walnuts at all times on your table replacing them as they are eaten to put energy into your home that will encourage new opportunities and abundance. Leaf is used in wish spells.
The old phrase “knock on wood” comes from the custom of knocking on the wood of the willow to avert evil. All parts of the tree may be used as a protectant against evil. The wood is also used for wands that are dedicated to Moon magick. The besom is traditionally bound with willow branches. The leaves and bark are used in spells designed for love, healing and necromancy. Carry the leaves or add to love mixtures to attract love.
Mix crushed willow bark and sandalwood and burn under the waning Moon for necromancy rites. It is said that to know whether you will be married within the new year, the willow tree can tell you. On New Year’s Eve throw your shoe into the tree (you have nine throws total). If it gets caught on any of those nine throws then you will be married within the next twelve months.
Wintergreen is a healing and protective herb. Mixed with mint and sprinkled around the home it breaks hexes and curses. To protect children, place some in their pillows. It will also bring them good fortune all their lives. Add to healing spells and use on the altar to bring forth good spirits to aid in your operations.
This herb can be an important ingredient in all types of uncrossing rituals. Use the infusion to dispel negative entities or depression. The plant itself may be carried or sprinkled under the bed to draw new lovers.
Witch hazel is used for spells to mend a broken heart. It is also useful for healing, love, divination and protection.
Use for banishing and removing negative energy.
Woodruff attracts wealth and brings victory to athletes and warriors. When carried in a leather pouch it protects from all harm. In ancient times, rose petals, lavender, box, and woodruff were strewn on the floors and made into decoration on holy days.
Wormwood is a very strongly protective plant. It clears the psychic channels and is used in smudging in preparation for astral travel and channelling. Wormwood is also used in love magic.
Yarrow is used for divination. In ancient time the original I Ching was cast using dried yarrow stalks. It can be worn or placed around the home for protection. Yarrow also is a useful addition to any other mixes to boost the efficacy.
Yerba santa is also call the ‘Holy Herb’. You can use this to increase you psychic powers or for protection. It is also use in healing incenses and spells. Yerba santa is also used for blessings.
Zedoary root is also known as white turmeric. You can use it in incense, spells and magical workings to bring courage and for purification and healing.
DISCLAIMER The information contained in this site is for information purposes only and is not intended as a guide to replace the advice of a counsellor, physician or medical practitioner. There is always a possibility of allergic or other adverse reaction to herbs, oils or crystals referred to and information where known is included on the site for the suggested uses. If you have any questions please contact your medical practitioner or health provider particularly if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant. It is not intended that anything contained on this site should be used in place of medical care.
The author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose or currency of the contents of this site and exclude all liability to the extent permitted by law for any errors or omissions and for any loss, damage or expense (whether direct or indirect) suffered by anyone relying on any information provided on the site.
Magical Uses of Herbs
The Magical Uses of Herbs
If you plan to wild gather please abide by the Countryside Code and be aware that there are many plants that are rare or endangered and must not be picked or dug up and also be aware of those which are poisonous. If you are not sure about the identification of any plant do not use it.
is useful in incense, particularly to help bind more volatile elements of the mixture such as essential oils. It is used for protection, prosperity, fertility and healing or for spiritual grounding. It is one of the materials that was used by the Ancient Egyptians in the embalming process.
In ancient times this herb was considered to be the all purpose tonic for almost any ailment. In magick it is thought that perhaps the shape of the plant which somewhat suggests the shape of a church steeple meant that this herb was useful for repelling evil spirits. Agrimony enhances the strength of a spell and is beneficial in healing spells, particularly distance healing. It also protective and is said to reverse harmful spells cast on you. It is considered to be masculine and a herb for Jupiter, the star sign Cancer and the element of Air.
Use for protection spells and incense making.
CAUTION – Alum is considered to be a hazardous, potent, or poisonous botanical and should be handled with great caution
Most of us are aware of the wonderful effect the aroma of herbs added to cooking can have. But when you try to burn them as incense the same herbs that smell divine in your herb teas and soups can just give you a nasty smoky, “bonfire” effect. The way to avoid this happening is to grind the herbs you are using in your incense and add some ground Alum into the mixture. When the mixture is then burnt on charcoal, the alum bubbles round the herb, and seems to “carry” the smell up as an incense.
Gums and resins, for example frankincense, myrrh, copal etc. can also be used to avoid the ‘bonfire’ smell. However, each resin has its own distinctive aroma and properties which can mask that of the chosen herb. Alum is neutral and does not overpower the herbs.
ANGELICA HERB and Angelica/Archangel Root
is a strongly protective herb against all evil. It acts like a guardian angel providing insight and guidance.
has the alternative name of Devil’s Dung and once you have smelt this you will understand perhaps why it gained this name. It is, however, also used in cookery particularly in Indian dishes. It is used in magick as a repellent of evil.
are used to attract love and prosperity. Used for spells of the sea and for luck. Ash wood was traditionally used for Druid’s wands and the handle of Witches’ brooms because of the straightness of the grain. It is a herb of the Sun, Neptune and is represented by the elements of Water and Fire.
is added to incense for exorcism or placed in the area to be cleared. It is also used for purification and love spells.
Balm of Gilead buds can be carried to help mend a broken heart and also to help find new love. It is also used to sooth the pain of arguments or disputes. You can also carry Balm of Gilead for its healing and protective powers. Place buds in each corner of your bedroom to bring peace.
Wearing bay leaves can amplify your healing spells or generally to help you to be successful in your endeavours. It is considered to be masculine, ruled by the element of fire, the sun, and the zodiac sign of Leo. To encourage psychic dreams, sleep with bay leaves in your pillow.
This is a very protective herb that is often used in protection pouches hung over doors. Use Bayberry to attract prosperity, luck or power. It is feminine, the element of Earth, rules by the planets Mars and Saturn and the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio.
Benzoin is a shrubby tree with grey bark, simple leaves, and short racemes of small, fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers. The scented yellowish resin is thought to be created in response to injury, so it is tapped by making hatchet incisions in the trunk. The resin, called benzoin or gum benjamin, is used as incense, a fixative in perfumes, and is added to cosmetics to prevent fats turning rancid.
Burn benzoin in incense to sanctify an area. The scent is also used to attract business when combined with basil, peony or cinnamon. Dilute the essential oil and rub onto the body to increase your personal power. It awakens the conscious mind as well. Burn to purify, protect, for prosperity, for astral projection or to increase mental powers.
A feminine herb it can be used to honour the phases of life for women – maiden, mother and crone particularly in relation to motherhood. It can be used in spells for luck, love and family.
Bilberry can be used in sachets or sprinkled as powder round the home for protection. Carrying it can help improve your luck and increase material gain and prosperity. Burnt in incense it can repel negative energies.
Bistort has a range of uses. As an amulet it is carried to aid conception. Burnt in incense it can help to increase your psychic abilities. In a pouch or sachet it is added for money or to aid conception.
Use to attract customers and bring good vibrations to your business. Make a tea of the herb & wash shelves, doors & floors. Also used to summon wind or sea spirits
Boldo leaves are used for banishing in a range of ways. It can be used to keep away bad customers, negative energies, stalkers or aggressive people. Dressing candles or your business cards with Boldo to attract business.
This herb was traditionally used to break fevers. Infusions of boneset can be used to sprinkle around the home to ward off evil spirits. It can also be used for exorcism.
Borage is used to help lift the spirits even in the most difficult of times. It is also used to help you to have courage and strength of character.
Bryony is poisonous so be careful if you are using this plant. Bryony is used for image magic and also for money and protection spells. Some people use this root instead of mandrake as it is a little more easily obtainable.
Burdock is commonly used for purification, strength of character and protection. Dried, hung burdock is placed in rooms for studying, creative work and divination areas because of its tendency to strengthen one’s strongest talents.
Calamus Root is used for protection particularly from snakes and snake bites. It has also been used as an aphrodisiac and for some less noble reasons to be in control and overpower others.
Cassia is used to raise very high spiritual and passionate vibrations. Use in healing incenses and burn to stimulate clairvoyance. Add to prosperity mixtures and mix with myrrh for a good incense for general working.
Catsclaw is particularly useful for increasing your psychic abilities and also for shamanic journeying and vision quests when used in incense. It is also used for prosperity, attraction and protection.
Cedar smoke purifies the home. Use it in smudge sticks and incense. The scent is said to enhance psychic powers.
Incense including centaury is used to drive away snakes and also to reduce anger and repel other negative energies.
Carry or use in spells designed to attract a love or to maintain a relationship that already exists.
Colophony, also known as Pine Resin is believed to be strengthening and cleansing and has long been held sacred in many cultures. Pine resin has a mild citrus like, green – balsamic fragrance. Native Americans used pine in their incense mixtures and chewed it to treat throat infections. They also used the resin to heal wounds and bruises.
Copal is a white, pale yellow or yellowish-orange gum resin. When smouldered on charcoal it produces a rich, delicious, piney-lemony fragrance. Copal is North America’s equivalent of Frankincense. While it lacks some of frankincense’s bittersweet odour, it is a fine substitute. Frankincense burns down to a bitter smell whilst Copal never varies as it burns. It is native to Mexico and Central America and has been used as incense in religious and magical ceremonies for hundreds of years. It is believed to have been used by the Mayans or possible even further back in history.
Comfrey is used for protection for the traveller. Carry a sachet for your own protection and place one in your luggage to prevent it being lost or stolen. A sachet can also be placed in your car for protection. You can burn comfrey in an incense to help you to appropriately deal with unhealthy relationships.
Copal can be burnt to clear your space of negative energy or to cleanse items in the smoke. It is a lovely resin to use in incense during meditation and to increase your psychic abilities. It is often used in smudging and sweat lodge ceremonies.
Cornsilk is a very powerful addition to love spells.
Cramp bark was traditionally used to help women with menstrual cramps hence the name. It is used in magic for feminine energy and for protection.
Burning damiana can increase your psychic abilities and your ability to perform astral travel and other psychic activities. Please note this herb can have serious side effects if consumed and is particularly dangerous for diabetics. If you are in this category it is probably advisable to avoid working with this herb.
Dammar resin, also known as cat-eye resin, lifts the spirit and is said to bring light to the darkness of the soul. Dammar resin is particularly useful to combat sadness, depression and melancholy.
Dandelion is used to open up your psychic abilities. It is good for psychic awareness, dreamwork and divination. A piece of root can be used made into a pendant around your neck to help you connect with Hecate and to commune with spirit. Dandelion root is also used in wish magic. Sprinkle a circle of ground root around a candle to increase the power of your spell.
Used in spells for exorcism, love, protection and lust. The root can be used in pouches to carry or to place around your home for protection.
This herb is a powerful one for hex breaking and protection. It is also used when looking for work – place 7 pieces in a pouch and carry with you.
This herb is used to promote spirit sight. When working with crystal balls, scrying bowls or mirrors burning Dittany of Crete produces a thick smoke which is considered helpful in being able to gaze. It is also used to cleanse your space and to repel all types of negative or evil energies.
Burn for love, protection, exorcism, and sexual potency. A pinch of Dragon’s blood added to other incenses increases their potency and power.
Echinacea is often used in spells to strengthen their power, just as the herb is used to strengthen the immune system. It was used by the Native Americans not only to strengthen their spells, but as a precious offering to spirits.
Also known as Elfwort, this herb is used to attract love. Make it into a sachet. It is also carried for protection, and the herb when burned on charcoal aids in sharpening psychic powers, particularly when scrying.
Elemi produces a bright lemony, woody fragrance with a hint of fennel, frankincense and grass. Elemi is known to be clarifying and cleansing with energizing properties. It stimulates mental ability and works well for morning meditation, tai chi or yoga exercises. It creates a spirit of hopefulness and is said to relieve depression. Traditionally, people use elemi with substances that are refreshing and cleansing such as mastic, lemongrass, and sweet grass.
If worn, it wards off all attackers. When hung over windows and doorways it protects the house from evil. to protect yourself from evil and negativity, carry the berries with you. You can make flutes of the elder branches. The sound of the flute will draw spirits to you when played.
If you are wanting to make a healing poppet, stuff some leaves into it. To help heal the sick, hang a twig over the person’s bed. To help sore throats, string the leaves on some string and wear around the neck. If you want to guard yourself or others from colds, place a leaf under yours or their pillow. Carry some of the leaves for protection.
Eyebright can be used to help you to gain psychic vision. It can also be used in a wash for crystal balls, mirrors or other divination tools prior to use. Eyebright can be used in pouches or sachets to aid memory so can be useful during examinations.
This is a traditional herb for money spells. In fact, most money incenses don’t seem to work as well without it. Combined with soot, it has been used for hexing. It has also been used for protection. Often used in the bath for this purpose. It works to protect against negative influences rather than removing them.
Frankincense A small tree or shrub, with pinnate leaves, and white or pale pink flowers. It yields a natural oleo-resin gum, which is used to make a healing incense, which induces a meditative state.
Sacred to the Sun God Ra, frankincense is burned in rites of exorcism, purification and protection. It is said to accelerate spiritual growth. Use it to anoint tools, sachets or the body.
This is one of the best herbs for dispelling negative energies and is often used in exorcism mixes of incense. It is also used for consecration and protection.
Galangal is extremely useful for bringing about change and can be carried in the pocket during court proceedings to gain a positive outcome. It can be worn for protection and to increase psychic awareness. Burning galangal can break hexes and curses. It can help you to be more focussed. Galangal, when eaten in large amounts, can inhibit platelet aggregation so should be avoided by anyone on blood thinning medication.
Adding ginger to your mixes provides extra energy to them. It is also used in love spells and pouches.
The split shape of these leaves represents duality uniting in one. The Ginkgo tree is believed to be one of the oldest tree species and this fact brings the energy of endurance and longevity. It also represents hope against all the odds. The leaves of Ginkgo are used in healing spells.
You can carry ginseng to attract love. It is also used for protection and wish fulfilment. Burnt in incense ginseng repel negative energies and can be used to break hexes or curses. You can also wear ginseng as an amulet to provide inner strength.
Goat’s rue is used in healing spells and rituals and can also be carried to support well-being and good health. Can be used to banish negativity or bad habits.
There have been some reports outside the UK of toxicity in mammals so it would be advisable to keep this well away from any pets. DO NOT HANDLE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT.
Very pungent seeds of a West African plant related to cardamom, these taste like a spicy pepper. Also known as Malagueta Pepper or Guinea Grains. They were often included along with cloves and mace in spice mixes such as ‘powdor fort’ in medieval dishes.
This is a useful herb for use in wishing spells. Focus on your wish then hold some in your hands then throw a little in each direction, beginning in the North and ending with West.
Ground ivy is used for a range of purposes. It is helpful to encourage good sleep. You can also use it to assist meditation and burning it is useful for divination. Ground ivy is also used for protection and for breaking hexes or curses.
Gum Arabic See Acacia Gum
The Fairy Tree. Using incense with hawthorn berries can help you to see problems from the heart and find heart centred answers. It is used to encourage fertility. Hawthorn can also be carried to alleviated sadness or depression.
Hazel is used to make wands for healing purposes and ‘Y’ shaped pieces have been used for centuries to dowse for water or other material underground.
This pretty flower with its painted maiden face is for broken hearts and for all those disappointed in love. Fable has it that Cupid brought colour to heartsease with one of his arrows, and indeed it is a flower for the heart. The soul of the plant is concerned with love and the healing of the heart. Country people sometimes call it love in idleness or the pansy.
Heather is carried or worn for good luck particularly white heather. It is also used for healing. Heather is said to open the portals to the faerie world. Sleeping with heather in your pillow can bring dreams of coming good fortune.
Hibiscus petals can be used to attract love. They are also used for divination and to encourage dreams. You can use hibiscus to encourage growth in your spiritual work.
Hips are used in love spells in bath mixtures and incense.
Holy thistle is linked to the Mother energy and is protective. Carrying it can bring joy and vitality as well as protection. It can also be used to remove hexes from people.
The seed pods of honesty look like silver coins and these can be used for money spells or carried to encourage prosperity.
Hops are used in healing incenses. Sleep pillows often include hops to induce sleep and pleasant dreams.
Horehound is said to protect against negative spells or energy directed at you. It is also used in blessing your home. Horehound is a useful herb to add to any spell or incense or other working to increase your focus and attention to the task in hand.
To summon snakes, make a whistle of the stems and play. The plant may be used in fertility rituals, mixtures or sachets, or placed in the bedroom to achieve the same purpose.
Hyssop is a purification herb and is often used in a ritual bath before undertaking magical workings. Ritual items can be cleansed using a hyssop wash. A hyssop sprig can be tied into your besom to sweep your space of negativity.
Carry the plant or place beneath rugs to increase luck and to ensure a regular flow of money into the house or your pockets. Carry for protection and safety while travelling, and in money sachets.
Jalop Root is used to draw love and success in incense, pouches or rituals. It is also used to protect from curses. Carrying this root also helps to relieve depression and confusion.
Jasmine flowers can be added to your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams. Crystals can be cleansed and charged by placing them in a bowl of jasmine flowers or passing them through the smoke of burning jasmine.
Ladies’ Mantle (Alchemilla Vulgaris) has a Latin name stemming from ancient Magick. Alchemilla is a variation of Alchemy…its derived from the Arabic word al-kimia. The dew that was captured in the hairs of the leaves was thought to have Magickal properties, and ancient alchemists used it to assist in their search for the philosopher’s stone, with which they wished to turn base metals into gold. They called the water droplets that bead up on the foliage “celestial water”. The morning dew collected from its leaves is much prized in Magick and Alchemy.
Sprinkle lavender flowers around the floor of your home of business premises to ward off evil spirits. Place lavender in your pillow for sound and prophetic sleep.
Also known as Melissa and Bee Balm, this herb is use in spells to bring success and in healing spells. It is often used in spells to find love and friendship. Dispels melancholy.
Life everlasting flowers can be added to sachets or pouches to increase your connection to spirit. It can be added to incense mixtures for powerful connection to spirit. The flowers can also be left in open containers to promote long life and health.
Linden flowers are used in love spells either in pouches or incense. The Linden tree is considered to be a tree of immortality and this imbues the plant with the strong connection to nature and the leaves and flowers can be used in any nature spells. It is also helpful for sleep and luck.
Liquorice root was buried in tombs and caskets to help the soul pass easily into the Summerland. Chewing on a piece of the root will make you passionate. It is added to love sachets, and an ingredient in spells to ensure fidelity.
Also known as Carob Beans. Carry or wear to maintain good health and to guard against evil.
It is said that if you place the root of a lotus under the tongue and say the words “SIGN, ARGIS” toward a locked door. It will open miraculously.
Lotus seeds and pods are used as antidotes to love spells and any part of the lotus carried or worn ensures blessing by the Gods and Good Luck. There are no true Lotus oils. Use this mix to approximate the odour: Rose, White Musk, Jasmine and Ylang-Ylang, Mix until the scent is heavy, floral and warm. Use in spirituality, healing and meditation formulas.
Lovage has been used for many years for love spells, particularly bringing courage in love. In addition, it can bring to you true friends. Use lovage in bath spells for psychic cleansing. It can also be used to encourage prophetic dreams.
Make a gift to a young woman of skeins of wool or a garment of natural cloth dyed with madder, for her coming-of-age ceremony. Madder is an herb of Mars. Madder is used to dye wool, cotton, linen, silk, and leather. Different mordents will bring out different shades of crimson. Alum is used to bring out a lacquer red; chrome gives the dye a garnet colour; alum and tannic acid together create red. Tin produces orange, and iron, brown. Carrying madder can strengthen your will and confidence and increase your energy.
Mandrake is worn to attract love and repel diseases. To activate the dried root, one must display it prominently in the home for three days, after which it is soaked in water overnight. The water can then be sprinkled on entryways, windows, and people to purify them. The root is now ready for magical use. To prepare the root for exorcism rites, place the root in a vessel of water and expose it to one lunar cycle (new moon to full).
To be able to travel without being noticed, have four masses said over the root, and then carry it with you wrapped in black silk. Hung on the headboard for protection while sleeping. It is said that money placed beside a mandrake root (especially silver coins) will double.
Caution: Mandrake should not be taken internally for magical workings! The root and leaves are POISONOUS and can be fatal so this plant is best left to those who have the experience to use with extreme care. If in any doubt use an alternative.
Marigold is still widely used in ointments and other medicinal ways. There are two different plant species called marigold; tagetes which is the true marigold and calendula which is commonly called marigold. This description relates to the use of calendula. In magic you can sprinkle marigold petals on the threshold of your home to prevent evil from entering. Marigold is considered to be a link between the seen and unseen worlds and also acts as gatekeeper to keep unsavoury energies away. They are good plants to grow near your doors or as indoor plants in your work are if you are working in spiritual realms as a medium or other such work. Carry a fresh blossom to improve your good fortune particularly during things like court cases, job interviews or other important events.
Marshmallow can be used as an aphrodisiac and for fertility rites. It has also been added to incense mixtures for protection against disease, to enhance fertility and ensure the easy delivery of healthy children.
Meadowsweet was one of the three most sacred herbs of the Druids (the others being water mint, and vervain). Herb of Jupiter, meadowsweet is used in love spells. It is used to promote peace, and its scent cheers the heart. Meadowsweet should be included in the bridal bouquet, for who is ‘Bride’ but Brighid, patroness of Druids and Bards.
Use it for love, either dried in various mixtures or fresh on the altar. It brings peace to the homes and cheers the heart. To gain knowledge about a theft, gather meadowsweet at the summer solstice. Place it on water and see if it floats or sinks. If it floats it is a woman, if it sings, it is a man that is the thief.
Milk thistle seeds are used for protection in pouches or sachets and are also carried for strength. It is also a ward against depression and is a healing herb.
Druids revered the Mistletoe, especially when found growing on an Oak. Mistletoe is protective against lightning, disease misfortunes and fires. It also aids in matters of the heart.
Caution: Plant is a poison and is not to be taken internally!
Mugwort is said to protect travelers from fatigue, sunstroke, wild animals, and evil spirits. A crown of it is worn at Midsummer. In the home, it prevents elves and ‘evil things’ from entering. A tea or a pillow of it brings vivid prophetic dreams and helps one to contact the astral realm. Keeping it next to the bed helps in astral projection. Use the tea (sweetened with honey) and incense (along with sandalwood or wormwood) to help in scrying. Use it as an infusion to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls. Placing Mugwort leaves around or underneath will also help. Mugwort is carried to increase lust and fertility, prevent backache, to cure disease and madness. In the shoes it promotes strength and endurance for long walks or runs.
To banish nightmares make a pillow stuffed with mullein, or place some under your pillow. Mullein is used to bring courage and prevent one from catching cold. It is carried as protection from wild animals and to gain the love of the opposite sex. Hung over the door, carried as a sachet or placed in the window, it guards against magick and evil spirits.
Myrrh is an ancient and sacred incenses, the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory oil of Myrrh was used for embalming. Myrrh was burned to Ra at noon in Ancient Egypt and was also fumed in the temples of Isis.
Myrrh is a Goddess plant of the Moon’s sphere, sacred to Isis. Burned as an incense, myrrh purifies the area, lifts the vibrations aids contemplation and meditation and creates peace. However, it is seldom burned alone; usually in conjunction with frankincense or other resins. Myrrh increases the power of any incense to which it is added. Myrrh is also included in healing incenses and sachets, and its smoke is used to consecrate, purify and bless objects such as amulets, talismans, charms, and magical tools. It also aids meditation and contemplation.
Nettle is used for protection. It can be used to clear the aura of negative energy. If you are unwell placing nettle nearby can help you to recover more quickly. To send back a curse carry a sachet stuffed with nettle. You can also use a nettle broom to clear space of negative energy.
Putting oak leaves in the bath is considered to be cleansing and rejuvenating of body and spirit. Carry an acorn for luck.
To cure a headache, write Athena’s name on an olive leaf and press it against your forehead. Athenian brides wore crowns of olive leaves to bring fertility. It is also believed that when eaten, olives ensure the sexual potency in men and induce lust. Olive leaves bring peaceful vibrations to a room. Hang the branches over the door and on the chimney for protection from evil and lightning. Wear to bring luck.
This wonderful resin is associated with necromancy and with the Mars/Pluto/Scorpio group. It can be helpful in works of protection or when one is besieged, but it is also great for learning secrets and generally acquiring knowledge. It would be a good scent for meditation. Despite writings to the contrary, this scent is not poisonous. It comes from Kenya, where this resin’s protective qualities are used to treat snakebite and repel parasites. This resin is sometimes referred to as sweet myrrh.
Orange links with the sun and orange peel can be used in any magical working to add the element of the sun. It is useful to lift the spirits and instil joy. Peel does not smell good when burned so either replace with oil in incense or put on a burner rather than charcoal. Use in sachets to attract money.
Orris is a Moon herb and is used for divination and dreamwork. It is often added to sleep pouches/pillows. Orris is also a powerful love herb used in spells, incense and pouches.
Also known as Holy Wood, Palo Santo is a natural wood aromatic incense used for centuries by the Incas as a spiritual remedy for purifying and cleansing and to get rid of evil spirits, misfortune and calamity. Unlike conventional incense which burns completely after lighting, Palo Santo may be relit many times. It has a wonderfully calming, soothing scent, with a powerful energy. Palo Santo is becoming an endangered tree so take care when buying this as to the source from which it has been obtained.
Carry this flower to win friends and increase charisma, not passion. Brought into the home, passionflower calms and brings peace. Sprinkle it over the doorstep to keep harm from entering. Place it in power bundles and love spells to attract love. Burn it in incense to promote understanding. Under the pillow, it aids in sleep.
Because of its rich, earthy smell it is used in prosperity spells and potions. Sprinkle it on money, in purses and wallets, and around green candles. Add to sachets and baths for love and fertility operations. Traditionally, patchouli is used to attract people and to promote lust.
Pennyroyal is an herb of peace and protection when worn or carried. It is placed in the shoe when traveling to prevent weariness and to add strength. It wards off evil and aids in business negotiations. Pennyroyal will cause a quarrelling couple to quit fighting and prevents sea sickness.
Tied on the bedpost, it sharpens the brain and wits. Pennyroyal kept in a bowl brings peace to the household. It is used to bathe the body of the deceased to bring a peaceful transition to the next life.
Planted around your home peony is said to protect against storms and evil. Wearing peony can protect children against naughty fairy activity for adults it is a protective herb to wear. Flowers bring prosperity and luck used in pouches, incense or spell-work.
Once called “sorcerer’s violet”, periwinkle is used in love charms and potions. A powerful charm against evil spirits, it was also called the “flower of death,” as it was made into crowns for dead children at their burial. In Germany it was known as the “flower of immortality,” and in France it symbolised friendship.
Carry this plant to obtain grace, to attract money, and for protection from snakes, poison, wild beasts, terror, and evil spirits. Place it over the door to protect the home. Use in Love spells to increase passion. To restore lost memories, gaze at the periwinkle. One should never bring fewer than seven blossoms into the house.
Pine is a tree of peace and, being an evergreen, an herb of immortality. Its wood is used to make coffins, and its boughs are placed on graves to remind the living that life is eternal and death but a transition to a different reality. Burn the needles and buds to bring harmony and healing to the bereaved.
A protective herb. A piece of it in your pocket will protect from snakebites. Hung in the car it prevents evil spirits from entering it. When bound to the head with red wool it cures headaches, and placed beneath the feet, weariness.
Poke root is used to remove negative energy and entities and also repel your enemies. Wear poke root for protection.
The seeds of the poppy are added to food or carried in sachets to promote love. To gain the answer to a question, with blue ink, write it on a piece of white paper. Place the paper inside the seedpod and sleep with it beneath your pillow for the answer to come to you in your dreams.
Quassia is a herb used to draw and maintain love. In line with good practice remember that if you try to overcome someone else’s free will that this will likely not end up well! So be careful of your intent when using this herb to draw love.
This is an alternative old name for Orris root
It is also part of the funerary décor of the home, done to prevent the deceased from re-entering the home once it has left. Raspberries, when eaten, induce love. During pregnancy carry the leaves to help alleviate the pains of childbirth.
Red clover is said to be a favourite with the fairy folk so it is good to grow some in your garden. Use to attract money in a green pouch. For protection of your house either sprinkle around your home or make a floor wash. Red clover is also used to bless pets.
The powdered wood is strewn to the directions or offered to the fire to bring protection and consecration to any ceremony. Mix it with lavender to enhance contact with the spirit world. Mix it with frankincense for the highest spiritual “octave”.
The scents of frankincense and sandalwood have some of the highest vibrations inherent in any plant. They will resonate with aspects of ourselves or with Devic/Angelic beings of the highest order. This makes them a preferred choice for Full Moon rituals and séances. Beads made from sandalwood promote spiritual awareness.
A piece of the root worn on a string around the neck will protect from stomach ailments.
Use as a magical fumigant to protect animals and dwellings. Sulphur is also placed on the altar during protective rituals or in the home as a general ‘ward’.
Rose is used in love spells, potions and sachets. The different colour of the rose petals can be used for different purposes including red for lustful love, pink for romantic love for instance although the colours have additional uses. Rose is also used for luck spells and divination. Burning rose petals in incense adds positive energy to fire spells. Rose is also very useful in prosperity spells and pouches.
Rowan has long been considered to be a magical tree believed to ward off evil spirits. Wearing a necklace of rowan berries was said to protect against ‘black’ witchcraft. Rowan is a popular choice of wood for wands and Druid’s staffs. It is useful for increasing psychic abilities.
A powerful herb of purification. Rue water (made fresh rue juice and morning dew) is sprinkled around a ritual site, or a branch of rue is used to sprinkle salt water. Rue brings protection and clears negativity. Add it to the bath to rid yourself of all hexes and curses. It is a good addition to mixtures and incenses used for exorcisms. The Romans ate it as a protection from evil, and carried to be safe from poisons, werewolves, and general evil.
Rue is also a healing herb; on the forehead it relieves headaches. Worn around the neck it aids in recuperation and prevents future complaints. Sniffing fresh rue will clear the head, in matters of love, and improve mental abilities. An interesting note: toads do not like rue, so they will stay out of your garden (or that area of it) if rue is planted.
CAUTION Rue can cause skin irritation and is toxic so do not consume and take care with handling this herb.
Saffron is the most expensive herb more expensive than gold. Note of caution too it does stain so be careful. Saffron has been used for wealth and love spells. It is also used in a wash to consecrate altar tools.
Sage is the pale green leaves of an evergreen shrub. Its strong, fresh flavour makes it a popular culinary herb, but it has always been well known for its medicinal properties.
Tradition holds that those who eat sage become immortal both in wisdom and in years. Sage is used in wish manifestation, by writing the wish on the leaf and hide it under your pillow for three nights, if you dream of your wish it will come to pass, if not then bury the leaf; and to attract money.
Sage absorbs negativity and misfortune. It drives away disturbances and tensions, and lifts the spirits above the mundane cares of life. Burn to consecrate a ritual space. Carry it as an herb of protection (usually in a small horn). Use it in the ritual bath and chalice.
A few interesting gardening tips about sage are: 1) It is bad luck to plant sage in your own garden, have someone else do it for you. 2) Always plant some other plant in with the sage. A full bed of sage without something else growing in with it will also bring bad luck. 3) Sage draws toads to the garden.
Used for cleansing crystals, purification, consecration, grounding, protection magick and rituals. Also ideal for making your own bath salts and ritual salts and for use in cooking.
Saltpeter is potassium nitrate. Used as a burning agent for incense, herbs etc. To add potency to all incense just add a pinch to them, also use on candles (remember just a tiny pinch), it will add extra power to all spells and rituals.
This resin of a North African tree has a fresh, clean smell together with the typically resinous scent of plant gum. It got its name from the Assyrian words for “as bright as the moon,” which actually refers to a mineral that it resembles. Aristotle thought it came from bees. Its yellow tears are especially aromatic when heated. It is often used as a fixative in woody, pine, or oriental perfumes.
Sarsparillo root is used for love, health and money magic. It can be used in sachets or incense. Mix with other money herbs and sprinkle around your home for prosperity. It is also used for legal matters and luck.
This was traditionally used as incense to prevent cattle from getting disease or worms. Place it in sickrooms to aid recuperation.
Also known as Scullcap, Greater Scullcap, Hamlet Flower, Hoodwort and Madweed.
Skullcap is an herb of peace and relaxation. It is added to the chalice to strengthen vows. It is given to one’s spouse to wear as protection from the charms of the opposite sex. Skullcap is also used in spells of relaxation and peace. A woman who wears Skullcap protects her husband against the charms of other women.
Also known as, Blackthorn, Mother of the Wood, Wishing Thorn. An all purpose magical wand, or “wishing rod” may be made out of this wood. Dowsers often use sloe for their rods also. When hung at the door or carried, it will banish all types of evil and misfortune, demons and negative vibrations.
As may be guessed from the name this herb is used to make natural soap. This make it ideal for magical cleansing and washes for body or ceremonial robes. There are no other specific magical attributes.
This is a powerful herb for warding off evil and it is very protective. It is also used to attract money. Solomon’s seal is said to instil wisdom in line with the Biblical king’s attributes.
Burn as incense to prevent any type of trouble and to drive snakes away. Use in love spells by either carrying or placing in the bedroom. Beneath the bed it is said to cause lust.
Also known as Gypsyweed, Physic Root and Veronica. Although the flowers are easily ignored when larger and showier plants are nearby, the small pale blue, lavender, and white blooms of speedwell are a common summer sight in woods. Herbalists once employed speedwell in the treatment of a wide variety of ills. In modem herbal medicine, speedwell tea, brewed from the dried flowering plant, sometimes serves as a cough remedy or as a lotion for irritated or infected skin. The somewhat bitter and astringent taste and tea like smell of speedwell led to its use as a tea substitute in 19th-century France, where it was called the d’Europe, or “Europe tea.” The French still use this term as a name for speedwell.
Spikenard root has been used to create a very expensive oil that is linked with spiritual healing, spiritual growth and holy devotion. It was said to be used by Mary Magdalene to anoint the feet of Jesus. It is very active in encouraging dreaming, lucid dreaming and improved dream recall. It is used in love spells and to encourage closeness and commitment in marriage.
The Welsh called this plant the “leaf of the blessed”. It was understood to be an ideal combination of water and fire, the ultimate healing essence. Fire symbolised the fruitful light-filled forces of summer, and water the gathering and setting forces of the dark season. Midsummer is the time of balance between these forces of light and dark. In Brittany the plant is ritually gathered by people wearing loose, flowing robes. One must pray and ask permission before plucking it with the left hand. The earth around the plant is first loosened with a knife, and the whole plant is pulled out at once. Great care is taken to ensure that the roots are intact and undisturbed. The picking of this herb symbolises the dismemberment of the God, the Summer Lord. It is a solemn sacrifice.
After drying or tincturing the plant is administered to the sick. When you give this plant to one who is sick, you are re-membering the God: putting back together the pieces of his body that have been scattered. If St. John’s Wort is gathered on Midsummer or on a Friday, and then worn, it will cure melancholy and mental illness. It is also worn to prevent fevers and colds. Soldiers have worn it to become invincible and to attract love. Use it for protection from thunderbolts and fire by placing it in a glass jar near the window. Burn it to exorcise demons, ghosts, and spirits.
Sunflower is linked to fertility. To help conception eat sunflower seeds and take a ritual bath with sunflower petals sprinkled on the water. Wearing a crown or necklace of dried sunflowers at Litha is for the same purpose. Sunflowers are linked to loyalty and lifelong relationships. Adding sunflower petals to a success candle for extra power. It is also used in success and happiness spells or incenses.
Tansy is used in a smudging mix for children for protection and cleansing. It is used to ward off evil particularly when hung over a stable to protect the animals. Carry tansy for protection on journeys. Tansy is believed to support health and long life.
Tonka beans are used in incense for love spells and magic. It is also believed to bring courage when carried. Placing Tonka beans in a sachet or pouch and carried attract love or money.
Carry tormentil to attract love. Hang the plant in your home to provide protection from evil spirits.
Used to bring the ethereal into the depths of your dreams or your subconscious. Burn during binding spells and in spells to aid the transformation of the subconscious.
Also known as Bearberry and Bear’s Grape. A herb traditionally used by Native Americans to increase visions. Add it to sachets for this purpose.
Valerian is added to the chalice as an herb of peace. It is used to aspurge the ritual space and in incense for purification. Even though this is a rather foul smelling herb it is hung in the home as protection from lightning and the Greeks used sprigs of it at windows to keep evil out.
Being a herb of peace, place some in the vicinity of a quarrelling couple. Add it to love sachets and it is said if a woman wears a sprig of it, it will cause men to “follow her like children.” It will also help insomnia by placing it in the pillow.
It is sprinkled throughout the home or ritual area and burned as incense as a protection and to bring peace. Keep some in the bedroom to bring tranquil dreams. Keep it in the home to attract wealth and to keep plants healthy. Sprinkle some on the garden as an offering to the elementals and other nature spirits.
Drinking the juice of fresh vervain is said to cut sexual desire. Ancient instructions instruct that to remain chaste for seven years, rise before the sun on the first day of the New Moon and gather the vervain until the sun rises. Then press out its juice and drink. Burn it to banish the pangs of unrequited love. Vervain is worn to recover stolen articles. Tucked into a child’s cradle, the plant brings joy and a lively intellect.
Carry violet for luck. You can also add it to your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams. Violet can be used for incense, spells and other workings for luck, protection, wishes, peace and healing.
Walnut wood has been used by Native Americans to make talking sticks and flutes. As talking sticks walnut is considered to gather the energy for new projects. Keep a bowl of walnuts at all times on your table replacing them as they are eaten to put energy into your home that will encourage new opportunities and abundance. Leaf is used in wish spells.
The old phrase “knock on wood” comes from the custom of knocking on the wood of the willow to avert evil. All parts of the tree may be used as a protectant against evil. The wood is also used for wands that are dedicated to Moon magick. The besom is traditionally bound with willow branches. The leaves and bark are used in spells designed for love, healing and necromancy. Carry the leaves or add to love mixtures to attract love.
Mix crushed willow bark and sandalwood and burn under the waning Moon for necromancy rites. It is said that to know whether you will be married within the new year, the willow tree can tell you. On New Year’s Eve throw your shoe into the tree (you have nine throws total). If it gets caught on any of those nine throws then you will be married within the next twelve months.
Wintergreen is a healing and protective herb. Mixed with mint and sprinkled around the home it breaks hexes and curses. To protect children, place some in their pillows. It will also bring them good fortune all their lives. Add to healing spells and use on the altar to bring forth good spirits to aid in your operations.
This herb can be an important ingredient in all types of uncrossing rituals. Use the infusion to dispel negative entities or depression. The plant itself may be carried or sprinkled under the bed to draw new lovers.
Witch hazel is used for spells to mend a broken heart. It is also useful for healing, love, divination and protection.
Use for banishing and removing negative energy.
Woodruff attracts wealth and brings victory to athletes and warriors. When carried in a leather pouch it protects from all harm. In ancient times, rose petals, lavender, box, and woodruff were strewn on the floors and made into decoration on holy days.
Wormwood is a very strongly protective plant. It clears the psychic channels and is used in smudging in preparation for astral travel and channelling. Wormwood is also used in love magic.
Yarrow is used for divination. In ancient time the original I Ching was cast using dried yarrow stalks. It can be worn or placed around the home for protection. Yarrow also is a useful addition to any other mixes to boost the efficacy.
Yerba santa is also call the ‘Holy Herb’. You can use this to increase you psychic powers or for protection. It is also use in healing incenses and spells. Yerba santa is also used for blessings.
Zedoary root is also known as white turmeric. You can use it in incense, spells and magical workings to bring courage and for purification and healing.