Divination (2)
Oracle cards have become very popular in recent years and come in packs of generally around 44 cards. The particular topics of the cards vary enormously and include Angel cards, animal cards, crystal cards, fairy cards and shamanic cards to name but a few of the types available. The vast choice of cards means that there will be sure to be something that you feel drawn to. The method of reading these cards is less formal than traditional Tarot and in each deck there is a booklet advising how the creator of the cards intends them to be used. You can, for instance, pick just one card as a message for the day or a three card past, present and future spread to answer a particular question. This type of card can be easier for beginners to learn with and they can be used in whatever way you feel works best for you. As with Tarot cards, oracle cards are tools to tap into the energy to obtain the answers that are being sought.
Dowsing is a very ancient form of divination and can be carried out with either a pendulum or dowsing rods. Dowsing rod have been used for a very long time particularly for looking for water sources underground. Traditional dowsing rods are made from a ‘Y’ shaped branch of hazel and these can still be made today. Metal dowsing rods are now often used and are ‘L’ shaped metal rods with spheres on to protect each end and a tube of plastic as a handle within which the rods rotate. To use dowsing rods either hold each branch of the hazel or the two rods parallel in front of you and slowly move forward. When the water (or whatever you are looking for) is under the rods the hazel will dip down and the rods will cross. You can make your own dowsing rods quite easily using wire coat hangers.
Dowsing pendulums are very popular and also come in a wide variety of materials; many different types of crystals and minerals, wood, and metals. The shapes also vary. Probably the most common shape is a simple point which can be rounded or facetted. Other shapes include merkabas, Egyptian style and ones with sections containing chakra crystals.

There are also pendulums that open to allow a crystal to be placed inside. These pendulums can also be used to place something inside to help when using the pendulum to find something. In olden times mothers to be dowsed their bump to determine the gender of their babies using a hair from their head and their wedding rings. Whatever the materials used for the dowsing pendulum they will all meet the criteria that the object on the end is heavier than the string/chain etc. from which it is attached. The shapes of the pendulum will also determine the use to which it will be put. Metal pendulums with very long thin points are popular to use when dowsing from maps as it is easy to identify precise places indicated. For healing purposes crystal/mineral pendulums are often preferred with clear quartz being considered to be a master crystal that can be used for any purpose. Choosing a pendulum is a very individual matter and each person will need to try different ones to find which they prefer. Some are heavier than others for instance and that can influence preferences. Dowsing pendulums can be used indoors or outdoors although they may not be the most practical to use outside particularly if it is windy.
Dowsing pendulums are commonly used to ask questions and a note of caution is that if you have a vested interest in the answer to the question it is best to ask something else to dowse for the answer as you will influence the answers you get (either you get the answer you desperately want or the opposite if that is what you fear).
There are several methods of using a reflective surface in which to see the information that is being sought. All of these essentially are used in a similar method something like the way in which you see the 3d pictures – a softening of the vision rather looking through than at the divination tool.
Crystal balls are perhaps the most well known of these methods. Most ‘crystal’ balls are made from glass and if the ball is totally clear it is most likely to be made from glass. Natural Quartz has inclusions and imperfections and some people prefer to work with these as they find the inclusions helpful. A perfectly clear quartz sphere, particularly of the large size normally used for divination is very expensive and whilst lovely to own the much cheaper alternatives will be equally useful. Often these are held on black silk and used in low light to remove as much of the reflection as possible. Looking or gazing into the ball often leads to the ball seeming to cloud before clearing to show the information.
Scrying mirrors are either glass painted black on the back to create a mirror or made from polished black obsidian. Black obsidian is protective from negativity and is chosen for divination to help to obtain accurate information without interference from negative influences.
Scrying bowls are black bowls that are filled with water creating a similar dark surface to the scrying mirror. Both mirrors and bowl use the same technique as crystal balls but are not so affected by reflections of the surroundings.
You can also use the same technique to gaze into a flame, either that of a candle or into a fire.

The ogham are an alphabet created using strokes across a vertical line and originated as an old Irish alphabet and it is written and read from the bottom up. Ogham used in divination consist of 25 sticks with the ogham symbols carved onto them. The ogham sticks are also kept in a pouch to keep them safe and together.
Reading the ogham can be done in similar ways to other forms of divination. You can pick one as a daily message, or draw 3 for a past present and future reading. In the latter reading the first drawn is the past the second the future and the third where you need to be now.

Runes are a popular method of divination and also have been created in a number of forms. The origins of runes is not entirely known but is believed to have been derived from an ancient Germanic alphabet. Runes were widely used by Nordic and Germanic peoples. However, runes do not tell the future they are concerned with the now and your inner self and so what you need to take care of at this time. They also do not completely answer your questions but rather provide you with the framework to work from and using your intuition you can determine which of the possible routes is the best one for you.
These are the symbols of the Elder Futhark and their meanings.
The runes and be engraved on wood or stone and they are placed in a bag for storage. In addition to the runes there is one blank piece put in called the wyrd one although this is not part of the traditional set and over which there is debate as to whether it should be read or even be included. Personally I view the wyrd one as the karmic rune meaning that the question being asked is currently influenced by karmic issues and you will simply have to wait to see how this plays out.
It is best to have a rune cloth onto which to cast the runes to prevent them getting dirty or broken. This can be a plain cloth or there are various ways you can divide the cloth into sections to aid your reading if you are casting runes directly. Ways to cast the runes can be similar to Tarot. As with all readings take some time to get into the right frame of mind and quiet so that you are clear and ready to read. For instance you could do a 3 card reading
Place the first rune on the right, the second in the middle and the third one to the left (so they should be in the order 3, 2, 1).
Rune 1 represents the overview, or your situation or query.
Rune 2, in the middle, represents a challenge.
Rune 3 represents a possible course of action that could be taken.
There are other spreads and way to read these runes.
In addition to the Elder Futhark runes there have been a range of different types of runes that have been developed more recently. These include witches runes, Egyptian runes, Animal Speak runes to name just a few. If the traditional runes do not appeal to you one of the other types may be just what you need.
Divination (2)
Oracle cards have become very popular in recent years and come in packs of generally around 44 cards. The particular topics of the cards vary enormously and include Angel cards, animal cards, crystal cards, fairy cards and shamanic cards to name but a few of the types available. The vast choice of cards means that there will be sure to be something that you feel drawn to. The method of reading these cards is less formal than traditional Tarot and in each deck there is a booklet advising how the creator of the cards intends them to be used. You can, for instance, pick just one card as a message for the day or a three card past, present and future spread to answer a particular question. This type of card can be easier for beginners to learn with and they can be used in whatever way you feel works best for you. As with Tarot cards, oracle cards are tools to tap into the energy to obtain the answers that are being sought.
Dowsing is a very ancient form of divination and can be carried out with either a pendulum or dowsing rods. Dowsing rod have been used for a very long time particularly for looking for water sources underground. Traditional dowsing rods are made from a ‘Y’ shaped branch of hazel and these can still be made today. Metal dowsing rods are now often used and are ‘L’ shaped metal rods with spheres on to protect each end and a tube of plastic as a handle within which the rods rotate. To use dowsing rods either hold each branch of the hazel or the two rods parallel in front of you and slowly move forward. When the water (or whatever you are looking for) is under the rods the hazel will dip down and the rods will cross. You can make your own dowsing rods quite easily using wire coat hangers.
Dowsing pendulums are very popular and also come in a wide variety of materials; many different types of crystals and minerals, wood, and metals. The shapes also vary. Probably the most common shape is a simple point which can be rounded or facetted. Other shapes include merkabas, Egyptian style and ones with sections containing chakra crystals.

There are also pendulums that open to allow a crystal to be placed inside. These pendulums can also be used to place something inside to help when using the pendulum to find something. In olden times mothers to be dowsed their bump to determine the gender of their babies using a hair from their head and their wedding rings. Whatever the materials used for the dowsing pendulum they will all meet the criteria that the object on the end is heavier than the string/chain etc. from which it is attached. The shapes of the pendulum will also determine the use to which it will be put. Metal pendulums with very long thin points are popular to use when dowsing from maps as it is easy to identify precise places indicated. For healing purposes crystal/mineral pendulums are often preferred with clear quartz being considered to be a master crystal that can be used for any purpose. Choosing a pendulum is a very individual matter and each person will need to try different ones to find which they prefer. Some are heavier than others for instance and that can influence preferences. Dowsing pendulums can be used indoors or outdoors although they may not be the most practical to use outside particularly if it is windy.
Dowsing pendulums are commonly used to ask questions and a note of caution is that if you have a vested interest in the answer to the question it is best to ask something else to dowse for the answer as you will influence the answers you get (either you get the answer you desperately want or the opposite if that is what you fear).
There are several methods of using a reflective surface in which to see the information that is being sought. All of these essentially are used in a similar method something like the way in which you see the 3d pictures – a softening of the vision rather looking through than at the divination tool.
Crystal balls are perhaps the most well known of these methods. Most ‘crystal’ balls are made from glass and if the ball is totally clear it is most likely to be made from glass. Natural Quartz has inclusions and imperfections and some people prefer to work with these as they find the inclusions helpful. A perfectly clear quartz sphere, particularly of the large size normally used for divination is very expensive and whilst lovely to own the much cheaper alternatives will be equally useful. Often these are held on black silk and used in low light to remove as much of the reflection as possible. Looking or gazing into the ball often leads to the ball seeming to cloud before clearing to show the information.
Scrying mirrors are either glass painted black on the back to create a mirror or made from polished black obsidian. Black obsidian is protective from negativity and is chosen for divination to help to obtain accurate information without interference from negative influences.
Scrying bowls are black bowls that are filled with water creating a similar dark surface to the scrying mirror. Both mirrors and bowl use the same technique as crystal balls but are not so affected by reflections of the surroundings.
You can also use the same technique to gaze into a flame, either that of a candle or into a fire.

The ogham are an alphabet created using strokes across a vertical line and originated as an old Irish alphabet and it is written and read from the bottom up. Ogham used in divination consist of 25 sticks with the ogham symbols carved onto them. The ogham sticks are also kept in a pouch to keep them safe and together.
Reading the ogham can be done in similar ways to other forms of divination. You can pick one as a daily message, or draw 3 for a past present and future reading. In the latter reading the first drawn is the past the second the future and the third where you need to be now.
Runes are a popular method of divination and also have been created in a number of forms. The origins of runes is not entirely known but is believed to have been derived from an ancient Germanic alphabet. Runes were widely used by Nordic and Germanic peoples. However, runes do not tell the future they are concerned with the now and your inner self and so what you need to take care of at this time. They also do not completely answer your questions but rather provide you with the framework to work from and using your intuition you can determine which of the possible routes is the best one for you.
These are the symbols of the Elder Futhark and their meanings.
The runes and be engraved on wood or stone and they are placed in a bag for storage. In addition to the runes there is one blank piece put in called the wyrd one although this is not part of the traditional set and over which there is debate as to whether it should be read or even be included. Personally I view the wyrd one as the karmic rune meaning that the question being asked is currently influenced by karmic issues and you will simply have to wait to see how this plays out.
It is best to have a rune cloth onto which to cast the runes to prevent them getting dirty or broken. This can be a plain cloth or there are various ways you can divide the cloth into sections to aid your reading if you are casting runes directly. Ways to cast the runes can be similar to Tarot. As with all readings take some time to get into the right frame of mind and quiet so that you are clear and ready to read. For instance you could do a 3 card reading
Place the first rune on the right, the second in the middle and the third one to the left (so they should be in the order 3, 2, 1).
Rune 1 represents the overview, or your situation or query.
Rune 2, in the middle, represents a challenge.
Rune 3 represents a possible course of action that could be taken.
There are other spreads and way to read these runes.
In addition to the Elder Futhark runes there have been a range of different types of runes that have been developed more recently. These include witches runes, Egyptian runes, Animal Speak runes to name just a few. If the traditional runes do not appeal to you one of the other types may be just what you need.