Acknowledgement of Use
“The majority of images on this site are taken by me (christina May) and are copyright. Additional photos and images are from free to use sources or are images for which I have permission to use them. If I have inadvertently used your picture without permission please let me know and I will either accredit the picture or remove it whichever you require.”
“The content of this site is largely drawn from my own experience and knowledge. I also give thanks, however, to other sources used in the compilation of the site. I have utilised the complete works of Melody, Judy Hall and Naisha Ahsian in respect of crystals and Scott Cunningham. Ann Moura and Silver Raven in respect all things magic”
Acknowledgement of Use
“The majority of images on this site are taken by me (christina May) and are copyright. Additional photos and images are from free to use sources or are images for which I have permission to use them. If I have inadvertently used your picture without permission please let me know and I will either accredit the picture or remove it whichever you require.”
“The content of this site is largely drawn from my own experience and knowledge. I also give thanks, however, to other sources used in the compilation of the site. I have utilised the complete works of Melody, Judy Hall and Naisha Ahsian in respect of crystals and Scott Cunningham. Ann Moura and Silver Raven in respect all things magic”