Crystal Meanings

Crystals A – I

This section gives you a brief outline of the energies of each of the crystals listed together with an image of that particular mineral.  They are grouped under the main mineral and then the different varieties.


Actinolite in Quartz

Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat(Green) Root (Black)
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Actinolite forms in a range of colours  – white, gray, brown, black, light to dark green and yellowish green. The form in quartz is a rare form particularly in the higher grades.  It is an excellent stone to carry as protection against unwanted negative energies. Actinolite in quartz in helpful when you feel that you have lost your way and need to be redirected.

Spiritual  Actinolite is sometimes called the ‘dream’ stone that helps you to recall dreams and particularly to connect with ancient wisdom in dreamtime.  It also helps you to connect more fully to the universal energies.

Emotional  Actinolite is beneficial for easing anxiety.  A powerful stone at the heart chakra to protect against negativity.  It allows for deep held issues to be brought to the surface for attention and release so that you can move forward with an open, clear heart.

Physical  Actinolite can help to stimulate white blood cells and supports the immune system.  It also brings balance and harmony to the adrenal glands.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth, Fire
Chemical composition NaFe3+(Si2O6)
Mohs’ hardness scale  6

Aegirine is an excellent stone for removing negative energies in whatever form and bringing in positive energy flow.  It can help you recognise that the light has nothing to fear from the dark. It also helps you to live in the best way to be true to yourself, your morals and beliefs.

Spiritual  Aegirine can be beneficial to lift your energies from depression or negative thinking to more positive ones. It can help to release inner insecurities and provide greater spiritual balance.  Aegirine can also help protect from psychic attack from others.

Emotional  In a similar way to the spiritual benefits aegirine also works to relieve negative emotional patterns and feelings such as shame and to relieve anxiety.

Physical  Aegirine works to energise the physical body and is beneficial for those recovering from illness or injury and can increase stamina.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Agate is a form of chalcedony which usually forms with coloured bands.  There a range of colours of agate but geodes and slices are commonly dyed into brighter colours such as purple, pink and blue.  It is useful in balancing the yin/yang energies and stabilising the aura and releasing negativity.  The individual types of agate have the basic properties of chalcedony together with the following additional properties.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Throat, heart, third-eye and crown
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

This is a very gentle stone particularly suiting those with this colour in their auras.    When working on the throat and head allows for ease of calm and effective communication and is particularly helpful for those who have difficulty in getting their voice to be heard.  Anyone who uses their voice in their work may find this a beneficial stone to help protect their voice from damage or throat conditions.

Spiritual   The communication aspect of this stone extends to the communication with the spirit world and blue lace agate is a good stone to use in meditation.  It is one of the stones helpful in connecting with the angelic realm.

Emotional It is a cooling stone assisting feelings of peace and calmness. An additional use is for removing blockages in the nervous system.  As a stone of balance, it can help both those with difficulties in communication and also to calm those who are overly chatty.

Physical       It is useful in treating conditions such as arthritis and broken bones. As a throat chakra stone it is beneficial in respect of throat conditions and conditions of the thymus.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition SiO2pseudomorph
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

Balances the yin-yang energy and the physical emotional and intellectual bodies.  Stabilises the aura. Stimulates the analytical abilities and precision.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number Mexican lace Agate 7 / Crazy lace Agate 11
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 to 7

As with all agates this is a good general healing multipurpose stone.

Spiritual  Crazy Lace can be used to help you see the choices of path that are available and give you insight as to the way forward.

Emotional  Crazy Lace can help you find your ability to laugh again.

Physical  Crazy Lace can be used to help restore physical energy when you are out of balance and feeling low.  It has been used to support the heart and revitalise other internal organs.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini and Virgo
Vibrational number 3 and 4 Vibrational
Chakra(s) Earth star and sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Encourages gentleness and taking time to enjoy each moment.  Helps in the connection with the plant world and in healing the Earth.  It is a stone that provides abundance in your life in general and can be used for abundance in business and earth-based activities.  In healing it is used both for skeletal and nervous system diseases.

Improves ego and self-esteem together with an awareness of your true power.  Provides emotional balance and strengthens positive personality traits including stamina.  Calming and relaxing it is an excellent stone to use for meditation.

Spiritual    This agate allows you to connect to your etheric pattern and the true self.  In this way it can aid you in finding your destined path in life.

Emotional   It is a helpful stone when working on letting go of negative emotions and understanding the basis for such feelings together with the best ways to move forward.  The formation links to the patterns that we create in our lives and can help see how to change and forgive those in yourself and understand others to create a truthful environment.

Physical   As this stone works with the release of negative emotions it can be helpful to deal with stress related physical conditions including back pain that can be caused by struggling to deal with difficult situations.  Stress is often held in the solar plexus and sacral chakras and so the organs in these areas can be treated with this stone.

- DULCOTE / POTATO STONE From the Mendips, UK

Astrological sign(s) Taurus
Vibrational number Dulcote Agate 9      Potato Stone 6
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

These nodules are sometimes lined with bright sharp lustrous crystals of Quartz, Calcite, Galena, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Goethite, Lepidochrocite, Celestite, Amethyst, Citrine and a few more. Generally they have red agate or jasper filling most of the stone with patches of calcite or small areas of quartz.

Dulcote Agate can be helpful in breaking habits or other cyclical issues.

Spiritual    Dulcote Agate breaks up stagnant energy and replaces it with refreshed and renewed energy.

Emotional   Dulcote Agate is a balancing stone that can help to steady the emotions.

Physical Dulcote Agate is helpful for supporting those with addictions.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Root, sacral and solar plexus
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 – 7

Enables the letting go of those things which no longer serve whilst also illuminating reasons for your reluctance to do so.  In so doing it helps you become the best you can be.

Spiritual  This stone can aid the release of hidden creativity just as the fire within the agate shines through.

Emotional  Working with fire agate can help you to find your true passion in life connecting with your inner knowledge.  It can also support you in finding the courage to make the necessary changes to move towards your life passion.

Physical  The fire within this stone can also work on the physical level to increase your physical vitality.  It is also beneficial for conditions relating to the bowels and digestive system and also the female reproductive organs.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number Grape agate 9 Botryoidal purple chalcedony 7
Chakra(s) Crown, third eye
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 to 7

Also known as purple chalcedony, purple grape chalcedony or botryoidal purple chalcedony.  Grape agate is a trade name and the correct name is botryoidal purple chalcedony.  This stone vibrates on the Violet Ray/Flame. A good stone to meditate with inducing deep levels of meditation in a short period of time.

Spiritual  This stone is very good for clearing the third eye both to open to psychic awareness and to enhance it further also for psychic protection.  It helps you to work in connection with spirit whilst protecting you from any negative influences around during your psychic work.

Emotional  This stone helps you to feel emotionally protected during spiritual work and is particularly useful for children who are beginning to open to spirit and need to feel more protected.

Physical  It is suggested that this stone can be helpful in relieving anxiety and depression and may also be beneficial for those with other brain issues such as dementia.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Balances the yin-yang energy, the physical emotional and intellectual bodies.  Stabilises the aura. Stimulates analytical abilities and precision.  The stone is soothing and helps release jealousy.  It can also help release stored energy to deal with fatigue.  The action is slow but deep and effective

Spiritual  This agate can draw down the celestial energies through the crown chakra to help harmonise the physical body.

Emotional  This stone can aid you in finding the inner source of your anger or frustration bringing this to the surface for attention.

Physical  This agate is beneficial in times of exhaustion to go within to find your hidden resources.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Third eye and brow
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Enables clear thinking so that you can make unbiased decisions.  An excellent stone for increasing your connection with the world of spirit and improving your communication skills.  Useful for working with conditions affecting the throat and heart.

Spiritual Holly Blue Agate has a higher vibrational frequency than other agates and as such is useful to activate the physic centres in the brain.  This means that it can increase your clairvoyance and other psychic senses.

Emotional    As a light blue stone this is one that can instil calmness and a sense of all being well.  It is, therefore, beneficial for anyone in situations that require patience and tolerance and enables clearer judgement.

Physical  This stone is useful in the higher chakras and so can be used for headaches and over thinking that causes anxiety. Used at the throat it can help you to verbalise your emotions.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 44
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Iris agate is quite hard to come by.  It demonstrates the iridescent colour, which also leads to its alternative name of rainbow agate, only when thinly sliced and placed in the light.  This is a high frequency stone.

Spiritual  This agate can enable you to see your inner truths particularly when using it in meditation.  It is a guiding stone that can also enable you to see visions.  Guides you to trust your true path.

Emotional  Promotes honesty with yourself and others.  It is a joyful stone bringing you happiness.

Physical  This stone is primarily a spiritual/emotional one .


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Encourages agreeability, persuasiveness and strength in all endeavours.  Improves self-esteem and ego.  Helps you to see the beauty in all you behold.  It is useful when working with any type of agriculture.  It is a very grounding stone.

Spiritual As a grounding stone this agate encourages connection with the Earth and increases awareness of the living being upon which we live.  This creates an excellent base to open to greater spiritual awareness.  It also allows connection to higher knowledge to help you to realign to your etheric template.

Emotional   Moss agate can be used to help balance and create more stable moods.  As it is calming and centering it is useful in providing support to progress in life dealing with issues as they crop up more effectively.

Physical  Moss agate is a balancing stone and on the physical level can aid bringing all to the bodies systems back into homeostatis.  When the body is well aligned it becomes easier to move forward in life with a clearer focus.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 33
Chakra(s) Root
Element Water
Chemical composition Mn2+S
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

This is a relatively new stone to the healing arena and as such has limited information regarding its use.  It is said to be beneficial for balance physically (potentially linked to inner ear issues), emotionally and spiritually. It is also said to be beneficial in reducing chaos and also to promote effective communication particularly within families.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Heart and crown
Element Wind and water
Chemical composition BeAl2034
Mohs’ hardness scale  8.5

This stone is a form of chrysoberyl and changes colour in different lights; green in sunlight and red-violet in artificial light.  Alexandrite is often man made so exercise caution when purchasing.  It is fairly expensive so price can be a good indicator as to whether it is a natural crystal or not.

Spiritual You can use this crystal to identify the start of your personal development and understand what you have already achieved and what more you need to do.  Alexandrite can also be used to help connect with the Akashic records.  It is a heart stone that opens you to higher wisdom through the heart.

Emotional  Alexandrite can help to strengthen self-esteem.  It is a rebirth crystal enabling you to expedite change in both inner and outer self.  It is also a stone of joy and can help you to learn how to accept/receive love from others.

Physical   This stone fundamentally works on the spiritual levels but physically works on the pineal and pituitary glands.  It can be helpful to support healing.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Heart and throat
Element Water
Chemical composition KAlSi3O8
Mohs’ hardness scale  6 – 6.5

Amazonite is a soothing stone that is particularly helpful at the heart and throat.  It can help you if you have lost sight of your personal truth or if you are not sure what your true place in the world should be. It is a stone of truth.  It also aligns the physical and etheric bodies. It can be used in manifestation and retaining pure universal love.

Spiritual  Amazonite is a stone of truth for self and others.  It is also a good stone to use when wishing to connect with higher truths and knowledge.

Emotional  Amazonite is an excellent stone for those who have difficulties in setting appropriate boundaries.  It is also useful to work with to help you determine your personal beliefs.  Amazonite can be used to help let go of worries and soothes the nerves.  It is a good stone to carry for general wellbeing and values.

Physical  Amazonite has been used to assist healing and cell regeneration and to balance adrenals and thyroid.  It is a useful stone to carry for general health.  It can be used to remove blocks in the nervous system and also for energy blocks.

GRAPHIC    This a combination of amazonite and smokey quartz.  Thus it adds grounding to the attributes of amazonite.



Astrological sign(s) Leo and Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third eye and brow
Element Earth
Chemical composition C, H, O (in variable proportions)
Mohs’ hardness scale  2 – 2.5

Amber is not strictly a stone but fossilised resin from ancient pine trees.  This is the reason that some amber has been found with insects and other things trapped inside.  Be cautious in purchasing amber with insects unless you can absolutely sure that it is genuine.  Amber can be melted and reformed with an insect etc. put in it.  This is often done in order to gain the higher prices that insect included pieces can command.  Some tumble stones and jewellery also have reformed amber.  Also beware of fake amber (ie plastic).  Genuine amber is usually in the colour range of a creamy colour through golden tones to a darker yellow-brown.  Rarer colours are green, red, black and blue.  Fake amber is unfortunately common and is usually made from plastic.  If you can test an item without damage being visible piercing it slightly with a very hot needle will enable you to tell the difference.  Clearly only test items that you own in this way!  Amber has a lovely sweet resinous aroma and plastic smells quite unpleasant!

Amber allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy.  It emits a bright and soothing energy to help calm nerves and enliven the disposition.  It is a useful stone for learning manifestation of your needs

Spiritual  Amber holds the energy of the sun and holding the solar light.  The different coloured ambers can be used at the relevant chakra to clear blockages in the energy centres. Amber aligns the various levels of the auric field to the physical being.

Emotional   Carrying the brightness of the sun this is a good stone for use in lifting depression.  The yellow form links to the solar plexus and the darker, more orange form to the sacral chakra and can help to release incoming emotions that are causing unhappiness or depression increasing a good sense of self.

Physical  Amber is beneficial in increasing physical energy and improving the function of the digestive system and any other sluggish bodily systems.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius,
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown, etheric
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Amethyst is mainly found in shades of purple from very pale to intensely deep colours.  There are some other colours that are less common such as pink.  The colour comes from trace amounts of iron and aluminium in different proportions together with  irradiation (either natural or artificially applied). It is a good stone to use in meditation and beds can be used to sit smaller crystals on to cleanse them.  A key stone to use to spiritual work.

Amethyst is one of the most commonly used crystals for meditation as it relates to the crown and third eye chakras which facilitates opening for psychic or intuitive work.  It has a peaceful energy which is also considered to be protective whilst undertaking psychic work.

Spiritual  Amethyst can help speed up development of your psychic abilities as it opens and clears the third eye and crown chakras.  It is useful to protect against psychic attack.

Emotional Amethyst is a cooling stone and useful in helping you to align your spiritual purpose with your earthly incarnation.  This can be particular useful for Star People who feel that they want to ‘go home’

Physical Historically this stone has been used to encourage sobriety.  As such this can be extended to help with addictive personality and addictive habits.  It can also be used to relieve headaches and conditions of the ears.

All formations of amethyst have the same basic properties but the individual types have additional properties as follows.

- CHEVRON (Dream)

Astrological sign(s) All
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Third eye and Crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

This variety of amethyst is recognised by the white chevron shapes throughout.  Chevron amethyst placed on a chakra releases the tension in that chakra.  Excellent stone for journeying and inner self work.  Allows you to gain knowledge in the area of spiritual healing.

Spiritual Chevron amethyst can be used to gain knowledge in spiritual healing.  It can also be used to determine the nature and condition of the auric field and the necessary action to take to cleanse the aura.  Chevron amethyst is often used in journeying and other inner work.

Emotional  Chevron amethyst can help promote a more positive outlook on life that shows there can be good outcomes to all issues.

Physical   It has been used for conditions of the liver, lungs, intestines and pancreas.  Also it can be placed on the eyes to assist with conditions of the eye


Astrological sign(s) Virgo and Libra
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Heart, Crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

This formation is a plate with flat ruffle like surface that is a little like the shape of a flattened chrysanthemum ball.  It is “a stone of love, healing and blessings” that connects the heart and crown chakras.  Helps you remember your reason for being in physical form at this time.  A stone for the Indigo Children.  Placed in the environment it can help with discouragement and despair, bringing peace and relaxation.  It is a stone for the Indigo Children.

Spiritual  Amethyst flowers can help you recognise why you have incarnated in human form at this time.

Emotional Amethyst flowers are helpful in dispelling feelings of discomfort and disorder replacing this with a feeling of peacefulness.

Physical It can be used to deal with stress and anxiety.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo and Libra
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Third eye, Crown, Heart
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Vera Cruz amethyst are generally relatively small crystals and are a much paler range than other forms of amethyst.  The colours range through the shades of purple but all pale shades and often the strongest colour is nearer the termination.  This form of amethyst is also a higher frequency than most other forms. It is said to provide an immediate Beta state and stimulates the throat chakra and has a calming effect.  Stroking it brings energy emission.  Place on the arm for tranquillity.

Spiritual  Vera Cruz amethyst is particularly good for helping people meditate who tend to have difficulty achieving the correct state.

Emotional  It is a very calming stone that can help you reach the state where you can connect with your higher knowledge.

Physical  It can be used on the third eye to activate the pineal gland and helping to balance the left and right sides of the brain.


This stone has similar properties to purple chevron amethyst but with additional properties.  This is a softer energy that supports emotional wellbeing and also helps you to recognise your true self.  It is likely that this is a heat treated stone although no confirming information is available at present.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Earth star, root
Element Earth
Chemical composition Fe2O3 (may be amended at a later date)
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5 – 6  (may be amended at a later

Ancestralite is a one of the oldest known stones and is a pseudomorph of Martite which is a type of hematite formed under increased oxygen activity.  It is a relatively new crystal, however, to the metaphysical arena.  As an ancient stone formed in the depths of the Earth the energy of this stone is helpful in dealing with past life, karmic and ancestral issues.  It clears the old energy of things we have not deal with from the physical bringing it to the emotional level for you to deal with and finally release them.

Spiritual  Ancestralite is a grounding stone.  It is also useful to help connect with the Akashic records.

Emotional Ancestralite is beneficial when working with karmic issues and releasing karmic ties.

Physical  Ancestralite is helpful in conditions relating to the blood.  It is also helpful in relieving stress.

ANGELITE (Blue anhydrite)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaSO4
Mohs’ hardness scale  3.5

An excellent balancer that aligns the physical body with the etheric template.  It can be used to create a protective shield wherever it is placed.

Spiritual  It is good for use when working with the angelic realm and is a mineral that both sends and receives information making communication more effective.  Angelite can be used at the throat to balance and repair the throat chakra.

Emotional   It raises the state of conscious awareness to promote clear and orderly communication.  It dispels anger.

Physical Angelite works with the bones and can assist with such issues as osteoporosis and also with general mobility.

ANYOLITE – See Ruby in zoisite

Ruby in zoisite – Anyolite


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Base, Sacral
Element Earth, fire
Chemical composition 70 – 75% SiO2 + MgO, Fe3O4
Mohs’ hardness scale  5 – 5.5

Apache tears are a form of obsidian.  The name comes from the Apache lore about the time in the 1870s in which the military carried out a surprise attack against the tribe on lands where the Apache tears were found and these are said to be the tears of the women.  It is said that carrying an Apache tear means you never need to cry again as the Apache women have cried the tears for you.  Thus it can be used as comfort in times of grief.  Enables realisation of the cause of the distress and ways to understand and accept the loss.

Spiritual  Apache Tears are good protective stones that can help you to understand the spiritual lessons that you are to learn in physical form.

Emotional  It is supportive during periods of grief.  It can stimulate forgiveness in order to resolve disputes.

Physical  Apache Tears can help with strength and stamina and also boost the immune system.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat, third eye, solar plexus
Element Wind/water/earth
Chemical composition Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)
Mohs’ hardness scale  5

Apatite is found in a range of colours although the green and blue varieties are more readily available. The general attributes are to stimulate the intellect and to dissolve aloofness and negativity.  Apatite can be used to stimulate the development of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience.  Apatite is attuned to humanitarian issues and links with healing, teaching and balancing energy so is an important stone for healers to carry with them.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Third Eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)
Mohs’ hardness scale  5

Blue apatite clears and opens the third eye helping improve psychic abilities and inner vision.  It is also useful in connecting to the Akashic records and past lives thus giving insight into karmic matters and your personal soul journey.

Spiritual Karmic and soul journey work and also for seeking information in dreamtime to gain answers to questions.

Emotional  Blue apatite can help you look at difficulties from a higher perspective to find solutions.

Physical Blue apatite can be used to soothe headaches and also to ease dizziness or vertigo.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Heart, throat, third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Green apatite is particularly beneficial for anyone involved in the healing arts or teaching as it enables you to remain calm and balanced inside whilst giving out energy.  It also is used in communication with earth or nature spirits.

Spiritual As a green stone this can link to abundance and help address negative thought processes around abundance in general and money matters.  It supports positive thinking around attaining and maintaining good health.

Emotional Green apatite can help find the root cause of emotional problems including those from past lives and opens the way to resolve the matter.

Physical Green apatite is a good general healing stone and one that can support recovery.  It is specifically useful for heart conditions or those conditions that are stress or anxiety related.

ANANDALITE (Aurora quartz/rainbow quartz)

Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number Anandalite 9 / Aurora quartz 6 / Rainbow quartz 5
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Anadalite is a natural quartz that has a rainbow effect similar to some of the lighter coloured aura crystals. The name mean ‘Divine bliss’.  It is a high frequency crystal.  It is a stone that works best for women as it carries a feminine energy. Some have found that it has been helpful to use this stone to focus your energy in the morning for the upcoming day.  Others have found it to be helpful in awakening the Kundalini energy although it is primarily considered to be most effective at the crown and brow chakras.

Spiritual  Anandalite is most effective in the spiritual aspects and is an excellent stone for awakening the Light Body.  It is a good stone to use in meditation to connect with the higher realms and to your higher purpose.

Emotional  and  Physical  Anandalite has its main functions in the higher chakras but it also is a good healing stone for all the chakras and provides support for the heart.  It can bring joy and happiness.


Astrological sign(s) Libra, Gemini
Vibrational number 4 Apophyllite pyramid 99
Chakra(s) Crown, third eye
Element Wind, earth
Chemical composition KCa4Si8O20(F,OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale  4.5 – 5

Apophyllite can be used to create a conscious link between the physical and spiritual realms and to facilitate astral travel.  Also to enhance and stimulate intuitive vision.  The formations are pseudo-cubic crystals, granular masses and natural pyramidal structures as well as drusy on other crystals.  Apophyllite is either clear or green. Apophyllite enables you to see that ‘as one door closes another opens’.  It is also helpful in working with removal of those things from your life that no longer serve you.

Spiritual   Apophyllite is a good meditation stone.  If you lie down to meditate you can place apophyllite pyramids either on your third eye or on each physical eye.  It is helpful for developing inner vision.  Green apophyllite more specifically connects with nature and the kingdoms of nature.

Emotional clear apophyllite can be used to restore your faith in your spiritual path particularly after times of disillusionment or ‘falling off the path’.  Green apophyllite can lift the mood and look at life as if through the eyes of a child, letting go of cynicism.

Physical  clear apophyllite can help you determine the spiritual reason for physical conditions and thus correct the situation.  Green apophyllite can help with detoxification and also self-healing.


Astrological sign(s) Libra, Gemini
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Wind, earth
Chemical composition KCa4Si8O20(F,OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale 5

Green apophyllite links with the energy of the natural world, nature and the nature spirits.  It is also useful in animal communication.

Spiritual  green apophyllite links to the world of nature and is helpful for anyone working in that field.

Emotional  green apophyllite brings hope to the emotional body and can help you find the childlike joy in life.  It balances the heart energy.

Physical    green apophyllite can be used to help self-healing of conditions that are degenerative or affect bodily tissues.

The Disco ball the rarest formation of green apophyllite



Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Throat
Element Air
Chemical composition (H3O)8(Na,K,Sr)5Ca6Zr3SiSi(Si24O66)(OH)9Cl
Mohs’ hardness scale  4

Aqualite is a combination of quartz and blue apatite and so has the general properties of both minerals. Quartz acts to enhance and amplify the qualities of apatite.  It is an excellent general healing stone but which acts particularly in the area of the throat and head.

Spiritual  aqualite is a good stone to support spiritual practice to deepen meditation and help reach higher spiritual guidance.  It can help you to develop your psychic abilities.

Emotional  aqualite is useful for support and assistance for public speaking and also enabling your to speak your own truth.  It can also improve willpower.

Physical  aqualite is said to be helpful in dealing with issues of the bones and joints and also issues in the area of the throat and mouth.  It is also considered helpful in speeding up overall healing.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Pisces, Aries
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Throat, heart
Element Water
Chemical composition Be3Al2(SiO3)6
Mohs’ hardness scale

Aquamarine is a form of beryl.  The ‘stone of courage’.  Encourages the ability to ‘always be prepared’.  It has a gentle and compassionate energy.  Stimulates and activates the throat chakra.  For women it can help link to your inner knowing and verbalise this; for men it can help to verbalise emotions.  It is a stone of empowerment.

Spiritual Aquamarine opens the throat chakra and allowing you to speak your truth and release old outdated patterns.  It also helps connect more fully to your Higher Self.

Emotional  This is a very calming stone that helps you to move forward, letting go of baggage.

Physical Cooling and reduces inflammation particularly for throat infections.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Aragonite helps you to centre yourself during periods of stress or in preparation for meditation.  It can help you to cope better in times of duress or anger.  Encourages self-acceptance and assists in showing the way to solve problems.  Aragonite is a powerful earth healer.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Throat, heart, third eye
Element Wind, water
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Blue aragonite is a very calming stone that is excellent at enhancing all levels of emotion and stopping you suppressing emotions.  It is a very positive stone that enhances your empathic and psychic abilities.  It also helps increase your ability to deal with stress.  In encourages compassion and for healing verbal abuse.  It is beneficial for those working with breathwork or sound healing.

Spiritual  Blue aragonite calms the mind and enables deeper connection with Higher Knowledge and your ability to transmit this information.

 Emotional Helpful to release fear of speaking your truth.  It also helps to think and speak compassionately.

 Physical Blue aragonite reduces inflammation and it particularly helpful for lung and respiratory conditions.



Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Brown Aragonite is a good grounding stone generally and during meditation.  This colour is particularly good for those engaged in earth healing.  Physically it is calming and centering and useful for issues related to the root chakra.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Green aragonite is balancing and calming and also linked to the earth.  This colour links to the ‘green’ parts of the earth, the plant life and is beneficial for those working with plants of all kinds.  It is a powerful healer that can help you clear any energetic blockages that are preventing you from reaching your potential.



Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

This colour of aragonite emanates love, compassion and forgiveness.  It encourages spiritual purifications.

Spiritual  Excellent stone for connection with the higher realms.  Spiritual purification.

 Emotional  This form can aid you in facing and dealing with your personal ‘baggage’.  Helps develop compassion and forgiveness.

 Physical  White aragonite enhances patience.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 2 or 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

This formation is excellent for healing and balancing.  It enables you to look into the different aspects of the past that can have created pain and find ways to heal.  From the formation you can imagine you are at the centre and balanced and able to connect to all the other various issues from that point.  White aragonite brings through the high frequencies of light.  It is calm and brings forth the energies of love, forgiveness and compassion to help you assimilate these qualities into yourself.

Spiritual  This form can be used to clear and activate the auric field and all the energy centres.  They also facilitate clear communication.

Emotional   You can use this form to aid self-healing, working from a position of a calm heart.

Physical Sputniks can increase vitality and stamina and ground the energy of light into the physical being.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third Eye
Element Air
Chemical composition Na3Fe42+Fe3+Si8O22)(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Arfvedsonite is often confused with or misdescribed as astrophyllite.  The easiest way to identify the difference is the blue needles that occur in arfvedsonite and not in astrophyllite.  It is an excellent manifestation stone.  It has also been used to dispel nightmares and promote peaceful sleep.  Arfvedsonite can help you to become more positive in your outlook and recognise how any negative thoughts and behaviours are impacting on your life.

Spiritual  Arfvedsonite is a good stone for meditation and can help you to connect to your higher consciousness to receive information that you need.  This is a powerful stone and you need to use a grounding stone with arfvedsonite

Emotional  Arfvedsonite can help you to remain calm when under stress and to instil a deep feeling of peacefulness.

Physical  Arfvedsonite is a restful stone that can help you sleep better.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition K2Na(Fe++,Mn)7Ti2Si8O26(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale  3-4

Astrophyllite is a stone of commitment in all contexts when the time, place and situation is beneficial.  It is a good stone to have to bring contentment within a marriage/home.  It enhances fidelity.  It can also help you to get back to your true life purpose if you have strayed or gone a little off course.

Spiritual  Astrophyllite can be used to improve communication with ETs or civilisations, past or future.  It is useful to help dispel negative entities.

Emotional  You can use astrophyllite to face and integrate your shadow self.

Physical Astrophyllite has been used to balance brain functions and also to regulate the nervous system.

ATLANTISITE (Tasmanite, Serpentine and stichtite)

Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale Serpentine: 3 – 4; Stichtite: 1.5 – 2

This mineral is a combination of serpentine and stichtite and so the following applies in addition to the attributes of the individual minerals.  It is a beneficial earth healing crystal and can be buried in areas that need healing.

Spiritual Atlantisite is a good mediation stone and is particularly useful in connecting with past lives and connecting with ancient civilisations such as Atlantis.

Emotional Atlantisite is helpful in determining a sense of security and learning to set appropriate boundaries.  This can help to bring about a more relaxed view of life.

Physical Atantisite can be used for stomach and kidney conditions and also for menstrual cramps.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element All
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Aventurines all include Mica so the properties of this mineral also apply.  There are a variety of minerals that also be included within aventurine such as hematite, chlorite or goethite. The actual mixture and proportion of those additional minerals determines the colour of aventurine.  The ‘normal’ colour is green but varieties can be orange, red, grey, blue and many more variations.  The basic attributes apply to all colours and each colour can be utilised for the relevant chakra.  The additional minerals add their attributes to each different colour of Aventurine.

Aventurine balances the male/female energies.  It also encourages creativity and the motivation to pursue activities.  In addition it helps you to be decisive.  A further use of aventurine is in the reduction of and protection against electromagnetic and environmental pollution.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Wind, water
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Blue aventurine is a stone that enables you to develop self-discipline and inner strength.  It thus supports the letting go of bad habits particularly addictive behaviours.  It can also help you to recognise your true self and to be able to fully live your life.  Blue aventurine can also support the development of the ability to psychically ‘read’ others.

 Spiritual Blue aventurine enables you to recognise your true self and step into your personal power.

 Emotional  Blue aventurine helps you to see when you have adopted the role of the victim and the manner in which you have allowed this to happen and so be able to make necessary changes.

 Physical Blue aventurine is useful in balancing hormones.  It may also be beneficial in calming over-active behaviours.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water, earth
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

This is the most common colour of aventurine.  It clears and activates the heart chakra.  Balances male and female energies.  Reinforces decisiveness and increases leadership qualities.  It is a very positive energy increasing optimism and joy for life.

Spiritual  Green aventurine can be used to release attachment to the outcome and also to live in the ‘now’.  This can allow for letting go of the past and moving forward. 

Emotional  A joyful stone that helps you find hope and optimism.  Help you to remain heart centered and able to deal with difficult emotional situations.

 Physical Green aventurine is a heart stone and thus is beneficial in regulating the heart and circulatory system.  It is a good stone for healing in general.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Sacral and base
Element Earth, fire
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Useful at the sacral and root chakras.  Strengthens understanding of the self and promotes good self-esteem and self-worth.  It gives ‘fire to your belly’; the energy to tackle the challenges of life head on.  It instils faith and confidence.

Spiritual Red aventurine inspires the confidence to live to your highest ideals and also to recognise if you have moved away from your true path.  It provides persistence and commitment.

 Emotional Red aventurine is very helpful in enabling you to recognise when you are misleading yourself, be forgiving and rectify the situation.

 Physical As with many red stones red aventurine is beneficial in strengthening the blood and promoting production of red blood cells.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, sacral
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Placed at the solar plexus it opens the flow of energy through the heart allowing the link between the lower and upper chakras to be cleared and energy to flow freely.  It aids decision making and a good sense of self.

Spiritual Yellow aventurine can be used to manifest the state of ease in being yourself.

 Emotional  Helps to fill you with compassion and understanding.  It can also be supportive in states of grief.

 Physical Yellow aventurine strengthens the system in general and can prove helpful in conditions of the stomach and digestive system.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius and Capricorn
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition Azurite Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 / Malachite Cu₂CO₃(OH)₂
Mohs’ hardness scale  Azurite 3.5 – 4 Malachite

This stone combines the attributes of both minerals.  It also encourages flexibility.  This combination helps eliminate any egocentric tendencies such as arrogance or conceit.

Spiritual  This stone is a good meditation stone helping you to go deep into meditation to allow big changes to take place.

Emotional This combination of minerals helps to calm anxiety which surrounds ‘dis-ease’.  It brings the message that thoughts are ‘things’ and so to be careful what you think as you bring it into being.

Physical  This stone has been effective in increasing mobility and dealing with conditions of the skin, bones and circulatory system and stress related issues.

BARITE (Baryte)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number Barite – 1 Baryte – 9
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition BaSo4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 3

Barite forms in crystals in a range of colours, most commonly clear, white, light blue or green and also in pinkish rosettes called Desert roses.  Whichever colour, barite helps you to pursue your dreams without any restraint.

Spiritual  Barite is useful is making changes to allow you to let go of genetic traits that no longer serve.  It promotes a greater connection to the Higher Self accessing the necessary information to carry this through.

Emotional Barite can help you to identity and let of fear that underpins your inability to release attachment.

Physical  Barite has been used for conditions of the brain particularly to balance the energies and to assist in cases of degenerative brain conditions.

DESERTROSE  this formation shows that all things are possible.  It can be used to enhance love and also in situations requiring teamwork.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) Root, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition (Ce,La,Y)CO3F
Mohs’ hardness scale 4.5 – 5

Bastnasite is a quite rare crystal.  It is grounding and helpful for bringing dreams and plans into reality.  Bastnasite links strongly with the earth and is often used to work with the fae and elemental energies.

Spiritual  Bastnasite can help you to develop clairsentience.  It can also help with protection during spiritual work.

Emotional  Bastnasite helps you to deal positively with change.

Physical  Bastnasite can be helpful for conditions of the female reproductive organs.  It has also been used for blood disorders.


Astrological sign(s) Depends on colour
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Earth
Chemical composition Be3Al2Si6O18
Mohs’ hardness scale 7.5 – 8

Beryl is a group of minerals that includes emerald, morganite and aquamarine (see relevant sections for these).   Beryl helps you to deal with everyday life and let go of baggage

BLOODSTONE (Heliotrope) also Seftonite (African bloodstone)

SEFTONITE                                        BLOODSTONE

Astrological sign(s) Aries, Pisces, Libra
Vibrational number 4 (heliotrope 6)
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Bloodstone is formed from cryptocrystalline quartz with spots of red jasper. As such both chalcedony and jasper properties apply.

Intense healing stone and stone of courage.  Encourages unselfishness and idealism.  Enhances creative efforts and supports the decision-making process.  The message of this stone is to be in the here and now.

Spiritual  Bloodstone brings the courage to make the right choices.  It can also help you to move forward, despite obstacles, to achieve what you need to do.

Emotional  Bloodstone can help you to have the strength and courage to face everything you need to in the knowledge that you are enough and that you have what you need to succeed.

Physical As suggested by the name bloodstone can be helpful in any blood related conditions.  Also for women to assist during the menopause.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Brow, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Blue John is found only in the Blue John mines in Derbyshire UK.  It is a form of fluorite.  As there is a limited source it is becoming more difficult to obtain this mineral particularly in larger pieces.  In the Victorian era it was very popular and used to make carved vases and other such large pieces and these can be found in antique stores from time to time.  It is a helpful stone for pursuits that require attention to detail such as accounting or improving dexterity.

Spiritual    Blue John is a multidimensional high frequency stone that helps you to connect with your higher inner wisdom.

Emotional  Blue John has a stabilising effect on the emotional body.  It can help to support your emotions in the face of the uncertainties of the future so that you can deal with whatever arises.

Physical  Blue John helps to purify the whole body seeking out the issues that are stopping the body from being in a state of perfection.  It is helpful for respiratory conditions and boosts the immune system.


Astrological sign(s)
Vibrational number Boji stone 1, Boji 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition FeS2 + FeOOH. n H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Boji stones® are concretions with a primary constituent of pyrite but include some Palladium.  They are flattened spheres  and are used in pairs, one male and one female one for each side of the body or in either hand. Which way round varies for each person/healing. They are flattened spheres with the female the smoother of the two and the male often with small crystalline areas on the surface.  Some Boji stones exhibit a rainbow effect on the surface.

Boji stones aid balance and are useful for removing energy blockages.

Spiritual  Boji stones exhibit an electromagnetic field that can transfer the energy from the etheric body to the physical.

Emotional  Keeping Boji stones with you at all times can help to keep you in balance.

Physical  Boji stones are helpful for general healing and also tissue regeneration.

BORNITE (Peacock Ore)

Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number Bornite 2  Peacock Ore 2
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Cu5FeS4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Bornite is also known as Peacock ore.  Chalcopyrite is a similar stone and is sometimes incorrectly called Peacock Ore.   It is “stone of happiness” bringing awareness of the joy of the moment.  An excellent healing stone bringing harmony to the cellular structure of the body.

Spiritual  Bornite is useful in activating each of the chakras.

Emotional  It is a stone of joy showing that there are always positives elements available to you in your life.

Physical  Bornite has been useful in physical body to rebuild all structures.



Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Sacral, Solar Plexus
Element Wind, fire
Chemical composition NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5

It is said that this crystal holds the energy of Atlantis and as such cautions you to consider carefully where you direct energy not to misuse the power.  Helps you release the unwanted.  Also assists in understanding difficult situations.

Spiritual  Brazilianite can help you find your passion in life and stimulate creativity.  It can also encourage you to take calculated risks to achieve your goals.

Emotional  Brazilianite is an empowering stone allowing you to leave your victim role behind and also to let go of fear of being judged by others.

Physical  Brazilianite works on the endocrine system and hormone production and also is helpful for the kidneys and spleen.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, sacral
Element Storm
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe2+)2[SiO3]2
Mohs’ hardness scale 5-6

Helps to combat irritability and criticalness, providing for discriminating judgement. Helps you to stand up for what is right in one’s moral structure.

Spiritual Bronzite can help to promote a loving, unprejudiced approach.

Emotional Bronzite can help you understand the benefit of assistance and of being of service.

Physical  Bronzite can help the body during normal cycles of transformation.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition TiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Brookite is a rare and high vibrational stone.  It can help you to cope with difficult or intolerable situations and to ‘go with the flow’.  It can be used to energise your chakras or energies in any other form. Brookite can also activate the brow, crown and higher chakras bringing them into alignment with the rest of the body.

Spiritual  Brookite is an ascension stone helping to increase the physical body’s vibration.

Emotional  Brookite helps to enable you to feel your spiritual and physical bodies as one entity.

Physical  Brookite can help with the absorption of minerals and vitamins. It also helps to allow the body to adapt to the higher frequencies of Light.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 33
Chakra(s) Solar plexus (yellow) Throat (blue)
Element Water
Chemical composition Mg(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  2.5

Brucite is a relatively new to the market stone and also a high frequency one. Colours available are yellow and blue.  This stone can help you to consider all perspectives before reaching decisions.  It can clear your energy but be aware that it is not a gentle approach but one that leaves you ‘squeaky clean’.  Brucite can open all the chakras particularly when placed on each in turn.  The blue form is particularly useful for helping you to speak your truth whilst the yellow form lifts depression.  It can be used to ‘sweep up’ negative energies from depressive or negative environments.  Frequent cleansing is needed, however, if it used for this purpose.  Brucite provides and energy of positive change and can be a beneficial one to use in group endeavours, particularly at the outset to start things off with a burst of pure energy.

Spiritual  Brucite is an uplifting stone.

Emotional  Brucite is helpful for increasing confidence, willpower and decisiveness.

Physical  The blue form is useful for pain relief particularly for joints, headaches and neuralgia.



Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition Ca(Mn,Fe2+)(SiO3)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5 – 6

A stone for the new Age and it is a very powerful one for energy work.  Bustamite has been used to remove energy blockages and to realign the energy channels to their proper places. It can provide the support you need to leave a physically unacceptable situation.  Bustamite can lighten the atmosphere and help you reconnect with your inner child.

Spiritual  Bustamite helps you align with the Universe to co-create and bring your ideas and plans into reality.

Emotional  Bustamite instils joyfulness to express your ideas.  Promotes a ‘can do’ attitude.

Physical  Bustamite stimulates the endocrine system, digestive system and sexual organs.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) All (depends on colour)
Element All (depends on colour)
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Calcite when placed under pressure releases electrical impulses and is an energy amplifier.  Calcite can effectively be used in a multi-directional energy way.  The suggestion is that energy directed into the mineral centre separates and returns amplified.  Brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy to clear and activate the chakras.  As there is a wide range of colours available it is possible to use calcite to create chakra sets.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye
Element Fire, Air
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Blue calcite has a gentle energy that can be very beneficial for anyone working in a creative field.  The energy within the auric field can help open the third eye and crown so that inspiration can come more easily.  It is also useful in opening the throat chakra so that communication is made easy.

Spiritual  Blue calcite is helpful in developing clairvoyance and telepathy.   It can also promote positive thinking.

Emotional  Blue calcite can help you realise that you need to take responsibility for the creation of your own reality.

Physical  Blue calcite can be used for lung congestion and also for conditions of the eyes.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition (CaCo)CO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Cobaltian calcite can help you to view your life path from the higher perspective aiding greater understanding of the choices you should make.  It also absorbs energy and transmutes it returning the energy in an amplified form.

Spiritual  Cobaltian calcite emanates the energy of unconditional love.  It can also be used for past life work.  It also helps to raise awaken latent psychic abilities.

Emotional  A good all round emotional healing stone.

Physical  Cobaltian calcite can be used to assist with heart related conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Fire, water
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

As with other colours of calcite, green calcite is a cooling, calming stone.  It can help bring about relaxation and clear the mind so that you are better able to deal with the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

 Spiritual    Green calcite activates the heart chakra and helps you live from your heart centre.  It encourages kindness and a desire to make positive changes in life.

Emotional  Green calcite opens the heart to exercise forgiveness for others and yourself.    It helps you see what needs to change and supports that change.

Physical  Used in the laying on of stones over the heart it can release deep seated emotional blocks.  It is also good for clearing the aura.



Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Root, Solar plexus, third eye
Element Fire, wind
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Honey calcite is particularly good when you need extra focus and capacity to deal with complex tasks or long-term activities.  It can also increase your ability to accurately analyse situations and find effective solutions.  Honey calcite can help you remove the blocks that prevent you from truly seeing and appreciating what you already have.

Spiritual  Honey calcite teaches you ensure that you always use your power in the right way and take responsibility for your actions.

Emotional   Honey calcite can move beyond being overwhelmed and recognise that you have the ability to make all the necessary changes to achieve your goals.

Physical  In addition to balancing the endocrine system and hormone levels honey calcite can help heal the damage from past abuse.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart, third eye, crown
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 6.5

Lemurian aquatine calcite is also known by a number of other names including; Argentinian Blue Onyx, Aqua Calcite, Lemurian Onyx, Ocean Calcite, Blue Lemurian Calcite.  It is a stone that links with the energies of whales and dolphins, the sea and the ancient civilisation of Lemuria.  Meditation with this stone can help you to link into these energies.

Spiritual Lemurian aquatine calcite is helpful for meditation particularly to work with Lemurian energies and sea creatures.  It can also be used to assist with lucid dreaming, conscious astral travel or past life work.

Emotional  Lemurian aquatine calcite is a very calming stone and is good for reducing anxiety and fear particularly in respect of fear of the future.

Physical  Lemurian aquatine calcite has more effect on the emotional and spiritual levels.  It is a very soothing stone.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3


This colour of calcite is beneficial for any issues linked to the solar plexus and sacral chakras including those relating to your sexuality and also your creativity.  It can heal wounds from these issues.

 Spiritual  Orange calcite brings solar energy to provide what is needed for action.

Emotional Orange calcite can be helpful in phobias or shyness.  It is also beneficial to use for those with depression or other negative feelings.

Physical  Orange calcite can be used to help conditions of the digestive system and hormonal imbalance.

- OPTICAL (Icelandic Spar, clear)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Fire, wind
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Optical calcite double refraction (you can see this if you hold it over printed words).  It can be used to remind one of the double meanings of words and to assist in communication during difficult conversations.  Excellent for use when cleansing and clearing the outer bodies.   It can help you to see where you are self-sabotaging and assists in allowing you to get out of your own way and move forward.

Spiritual  Clear calcite stimulates the third eye and is beneficial in clearing energy blocks.

 Emotional Clear calcite encourages forgiveness and helps release poverty thinking.

 Physical  Clear calcite can be helpful in weight loss by boosting the metabolism.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number Pink opaque and Mangano are both 5
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Fire
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Pink opaque calcite is a stone of empathy.  It also links the heart energy with the All That Is.  It encourages you to adopt the state of gratitude and balance.  Working with heart energy it helps restore the body to balance matching the etheric template particularly after injury or surgery.

Spiritual  Pink opaque calcite connects to Universal love through activating the heart chakra.

Emotional  Pink opaque calcite works well on emotional issues clearing patterns that are no longer relevant for you.  It is helpful to work on many deep-seated emotional issues.

Physical Pink opaque calcite is a useful stone for rebuilding tissue after injury or surgery. It is also beneficial for those with heart disease.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Root, Crown
Element Fire, Earth
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Red calcite is an energising stone but in a gentle way avoiding any harsh movement of energy.  It can help you to truly appreciate the physical world and being in physical form.  This colour calcite can help with weight loss and detoxification of the physical body.

Spiritual  Red calcite helps you feel comfortable in your physical incarnation.

Emotional   Red calcite can help you stop feeling overwhelmed and from overextending your energies.

Physical  Red calcite is beneficial for supporting the root chakra and your general physical health and vitality.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, Third eye, Crown and chakras above your head
Element Fire, Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Stellar beam calcite is identified by a crystal formation that has long sharp terminations and is usually yellow or amber in colour.    It can open the higher chakras and assist connection to extra-terrestrials.  Stellar beam can also assist you in gaining access to the Akashic record.

Spiritual  Stellar beam calcite is an excellent tool for psychic surgery and also  invokes golden white light to raise the frequency of yourself or your space.

Emotional  Stellar beam calcite can be used to ensure that all negative elements have been removed after conscious clearing work.

Physical The primary uses of stellar beam are not on the physical level with the exception of use in psychic surgery.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Vibrational number Carnelian 5 Sard 6
Chakra(s) Root, sacral, solar plexus
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

Carnelian is a form of chalcedony normally a red, red/brown, orange colour.  It is a good stone for grounding. Carnelian helps to clear negativity and encourages stabilisation of energy in the home.  It aids positive life choices and supports the lower 4 chakras.

Spiritual Carnelian helps you to do what is necessary to achieve your highest goals

Emotional Carnelian can be used to protect against negative emotions and remove them from the emotional structure.

Physical Carnelian is a useful stone to help break negative physical habits and also to increase physical vitality.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Third eye, Crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca(V+4O)Si4)10 ♀4H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 4

Cavansite can stimulate intuition to install second sight and to activate channelling abilities.  It can cause one to see characteristics that need attention.  Using etheric energy through the third eye it can focus the intuition to a higher level.  Through those processes it can work to modify or delete behaviour patterns.

One note cavansite is very similar to pentagonite.  It is more or less the same colour, found in the same locations on the same base minerals.  The difference visually is that cavansite forms more of a ball shape whilst pentagonite has a more elongated individual crystals.

Spiritual Cavansite is a good stone to use to help you achieve clear communication with spirit and your teachers and guides. It is an excellent, but very ‘active’ stone for meditation.  If it is too active use a grounding stone at the same time for balance.

Emotional Cavansite emits energy on the Blue Ray and can banish hopelessness to enable you to see the direction in which you should be going.

PhysicalCavansite is help to deal with stress related conditions and also for headaches. It stimulates the endocrine system and in particular the pituitary and pineal glands.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown, and the Higher chakras above the crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition SrSO4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 3

Celestite can assist with the transfer of information from the purity of the angelic realms.  It can assist in clairaudient endeavours.  Celestite is a stone for astral travel and excellent for dream recall.  Excellent healing stone transmuting pain into love and light.  Celestite is also useful as an environmental cleanser particularly in your healing room or mediation space.

Spiritual  Celestite is a lovely stone to open and cleanse the third eye and crown chakras.  It can increase your intuition and is one of the stones often used in angelic work.

Emotional  Celestite is a very calming and soothing stone but at the same time uplifting.  It can help you overcome fear.

Physical  Celestite is good for clearing infections and attachments.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Fire
Chemical composition CuFeS2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Chalcopyrite can help in finding lost objects.  Useful in enhancing perceptions.  It is the ‘stone of the mystic’.  It can remove energy blockages and open, cleanse and activate the crown chakra.  Chalcopyrite can also help improve connections with ancient cultures.

Spiritual Chalcopyrite aids connections with spirit enabling messages to come through more easily for either yourself or for others.  A good stone for mediums or channelling work.

Emotional  Chalcopyrite can remove energy blockages so that your energy flows freely balancing your emotions.

Physical  Chalcopyrite is said to be able to connect with the energies of the Universe to help you in achieving the best physical state possible


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius, Scorpio
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Third eye, Crown, Solar Plexus, Root, Soul Star,
Element Wind
Chemical composition K5Ca8(Si6O15)2(Si2O7)Si4O9(OH)•3(H2O)
Mohs’ hardness scale 6

Charoite is a stone for this age. Provides for synthesis between crown and heart chakras. It assists in understanding self-inflicted lessons and is a stone for transformations.  Charoite helps to ground your spiritual self into the physical self.  It is useful for clearing the auric field and filling the chakras with a positive energy.  Charoite is a stone to bring magic into your life.

Spiritual Charoite is very powerful in its action on the upper chakras particularly those linking to Higher knowledge.  It shows you your path of service and what it is that you are here to do.

Emotional  Charoite is an important stone to help you more easily follow your spiritual path.  In addition, it helps you to recognise which issues are yours and which belong to other people an so set appropriate boundaries.

Physical  Charoite is very valuable for its ability to help ground your spiritual self into your physical form.


Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Crown, Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition Al2SiO5
Mohs’ hardness scale

In olden times chiastolite was believed to ward off evil and its protective nature remains today.  It signifies both death and rebirth allowing for a realisation of the state of immortality.  It can be useful during periods of change and also for problem solving.

Spiritual  Chiastolite is helpful in meditation to enable connection to the higher realms but at the same time providing grounding.  It is a spiritual protection stone.

Emotional Chiastolite is beneficial to carry to help life depression and anxiety.

Physical  Chiastolite is helpful to support you through the various changes in life, to recognise that this is all part of life and to find ways to deal positively with the changes.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Various
Mohs’ hardness scale  Variable

The composition of Chrysanthemum Stone is variable.  The  “flower” element consist of Celestite, Calcite, Feldspar or Andalusite, while the black, or sometimes brown, base rock of Chrysanthemum Stone is comprised of Dolomite, Gypsum clay, Limestone or Porphyry. It brings the message to enjoy each moment understanding that time is not precious until it has passed.  Helps one to ‘bloom’ and progress on the path towards the perfect self.  In addition it is a stone to bring forward wealth and abundance in all physical senses.

Spiritual Chrysanthemum Stone is an excellent stone to us when you are working on manifesting abundance.  It is a beneficial stone for healers and other people who work with energy a lot.

Emotional Chrysanthemum Stone connects with the pure joy of creation and manifestation.  It encourages you to take calculated risks and overcome self-limitation.

Physical Chrysanthemum Stone is helpful for women with difficult periods, fertility issues of fertility.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Virgo, Taurus
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Throat, Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition (CuAl)2H2Si2O5(OH)4 ♀ nH2O
Mohs’ hardness scale  2-4

Chrysocolla carries very feminine energy and is a stone of empowerment. It produces inner strength during stressful situations and enhances physical vitality.  It eliminates fear, guilt and nervous tension.

Chrysocolla helps you consider the way your put your energy out into the world and the value and meaning (or not) in your words.

As a throat chakra stone it is excellent support for anyone whose job is using their voice.  Chrysocolla also links to the heart and so for teachers and similar occupations it enables honesty and truthfulness in their teaching.

Spiritual  Chrysocolla supports sound and is an excellent stone for sound healing.  It encourages honest and truthful communication.

Emotional  Chrysocolla helps you feel secure in your communications.  It also supports you to recognise the value of your experiences and knowledge.

Physical  Chrysocolla is excellent for releasing stress and anxiety and also regulation of the thyroid and adrenal glands.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat(Green) Root (Black)
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Combines the properties of both minerals.  In addition, this formation enables the release of distress caused by negative emotions and works to bring the body to the state of total perfection; the malachite supporting the transformation.


Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Heart, Solar Plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chrysoprase is an apple green form of chalcedony.  It balances yin-yang energies and aligns the chakras.  Helps to heal a ‘broken heart’.    Working on the heart chakra it reduces inferiority or superiority complexes.  Can be used to encourage fidelity in business and personal affairs.

Spiritual Chrysoprase is an excellent stone for deep levels of meditation.

Emotional Chrysoprase instils a loving state of grace.

Physical   Chrysoprase can be used for people with heart conditions.

CHRYSOTILE (Chrysotite)

Astrological sign(s) Taurus
Vibrational number Chrysotile 8 Chrysotite 55
Chakra(s) Solar plexus
Element Earth
Chemical composition Mg3Si2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 2

Chrysotile forms in delicate fibers in a range of colours greens, brown, black, yellows, grey and white and mixtures of these colours.  Chrysotile helps you to find your true self by letting go of the ‘baggage’ and understanding your controlling habits.

Spiritual  Chrysotile is helpful for use in telepathy.

Emotional  Chrysotile helps you to find your authentic self and let go of baggage.

Physical Chrysotile has been used for disorders of the veins and arteries, lung infections and chronic fatigue.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, brow
Element Air
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe,Ni,Al,Zn,Mn)2-3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale  3-6k

Chytha stone is a form of serpentine (this is often called new jade) with dark green jade.  It is a good stone for healing in all areas bringing the whole body and all the bodily systems into balance. Chytha has been helpful for women during pregnancy.  It is also a good stone for those learning about or working with plants or the plant kingdom including herbalism. Chytha can also be used to clear out negative energy from around you.

Spiritual  Chytha can help engender compassion in yourself and direct your mind towards wisdom and enlightenment.  It can help you to let go of those things that no longer serve you.

Emotional  Chytha helps you to develop and maintain self-love.

Physical  Chytha is a calming stone that can be helpful for healing on all levels including the physical.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Cinnabar 8 / Cinnabrite 5
Element Fire
Chemical composition HgS
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Cinnabar is a form of mercury and is highly toxic. Always wash your hands after handling (or wear gloves) and never use for direct method elixirs.  Extreme care is needed if drilling/sanding this stone as inhaling the dust is extremely dangerous.  Cinnabrite is the name given to polished cinnabar in matrix so is a little more stable but great caution should still be taken when using this stone.

Cinnabar is said to help you be more assertive and more effective in your endeavours through effective communication.

Spiritual  Cinnabar shows us that the physical form is actually formed from energy that shifts and flows and that we have the ability to manipulate and transform ourselves.

Emotional   Cinnabar can help you to release anger, fear and resentment that you have been holding on to.

Physical  Cinnabar can help to improve the immune system.


Heat treated                                               Natural

Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

There are two basic types of citrine that are available; natural and heat treated.  Natural citrine is usually a lighter and somewhat duller colour and the bright yellow/orange/brown citrine is treated by heating amethyst to very high temperatures.  Heat treatment does change the energy of the stone but both can be used effectively.

Natural Citrine is a comforting stone that helps you to ‘laugh without restraint’.  Brings in positive influences to business matters, interpersonal and family relationships and can help soothe family problems.  It activates your thinking process and is a good stone to have on you during situations where you need to think clearly such as in exams.  Citrine can help you resolve problems and also is beneficial for the digestive system.   The Kundalini quartz is a form of citrine from the Congo which is also said to raise the Kundalini energy.

Spiritual  Naturalcitrine is an excellent stone to support manifestation and to help you keep going when things get difficult.

Emotional  Naturalcitrine is helpful in overcoming difficulties.

Physical  Naturalcitrine supports the endocrine system and enhances physical stamina and energy.

Heat treated citrine has a lighter energy than natural citrine.  It is beneficial when working on being more assertive and outgoing and also for boundary setting.

Spiritual  Heat treated citrine can be used in learning situations as it links to the mind.  It can also help you recognise how you or others are using their power.

Emotional   Heat treated citrine is an uplifting stone that can be use to raise your spirits and lighten the mood.

Physical  Heat treat citrine is yellow and thus is helpful for the stomach and digestive system.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart, solar plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition Dolomite (CA,Mg(CO3)2) 60%
Mica and serpentine: (Mg3Si2(OH)4) 36%
Calcite (CACO3) 02%
Mohs’ hardness scale

Connemara marble comes from Connemara in the west of Ireland called ‘the Irish Gemstone’ and is one of the rarest forms of marble. It is a gift of friendship.  A ‘Stone to provide protection’.  It provides for clarity and suspension in states of meditation and total recall of dreams together with guidance in purification and control of thoughts.

Spiritual Connemara marble is an excellent meditation tool.

Emotional  Connemara marble can help you to feel more in control.

Physical  Connemara marble has been used to assist people with diabetes and hypoglycaemia.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Crown
Element Fire
Chemical composition Tree Resin
Mohs’ hardness scale

Copal is often called ‘young’ amber.  Like amber it is fossilised tree resin but it not as old as amber.  It can be used to remove energy blockages.  In meditation it can help you remain aware.

Spiritual Copal can be used to enhance psychic abilities and is often used in incense for this purpose.

Emotional  Copal is a sunny stone that can lift the mood.

Physical  Copal has been used in treating kidney and bladder conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition
Mohs’ hardness scale

Copper activates and opens the root and sacral chakras and enables the energies of these chakras to be used towards personal evolution.  Copper can be used to magnify the energy transferred.  It also acts as a conduit between Heaven and Earth and is a channel of energies. Copper can enhance the energies of stones and is often used in this way in gridding and energy tools.  It is a beneficial metal considered to bring luck and is a bestower of good.

Spiritual  Copper is useful in achieving and understanding the concept of balance.  It can be considered like the Crone who has gained much knowledge and wisdom during her life but will only share this when she is ready.

Emotional Copper promotes love and loving thoughts.  It can help you find the higher knowledge to be gained from you experiences.

Physical Copper is often used to help relieve arthritis and it also supports production of red blood cells.



Astrological sign(s)
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) Root, third eye
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

The Cradle of Humankind stone is named to honour the site where it was found which is considered to be the area in which the first humans existed evidenced by the earliest hominid remains that have been found there in caves.

This stone encourages you to look back over your life and to see what you have learned and how you have applied this wisdom. It teaches you that to move forward you need to accept where you are at the moment and to forgive others and, importantly, yourself, for all issues in the past.   It can also support you in feeling true gratitude.

Spiritual  The Cradle of Humankind helps you to review and heal issues from the past. It teaches forgiveness and compassion. Good for ancestral healing.

Emotional  It teaches you how to live in a state of forgiveness and gratitude.

Physical  It can help to heal pain from past lives and also is useful for headaches, migraines, brain function and vascular issues.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)10·2(H2O)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Creedite is quite a rare mineral from Mexico and the porcupine type formation is found in the same mine as rare pink fluorite. It is a high frequency mineral that is beneficial in all spiritual pursuits.  It is a good stone to have in your healing room to help you to identify your client’s needs more quickly and get to the core of the problem.

Spiritual  Creedite is a good crystal to help you to connect with the Akashic Records and to connect with your highest guides or open to connection to your guides if you have not yet done so.  It is excellent for meditation and fills the aura with the full range of Light.

Emotional  Creedite can help you to stop being attached to drama and to see things from a higher perspective to achieve greater calmness.

Physical  It has been used to assist in healing broken bones and torn muscles.

CROWN OF SILVER (Psilomelane)

Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number Crown of silver 8 / Psilomelane 4
Chakra(s) Root, third eye
Element Earth
Chemical composition MnO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-7

Crown of silver is also sometimes called black malachite due to the formation of this stone which creates similar looking patterns to those found in malachite.  It is a protective stone that is also beneficial when you are feeling down or heartbroken.

Spiritual  Crown of Silver is a good meditation stone. It is also good for gazing, scrying and remote viewing.

Emotional  Crown of Silver is a stone  of ‘order’.  It helps with things like money management, correcting unwanted behaviours or habits and ambition so that your can bring your life into balance and order.

Physical  It has been used to help with pneumonia, clearing mucus from the lungs  and help heal the lining of the lungs.  Also said to be helpful in balancing the insulin/glucose in the system.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Aquarius
Vibrational number 44
Chakra(s) Root, crown
Element Air
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Cryolite is one of the oldest minerals in the world and is quite rare.  NB cryolite will melt in candle flame so should not be cleansed with fire.  It allows for the free flow of energy through your whole body.  It is quite a high vibrational stone that helps you to connect more easily with the higher realms.

Spiritual  Cryolite is a excellent stone for ascension work, light-body awakening and enlightenment.

Emotional  Cryolite can help support those involved in public speaking. It is good for giving focus and clarity particularly to help during periods of stress.

Physical  Cryolite is said to be helpful in supporting the body when it is cold to reduce chills.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart, Crown, 8th and higher
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaB2Si2O7(O)
Mohs’ hardness scale 7 – 7.5

Danburite form in a range of colours including water clear, white, grey, yellow-white, yellow-brown, pale wine-yellow, amber, pink and dark wine-yellow.  The properties are essentially the same with additional attributes dependent upon colour, particularly as the different colours are mostly found in different locations. Danburite helps people get along with others and is an intellectual activator.  It also helps rectify recalcitrant attitudes.  Danburite is a high frequency stone that opens and aligns the higher chakras.  Grey Danburite comes from Peru and has an affinity with extra-terrestrials.  Golden yellow Danburite comes from Madagascar and are tuned to the etheric music.  Russian Danburite is often more smokey and duller than the clear bright specimens from Mexico.  The Russian ones active the third eye and stimulate psychic vision.

Spiritual  Danburite is an excellent stone to use when communicating with angels and other higher beings.

Emotional Danburite is soothing for the emotional body and is helpful is releasing grief, fear or anger.

Physical Danburite can be calming and soothing in physical conditions but its main functions are on the spiritual and emotional levels.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, Crown
Element Air
Chemical composition CaB2Si2O8
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

Also known as Agni-gold danburite. This stone can be described as the proverbial ‘ray of sunshine’.  It is a warm, cheering stone that instils joyfulness.   It connects the solar plexus and crown to open to higher knowledge.  Also it can help you to direct your personal power in appropriate ways.  Sunshine danburite allows for clarity of thought.  It also helps you to be happy in your own skin.

Spiritual  Connection to higher knowledge.

Emotional  Encourages courage and self-confidence.

Physical  Can be helpful for  the skeleton or conditions of the bones.


Astrological sign(s) All
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Fire, Earth
Chemical composition SiO2,Al,Fe2O3,Mn,MgO,CaO,Na2O,TiO2,K2O,P2O5,Cr2O3,NiO,OH,Cu
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

A recent find.  Desirite is an Ascension stone here to aid self-development.  During meditation you can visit four different levels, three on the different coloured phantoms and one for the entire crystal.  Strongly linked to the Lemurians and Native Americans.

Spiritual     Desirite is an excellent meditation stone enabling access to multiple layers of knowledge.

Emotional Desirite allows you find the root cause of your emotional imbalance in order to make appropriate changes.

Physical Desirite is both a high frequency spiritual stone and also grounding so it can create greater balance and strength in your whole system.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat(Green) Root (Black)
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Spiritual  Dianite is a useful stone for mediums or when seeking to receive information from the spiritual realms as it supports your inner self to check the truth of the knowledge that you receive.

Emotional  Dianite helps you to take a step back to view the bigger picture from a place of calm.  It can help you utilise the knowledge gained from past mistakes into positive steps forward.

Physical Dianite is a cooling stone for conditions that are caused by inflammation such as arthritis.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, Root,
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaMg(Si2O6)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Diopside forms in a range of colours, the most commonly found are green and black/black star. Green diopside is It is a good stone for those who will not allow themselves to cry as it brings forward the inner female and allows you to see the duality within.  Holding the mineral and touching a pet can help to calm them.

Black diopside is more difficult to come by and is called star diopside as the crystals are asterated.  This form is a very good grounding stone and for use by people who work with ley lines.

Spiritual Diopside is an excellent stone to work with Gaia and all creations on Earth in every realm.  It helps you to see your place in the bigger pictures.

Emotional Diopside is calming and centring (green) and grounding (black).  Both are helpful for stress relief.

Physical Green diopside is an excellent general healing stone whilst black diopside is helpful where serious or terminal conditions have made the body weak.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius, Scorpio
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition Cu6(Si6O18) ♀6H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale  5

Dioptase is quite rare but is one of the best healing stones available.  It can be used to both clear and stimulate all chakras to the higher level of awareness and brings an invigorating and refreshing energy.  Helps one to understand the message of living in the now but also gives insights into past lives.  It can also be used to manifest abundance.  Dioptase is a beautiful clear green stone that is one of the purest forms that carries the green ray.

Spiritual Dioptase is a very powerful teacher showing the way to heal the heart and release that which no longer serves you.  It also teaches love and forgiveness.

Emotional  Dioptase is helpful for those who constantly live in the past and also those who a acting the victim.  It helps you to step into your own power.

Physical Dioptase is a very powerful healer of the heart and for those who have been abused.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number Dolomite 3 Pink Dolomite and Chalcopyrite  9
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaMg(CO3)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Dolomite forms in a range of colours including colourless, green red, brown, black and pink.  It helps to relieve sorrow in such a way that you recognise there are no reasons to be sorrowful, i.e. everything happens for a reason. It can also be used to stop energy leakages from the chakras. Chalcopyrite is the stone of the mystic (see chalcopyrite for more information).

Spiritual  Dolomite shows you that you do not have to become spiritual you are already so.  You are fully yourself you only need to recognise this.

Emotional  Dolomite is a calming stone that helps you detach from dramas.

Physical Dolomite can balance the appetite and metabolism so maintaining weight.  It can also be useful in healing bones and reducing bone loss.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition (AlFe3+)7(BO3)(SiO4)3O3
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 – 8

Dumortierite can reduce excitability and eliminate stubbornness whilst allowing you to “stand up” for yourself. Excellent stone for patience.  Dumortierite is a strong stone for mental discipline.  It stimulates the mental and psychic power and is, therefore, a good stone to support divination and for card readers or other psychic activities.

Spiritual Dumortierite is good for opening your psychic channels and developing intuition.  It can bring prophetic dreams and help you see beyond obstacles.

Emotional Dumortierite can help you feel you have a place and purpose on Earth and connect with your higher guidance.

Physical Dumortierite can help clear brain fog but its main functions are on the emotional and spiritual levels.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Base, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7-7.5

Eclogite is a rare stone that is made up of red almandine and pyroxene omphacite and pyrope rich garnet and which may also contain some other minerals such as Kyanite, Rutile, Quartz, Zoisite and Dolomite.  It is considered useful for promoting inner strength.

Spiritual  Eclogite is useful to help you recognise the Unconditional love of the Universe.

Emotional  Eclogite has been used to help relieve fear.

Physical  Eclogite is considered to be useful for conditions of the reproductive organs.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 3
Element Water
Chemical composition Cu3P2O83Cu(OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Eilat Stone is the national stone of Israel and is also known as King Solomon’s Stone.  It is a combination of chrysocolla, malachite, azurite, turquoise and some other minerals.

It can help you to further your knowledge of ancient cultures and particularly those in the region of Eilat.  It is also a highly nurturing stone that can remove negativity from yourself, those around you and from your environment.  It can help you move towards gaining wisdom. Eilat Stone is also said to help with travel and help you to see your path more clearly.

Spiritual  Eilat Stone can awaken your psychic abilities and also initiate transformation.

Emotional  Eilat Stone can help you release negativity and feel supported by the Universe.

Physical  Eilat Stone is an excellent healing stone for the whole body and in particular for treating problems with the feet.


Astrological sign(s) Leo, Aquarius
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition Be3(Al,Cr)2Si6O18
Mohs’ hardness scale 7.5 – 8

Emerald is a green form of beryl.  It helps to find successful love and opens and activates the heart.  Emerald can enhance memory and increase psychic and clairvoyant faculties.  Emerald can be used to eliminate negativity from your life.

Spiritual Emerald connects to Divine love and can teach you to release poverty thinking.

Emotional Emerald can help overcome feelings of lack of worth and it is an excellent emotional healer.

Physical Emerald works on the physical heart too for all heart related conditions.


                                                              Epidote in quartz

Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth, water
Chemical composition Ca2(Fe3+,Al)3(SiO4)(Si2O7)(O,OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 6 – 6.5

Epidote dispels critical-ness, enhances keen perception, stimulates participation and interaction and supplements personal power.      When specifically programmed and directed it can increase whatever you are working with.  However, note that if this is positivity, gratitude or other positive elements it will bring more of this to you.  The reverse is also true if you are focusing on the negatives you will bring more of that to you.

Spiritual Epidote teaches that your thoughts create your reality and holding positive thoughts will raise your frequency whilst also showing where you have any negative issues so that you can release them.

Emotional Epidote helps you let go of negative patterns and behaviours.

Physical  Epidote instantly raises the frequency of any blocked areas and can help find the core of any disease.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Heart, throat base
Element Water, Earth
Chemical composition Na16Ca6Fe3Zr3(Si3O9)2(Si9O27)2(OH,Cl)4
Mohs’ hardness scale

Eudialyte is a lovely uplifting stone that opens the heart chakra to give and receive love.  It is often found with black tourmaline and this adds grounding to eudialyte and increases the feelings of protection.  It may also occur with aegirine.  Eudialyte teaches us to use our inner wisdom to heal and repair our bodies and emotions.  It is a powerful teacher showing how to bring your dreams into reality.  In addition it helps you to practice forgiveness of self and others and how to learn from past ‘mistakes’.

Spiritual Eudialyte helps you to know the purpose for each soul connection.  It can help you to determine the nature of the soul relationship with someone you feel very drawn to.

Emotional Eudialyte is a lively, energising and uplifting stone.

Physical  Eudialyte encourages physical activity.  It fortifies the skeletal system and helps with bone repair.

EYE OF THE STORM (Judy’s Jasper)

Astrological sign(s) All
Vibrational number Eye of the Storm 3 Judy’s Jasper 4
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

This is a good grounding stone that enables you to see the bigger picture from a balanced perspective.  It was named by Judy Hall after she was sent this stone to consider its properties.

Spiritual  Eye of the Storm brings feelings of peace.

Emotional  Helpful when dealing with loss replacing negative feelings with those of abundance.

Physical  Eye of the Storm is a good grounding stone and one for relieving stress.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, heart
Element Fire
Chemical composition KAlSi3O8 – NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Mohs’ hardness scale 6 – 6.5

Feldspar is a group of minerals that are characterised by containing silica and alumina.  This group includes orthoclase, microcline and plagioclase feldspars such as Amazonite, Labradorite, Sunstone and Moonstone. Although within the same group of minerals each stone has very different properties. There are some properties that are considered to be applicable to all members of this group.  Feldspars are considered to be ‘moon’ stones that support you in developing clairvoyance and clairaudience in particular but are good for developing psychic abilities in general.  Feldspar can also help you to ‘think outside the box’ to find solutions that are more creative or unconventional.

Spiritual  Feldspar is useful in developing psychic abilities particularly clairvoyance and clairaudience.  It is also used for astral travel.

Emotional  Feldspar  helps you to find and clear any blockages that are holding you back from self-love and self-awareness.

Physical  Feldspar has be used to treat skin conditions and muscular structure.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Fluorite has a range of colours which add to the basic attributes of this stone.  It is the ‘stone of discernment and aptitude’.  Increases the ability to concentrate.  Provides for purification, cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder and can remove negativity or ‘hangers on’ from the atmosphere.  As it does absorb these energies it is a stone that needs frequent cleansing as you work with it.  Fluorite helps to clear your mind and organise thoughts so is an excellent stone for learning and study.  It can also help you decide which creative direction you are best to take when you have a choice or more than one and cannot decide.

Spiritual  Fluorite can help you attune to higher guidance during meditation.  It can also help you to strengthen your psychic attributes.

Emotional Fluorite can help you release negative thinking and let go of fear of the future.

Physical Fluorite is beneficial in enhancing learning and memory retention.  It can also help you to feel physically more balanced.



Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Whilst rainbow fluorite contains several colours which may include blue, blue on its own is less commonly found.  Blue fluorite is non-directional so can be directed where you require.  Blue fluorite is a calming stone that helps you to develop clear and concise communication/

Spiritual  Blue fluorite  can be used to improve communication with the higher realms.

Emotional  Blue fluorite is very calming.

Physical  Blue fluorite has been used for eye conditions and for problems around the nose and sinus.



Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 77
Chakra(s) Brow, crown.
Element Air
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Flower fluorite is very effective at opening the channels in the brain to open the way to deep thought.  It can sharpen thinking.  It also helps to remove negativity and replace it with positivity.

Spiritual  Flower fluorite can help you to receive visionary dreams and lucid dreams.

Emotional  Helpful in dispelling anxiety and panic.

Physical  Flower fluorite is not so active on this level but more effective on spiritual and emotional levels.



Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Libra
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Green fluorite is a cleansing stone that brings a bright clean energy removing negative energy from the chakras and the environment.  Green fluorite is a lovely light and fresh energy that renews the chakras and is useful in cleansing the aura.  It is an excellent healing stone particularly for the stomach, intestines and throat.

Spiritual  Green fluorite can be used to connect with the nature spirits..

Emotional  Green fluorite is particularly useful for healing emotional trauma and heartache.

Physical  Green fluorite is useful for issues with the stomach and digestive tract.  It is a very good general healing stone.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 66
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Pink fluorite is one of the rarest colours of fluorite but one with beautiful loving energy. It increases self-confidence so that you understand you can achieve your goals.  It can also help you develop discernment in your thinking. Pink fluorite works to heal the emotional body and to activate the higher heart chakra.  It is an expression of unconditional love.

 Spiritual  Pink fluorite teaches unconditional love.

Emotional  Pink fluorite is very calming and imparts a loving energy.

Physical  Pink fluorite has been useful in treating heart conditions and also for the nervous system and respiratory system. it is helpful in immune function, the respiratory



Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 77
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Purple fluorite links to the third eye and brings a balanced connection to psychic and spiritual growth.  It is an excellent stone to prepare you on every level for healing.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Rainbow fluorite carries an energy for the ‘Indigo children’.  It promotes the concept that you cannot rely on others for your happiness and that it is your responsibility.  Rainbow fluorite activates and energises all the chakras.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, sacral, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Most of the fluorite colours are calming but yellow fluorite has a more energising effect.  It has been useful in balancing the energy in group endeavours. Yellow fluorite helps promote preciseness and accuracy in both creative and intellectual pursuits.  It is a stabilising influence in group activities promoting co-operation.  It also encourages logical thinking.

 Spiritual  Yellow fluorite can help to stimulate your psychic abilities.

Emotional  Yellow fluorite promotes a positive outlook.

Physical  Yellow fluorite has been used for liver conditions and balancing the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol.  It can be beneficial for those with IBS although for some it may have too strong an effect and a gentler alternative may be preferable.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Fluorite has a range of colours which add to the basic attributes of this stone.  It is the ‘stone of discernment and aptitude’.  Increases the ability to concentrate.  Provides for purification, cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder and can remove negativity or ‘hangers on’ from the atmosphere.  As it does absorb these energies it is a stone that needs frequent cleansing as you work with it.  Fluorite helps to clear your mind and organise thoughts so is an excellent stone for learning and study.  It can also help you decide which creative direction you are best to take when you have a choice or more than one and cannot decide.

Spiritual  Fluorite can help you attune to higher guidance during meditation.  It can also help you to strengthen your psychic attributes.

Emotional Fluorite can help you release negative thinking and let go of fear of the future.

Physical Fluorite is beneficial in enhancing learning and memory retention.  It can also help you to feel physically more balanced.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, solar plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 2 – 2.5

Fuchsite is a form of mica/muscovite.  In meditation can give guidance on ‘day to day’ matters, such as general health, career, family, pets or the environment.  It can also help you to bounce back after a period of stress.  When fuchsite is used with other crystals it can increase the energy transfer in healing situations.

Spiritual  Fuchsite can be used in channelling to obtain information about herbal or holistic remedies.

Emotional  Fuchsite acts more on the spiritual and physical levels.

Physical  Fuchsite has been used to balance white and red blood cells, alignment of the spinal column carpal tunnel syndrome and muscle flexibility.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition Natural glass
Mohs’ hardness scale

Fulgurite is natural glass formed by lightning strikes into sand or other high silica or quartz filled ground.  It forms silica glass tubes and may be coated with other minerals.  Fulgurite helps you to fulfil your duties and to complete tasks.  Also it provides the basis of ‘knowing’ so that you can progress to higher levels of spirituality.

Spiritual  Fulgurite is a very high frequency stone that initiates rapid spiritual transformation and evolution.  It is an important stone for people who connect with this higher knowledge and transmit it to others, such as teachers and channels.

Emotional Fulgurite is excellent at clearing negative patterns.  It can also provide information regarding any karmic relationships you are currently experiencing.

Physical  Fulgurite can be helpful in low energy situations and also help with blood flow to the extremities.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 22
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition PbS
Mohs’ hardness scale

Galena is a compound of lead and the dust from this mineral is poisonous if inhaled.  If there is no dust present it is perfectly safe to handle galena.

Galena traditionally been used by shamans when performing soul retrieval and journeying.  It is a grounding stone and can be helpful in overcoming fear.  It can also help you to recognise and understand ‘moods’ more accurately.

Spiritual Galena is helpful in recognising and reintegrating all parts of yourself and fully integrating them into one.

Emotional  Galena can help you to step into your own power and take back responsibility for yourself.

Physical  Galena has been used to help counteract infections.


Astrological sign(s) Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition (Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale 6.5 –

Garnet derives its name from the Latin granatum meaning pomegranate as the red form was thought to resemble the seeds of the pomegranate. Garnet is most commonly thought of as red but there are a number of different coloured forms which are individually described here.

In general garnet is the stone of health and contentment. It extracts negative energy and transmutes it to a beneficial state. Garnet is calming and aids sleep and dreaming.  All garnets are stones of prosperity and abundance.

- BLACK (Andradite)

Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) Earthstar, Root
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale

This form of garnet is very grounding.  It mainly works on the male qualities enhancing such things as courage, stamina etc.  It is also useful for bringing into relationships that which is needed for your development.  You can also use black garden to help you to connect more fully with the Earth and all her mysteries.

Spiritual Black garnet is a very powerful physical and spiritual protection stone.  It is also a strong grounding stone so is helpful in re-grounding after conducting high frequency spiritual work.

Emotional Black garnet helps to overcome feelings of being defeated or victimised and supports self-empowerment.  Very helpful for recovering addicts.

Physical  Black garnet is very helpful for those with compromised immune systems and is also a physical protection stone.

- GREEN (Grossular and Tsavorite)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 6 Grossular garnet 5 Tsavorite garnet
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition (Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale

Grossular garnet inspires the ideal of service and helps to encourage the effort and methods needed to keep going.  It is also an excellent stone to bring abundant manifestation into being.    It is a potent abundance stone.

Tsavorite garnet are gem grade stones.  It is also an excellent manifestation stone particularly for wealth in every context.  When worn it can emit the energies of the desired manifestation in such a way that this transmits to those around you further enhancing the ability to manifest what you desire.

Spiritual  Grossular garnet teaches about abundance in every context and how to connect to the Divine Source to bring this about.

Emotional  Grossular garnet is an excellent stone to help you overcome and let go of poverty thinking.  It also encourages being in the state of gratitude.

Physical  Grossular garnet helps you understand your role in your own healing.  It also works on a cellular level to repair physical damage quickly.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition Ca3Al2(SiO4)3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Hessonite garnet is a form of Tsavorite/Grossular Garnet.  Because of the orange/brown colour it is sometimes called ‘cinnamon stone’. It is a comforting stone that has been used for support during times that are sometimes called ‘the dark night of the soul’.  It provides, strength, protection and is centring so is a good stone to have for support in a crisis.

Spiritual  Hessonite can be useful to provide guidance and protection when astral travelling ensuring you safely reach your destination.

Emotional  Hessonite is an uplifting, warm and comforting stone.

Physical  Hessonite has been used to assist with infertility and also to balance hormonal activity.

- RASPBERRY (Pyrope)

Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Leo
Vibrational number Raspberry and Pyrope Garnet are both 3
Chakra(s) Base, crown
Element Water
Chemical composition Mg,Al2(SiO4)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals
Mohs’ hardness scale

Raspberry garnet protects the root and crown chakras and links these two chakras to allow access to inner wisdom.  This crystal works within the personal energy field and does not normally extend outside this area.  It is a stone of inspiration and charisma that teaches you to recognise and own your talents and attributes and to share them with others.

Spiritual Raspberry garnet links you to your Higher wisdom.

Emotional  Raspberry garnet support your self-worth and encourages you to recognise and own your abilities.

Physical  Raspberry garnet is supportive of good health.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral, Solar plexus
Element Earth, Fire
Chemical composition (Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale 7 – 7.5

Spessartine garnet have a magnetic quality to draw to you whatever it is that you wish to attract.  It also removes from your aura anything which may be preventing you from effectively manifesting.  It also increases your creativity and can increase fertility in any sense.

Spiritual Spessartine garnet relates to creativity and it connects you to Source to draw inspiration.  It also teaches manifestation.

Emotional Spessartine garnet is a very positive stone encouraging positivity and joyfulness.

Physical Spessartine garnet can be helpful in fertility issues and also for weight loss.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Heart, Solar plexus
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Uvarovite is helpful in teaching you to let go of poverty thinking.  It can also teach that the Universe will provide what is needed at the right time if you trust.  The energy of Uvarovite is more intense although similar to tsavorite. It has the energy of abundance.  Uvarovite also works at the heart chakra to heal emotional wounds.

Spiritual  Uvarovite is beneficial in clearing your channels either to receive from the Universe or from other people.

Emotional  Uvarovite stimulates heart healing from emotional wounds.

Physical Uvarovite is helpful to support and heal heart conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Brow
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaSiO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 4.5 – 5

Garnet in wollastonite combines the properties of both minerals. (Refer to the garnet section for this mineral)  Wollastonite  can help you to drop the flimsy façade that you have to move forward with more confidence and in a way true to yourself.

Spiritual  Wollastonite can help you to develop clairaudience.

Emotional  Wollastonite can help you to understand the duality within yourself.

Physical  Wollastonite has been used to correct the alkalinity within the body.

GARNIERITE (Falcondoite, Noumeite)

Astrological sign(s) Leo, Virgo
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Brow, solar plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition (Ni,Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 2.5 – 4


Garnierite is known as the ‘stone of acquisition and accumulation’. Meditate with the stone to help you to see the best direction to obtain your goals.  It has also been used to stop gossip.  It provides an energy that stops negative communication.  Garnierite has also been used to support single parent or single living showing you how to be self-sufficient.  It promotes healing on all levels through the heart centre.

Spiritual  Garnierite helps you to see the qualities you possess and also those possessed by others.

Emotional  Garnierite opens the heart chakra and encourages self-love.

Physical  Garnierite is beneficial to your recuperative powers and ability to regenerate cells.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 44
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral, Third eye
Element Earth
Chemical composition Fe3+O(OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5

Geothite can help you to enjoy the journey of life and increase progress towards your goal.  Also useful in connecting with the angelic realm.  Geothite also teaches you to go through things with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that you see every single aspect.  It is a helpful for any pursuits that require precision and attention to detail.  Geothite is also beneficial for dealing with grief both for counsellors assisting clients or for individuals working through this themselves.  It is a stone of death and rebirth.   If specifically programmed goethite can be used as a wish stone that can be placed on your altar to manifest your wish.

Spiritual Geothite can access the Akashic records.  It is also a wish stone.

Emotional Geothite is a balancing stone for the emotional body.

Physical Geothite strengthens the blood and stimulates bone marrow growth.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart, throat
Element Fire
Chemical composition

(Mg, Fe2+)(Al, Fe3+)3(SiO4)(BO3)O2

Mohs’ hardness scale 7.5

Grandidierite is one of the world’s rarest stones and not easy to come by. It can help you to evaluate evidence correctly and draw precise and correct conclusions.  Grandidierite shows you that you are a perfect manifestation of the Divine; you are good enough, pretty enough, you are enough.  This is the perfect stone for people who are insecure in themselves.  It can also help you to find your passion again if you have lost your way.  It can also help you speak clearly what is in your heart.

Spiritual  Grandidierite can help you to connect with the higher realms in order to see you path more clearly.

Emotional  Grandidierite encourages open and loving relationships.

Physical  Grandidierite has been useful for conditions of the throat and headaches.  It can also be helpful for those suffering from shortness of breath.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Virgo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2 + (Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale 6


Greenlandite is a mixture of quartz and fuchsite and is similar in appearance to green aventurine.  It helps you to be able to be aware of the emotion that is linked to a situation and to resolve the situation in a heart centered way.  Greenlandite also teaches us to live in tune with the Earth upon which we live to take care of the Earth and connect with nature.

Greenlandite is used in gridding against geopathic stress and in general earth healing.

Spiritual  Greenlandite can protect against psychic vampire attacks on your energy.  Place it over whichever chakra you most need protection, particularly the heart and solar plexus.

Emotional  Greenlandite is a calming stone that is helpful in reduces anger.  It helps to strengthen mature love.

Physical  Greenlandite balances male/female energies and promotes general well-being.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye, crown
Element Air
Chemical composition Na8Al6Si6O24Cl2
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5 – 6

Hackmanite is a form of sodalite so the properties of sodalite also apply to this stone.  It is a high vibrational stone.  It can help in stressful situations and enable you to have a clear mind.  It is uv reactive.

Spiritual  Hackmanite is a high vibrational stone but is also grounding making it an excellent partner for deep meditation.

Emotional  Hackmanite stimulates the brow and crown chakras helping you to see and recognise the truth of situations and promotes healthy self-worth and self-confidence.

Physical  Hackmanite can be used to clear electromagnetic smog.  It can be helpful for throat conditions, insomnia and digestive conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Pisces
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition NaCl
Mohs’ hardness scale 2

Halite is formed from sodium chloride (salt) by evaporation of sea water and so will melt if in a damp environment or you try to cleanse it in water or the earth.  Cleanse by alternative methods.   It can be colourless, white, purple, blue, yellow, pink red or grey/black and the properties vary slightly with each colourway.  As it is such a soft and fragile mineral it is unsuited to being made into jewellery or worn/carried on the person.

Halite is an excellent purifier of energies in yourself or in the environment. It also lifts the mood.  Pink halite is particularly good for this purpose together with clearing ‘brain fog’ and calming the emotional body.

Spiritual  Halite cleanses the aura and can help to prevent entity attachment.

Emotional  Halite balances the emotions particularly for those who experience mood swings.

Physical  Halite has been used for conditions of the colon and lower intestinal tract.  All colours are also said to be beneficial to assist with asthma, allergies and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).


Astrological sign(s) Taurus
Vibrational number 33
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Na22K(SO4)9(CO3)2Cl
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 3.5

Hanksite is a stone that can help you to call up karmic issues from the past for healing.  It also links to Lemurian energies and can allow you to access information from that civilisation.  However, the information must only be used for the greater good of all.  It is a stone that is beneficial for clearing your aura and preventing attachments.  Hanksite is a ‘stone of truth’ that enables you to dispel illusions or deceptions in others and yourself.

Spiritual  Hanksite is excellent for cleansing the aura of any negative detritus.  It also works at the third eye and can help you to see visions.

Emotional  Hanksite can release anger from the emotional body.

Physical  Hanksite can be helpful for detoxifying the body and also for water retention in the lower legs and feet.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number Healer’s gold 8  Apache gold 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition FeS2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6


Healer’s gold is comprised of pyrite, steatite, magnetite and other minerals.  The name is a reflection of the ability of this stone to increase both the energy of the healer and the receiver.  It is a very positive energy and is beneficial to you in new creative work.  Whilst it does not provide the inspiration it supports you in your new work or ideas. Healers gold is helpful for those working in the healing arts who tend to feel drained after a session.

Spiritual   Healer’s gold draws down high frequency energies and grounds them.  It is also a protective stone during meditation.

Emotional  Healer’s gold can turn indecision into positive choices and clearer decisions.

Physical  Healer’s gold is a good all round healing stone.  It is particularly useful for improving the oxygenation of the blood and improving physical energy.


Astrological sign(s) Aries, Aquarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition Fe2O3
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Hematite is one of the best stones for grounding.  It is also a stone of protection. Stone of clarity, balance and calm reason.  Hematite dissolves negativity and brings positive attitudes towards life, health and well-being.        Hematite is an important stone to draw down the energy from the Universe to ground it.  In order to effectively manifest you need to be grounded and not just working in the higher realms and hematite is one of the best stones for this purpose.   Furthermore, to work in the highest realms it is imperative that you are properly grounded. It is a stone that combines both the female and male/yin yang energies.

Spiritual  Hematite is a very grounding stone which enables you to remain connected to the Earth whilst carry very high frequency energies.

Emotional  Hematite can give you courage and help you see that every cloud has a silver lining.

Physical Hematite can support healing from blood or bone marrow conditions.


Banded hematite is a combination of hematite and jasper and has the combined attributes of these two minerals.



This formation of hematite is a calming stone that is useful to deal with anger or anxiety.

Resonates to Cancer and vibrates to 4


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Herkimer diamonds are a form of quartz that occurs in short double terminated crystals.  They derive their name from the Herkimer mines in which they were first found.  Only crystals from that specific mine can be called Herkimer and the properties given here relate to these forms.  The Herkimer style of crystal has since been found in other locations and although larger ones do come from the Herkimer mine many of the large examples come from other locations around the world.

Herkimer diamonds help you to simply ‘Be’ and so lead you to self-recognition.  It aids in recovery of memory to facilitate healing.  It also stimulates clairvoyance and telepathic abilities.  Herkimer diamonds can help you to attune to others which can be beneficial in healing situations.

Herkimer diamonds are also helpful in dreamwork; place several under your pillow having set the program for your desired outcome.  In healing Herkimer diamonds have a high, clear energy that is helpful in removing energy blockages.


Spiritual  Herkimer diamonds are useful in dream work, astral travel and other areas of expanded reality.  They are also excellent in gridwork and to clear the energetic field or healing room.

Emotional  Herkimer diamonds are helpful in showing where there are blockages in the emotional system and clearing them and also removal of energetic cords.

Physical  Herkimer diamonds are good general healing stones particularly for the eyes and eyesight.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, third eye, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition (Ca,Na,K)2-3Al3(Al,Si)Si13O36 ♀ 12H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Heulandite is one of the minerals in the zeolite group so the attributes of zeolite also apply.   It can be found in a range of colours but green and which are probably the most commonly found. Heulandite helps you to find out all that you need from the past and the present so that you can make the best decisions. It allows release of limiting conditions such as jealousy.  Heulandite also allows you to be able to see others in the light that they are doing they best they can and to be compassionate.  Heulandite is one of the high frequency stones here to aid with our evolution.


This colour of heulandite is a heart chakra stone which helps keep your emotional state positive.   It is also useful to help recovery from heart conditions.


Spiritual  Green heulandite aligns the heart with Universal love energies of creation.  It helps you obtain and remain in a heart centred stated.

Emotional  Green heulandite is helpful when dealing with grief or loss and also for releasing attachments.

Physical  Green heulandite is excellent for supporting the healing of the physical heart.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition LiAl(SiO3)2 with Cr
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 – 7

Hiddenite is a variety of Spodumene.  It helps you to use the loving side of your nature to bring into conscious awareness the unknown. Hiddenite is a powerful heart stone teaching you to connect to and return Universal love.  It helps you to live in gratitude. Hiddenite heals deep wounds to the heart.  Hiddenite is also a stone of renewal helping you to find hope in even the most difficult situations.

Spiritual  Hiddenite teaches the true meaning of gratitude and abundance enabling you to connect with the Universal source to truly understand this energy.

Emotional  Hiddenite helps you to live in joy by living in the now and not looking for joy in the past or future.

Physical  Hiddenite is helpful for physical heart issues and to lift low moods.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition tba
Mohs’ hardness scale 6 – 6.5 (estimated)

Hilutite is a composite mineral composed of Goethite, Garnet, Zircon and Quartz and fairly new addition to the healing minerals.  It is quite rare and difficult to acquire at present. As it is quite new there is limited information on the uses for this stone. It can help you to feel emotionally balanced and it particularly helpful for those who feel they want to return to their home in the stars to ground and enjoy the physical nature of being human.

Spiritual  Hilutite is a high frequency stone that is good for working in the higher frequencies whilst remaining well grounded.

Emotional  Hilutite is a positive stone that raises your mood.

Physical  There is little noted at present regarding this aspect.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Heart, solar plexus, throat
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca2SiB5O9(OH)5
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5

Howlite dispels criticalness and selfishness.  It eliminates pain, stress and rage and encourages subtlety and tact.     Howlite is a good stone to have to help discourage inappropriate behaviour related to rage or boisterousness.  Not only does it calm the situation but it also reflects the inappropriate back to the offender thus enabling them to make changes.

It is worth noting that howlite (and ivory magnesite) are often dyed to appear to be other minerals such as turquoise and sugilite and sold as these other (much more expensive) minerals by traders either innocently or deliberately.

Spiritual Howlite has greater action on the emotional and physical levels.

Emotional  Howlite calms communication and rage moderating behaviour and also allowing the offender to be aware of their actions.

Physical  Howlite has been used to balance the levels of calcium in the body and allied conditions.

IDOCRASE (Vesuvianite)

Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius, Capricorn
Vibrational number Idocrase 2    Vesuvianite 3
Chakra(s) Third eye, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca10Mg2Al4(SiO4)5(Si2O7)2(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5

Idocrase forms in a colour wide range of colours including yellows, browns, pinks, and greens.  It offers a soft vibration of loyalty to all humans.  You can use it to promote humanitarian efforts. It is a good choice for your friend or family member who is in the armed forces. Use to dispel fear and negative thought patterns. It will advance you along your spiritual path while providing easy access to your higher self.

Spiritual  Idocrase provides an easy link with your higher self to help you progress on your spiritual path.  It also increases your clairsentience.

Emotional  Idocrase is helpful in dispelling anger and lifting depression.  It can also help to relieve fear.

Physical  Idocrase can be beneficial for improving the creative element of mental faculties.  It has also been used to strengthen teeth and help assimilate food intake.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition Mg,Fe,Ni,Al,Zn,Mn)2-3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 4

Infinite stone is a mixture of pale green serpentine and chrysotile. It allows access to angelic guidance.  It is good for past life work bringing past, present and future into alignment and promotes compassion and forgiveness.  As part of your spiritual development it can raise your frequency.  It also connects with nature.  Infinite stone has a soothing energy that can help disperse crystallised energetic patterns.

Spiritual  Infinite stone can clear the auric field of crystallised patterns.  It can also help focus in study or meditation.

.Emotional Infinite stone can help you be more resilient to other’s comments or actions and increase your self-confidence.

Physical   Infinite stone can help protect your energy against electromagnetic or energetic pollution.

IOLITE (Cordierite) (Water Sapphire)

Astrological sign(s) Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
Vibrational number 7 both Iolite and Cordierite       6 Water Sapphire
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe2+)2Al3(AlSi5O18 ♀ H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale 7 – 7.5

Iolite is also called ‘the violet stone’. It is It balances the male/female aspects of the character.  Enables you to enjoy each moment and awaken to the inner knowledge awaiting access.  Shamans sometimes wear rings with iolite when seeking visions to ensure accuracy of the information received.  It is helpful when seeking past life information.  As violet stone Iolite is also beneficial to calm an overactive mind.

Spiritual  Iolite opens and clears the third eye to open the visionary channels.  In particular it assists in connecting with other realms.

Emotional Iolite helps you to visualise solutions to even those difficulties with seem to be insurmountable.

Physical  Iolite is a very good stone to assist healing of the eyes.  It also helps with sleeping difficulties and improves memory.

IRGIZITE (Impactite)

Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number Irgizite 4    Impactite 6
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition tba
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Irgizite is a relatively new find of tektite.  There is very little written up about this form as yet but the general provisions relating to tektites are relevant. It can be used to make connection to extra terrestrials.


trological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition tba
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Isua Stone is thought to be one of the oldest stones on Earth and comes from Greenland.  There is little written up about this stone as yet as it is relatively new to the market and is quite rare and hard to find a present.

It can be used to cut ties and also to establish firm boundaries.

Spiritual  Isua Stone is good for connecting with ancient knowledge and wisdom or for doing past life work.  It can be used to travel through time and space during meditation.


Isua Stone can help you to let go of ‘the chains that bind’ and which may be holding you back.  It shows you how to move forward to reach your dreams.


Isua Stone is both balancing and grounding.

Actinolite can help to stimulate white blood cells and supports the immune system.  It also brings balance and harmony to the adrenal glands.

Crystal Meanings

Crystals A – I

This section gives you a brief outline of the energies of each of the crystals listed together with an image of that particular mineral.  They are grouped under the main mineral and then the different varieties.


Actinolite in Quartz

Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat(Green) Root (Black)
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Actinolite forms in a range of colours  – white, gray, brown, black, light to dark green and yellowish green. The form in quartz is a rare form particularly in the higher grades.  It is an excellent stone to carry to protect against unwanted negative energies. Actinolite in quartz in helpful when you feel that you have lost your way and need to be redirected.

Spiritual  Actinolite is sometimes called the ‘dream’ stone that helps you to recall dreams and particularly to connect with ancient wisdom in dreamtime.  It also helps you to connect more fully to the universal energies.

Emotional  Actinolite is beneficial for easing anxiety.  A powerful stone at the heart chakra to protect against negativity.  It allows for deep held issues to be brought to the surface for attention and release so that you can move forward with an open, clear heart.

Physical  Actinolite can help to stimulate white blood cells and supports the immune system.  It also brings balance and harmony to the adrenal glands.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth, Fire
Chemical composition NaFe3+(Si2O6)
Mohs’ hardness scale  6

Aegirine is an excellent stone for removing negative energies in whatever form and bringing in positive energy flow.  It can help you recognise that the light has nothing to fear from the dark. It also helps you to live in the best way to be true to yourself and your morals and beliefs.

Spiritual  Aegirine can be beneficial to lift your energies from depression or negative thinking to more positive ones. It can help to release inner insecurities and provide greater spiritual balance.  Aegirine can also help protect from psychic attack from others.

Emotional  In a similar way to the spiritual benefits aegirine also works to relieve negative emotional patterns and feelings such as shame and relieve anxiety.

Physical  Aegirine works to energise the physical body and is beneficial for those recovering from illness or injury and can increase stamina.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Agate is a form of chalcedony which usually forms with coloured bands.  There a range of colours of agate but geodes and slices and commonly dyed into brighter colours such as purple, pink and blue.  It is useful in balancing the yin/yang energies and stabilising the aura and releasing negativity.  The individual types of agate have the basic properties of chalcedony together with the following additional properties.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Throat, heart, third-eye and crown
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

This is a very gentle stone particularly suiting those with this colour in their auras.    When working on the throat and head allows for ease of calm and effective communication and is particularly helpful for those who have difficulty in getting their voice to be heard.  Anyone who uses their voice in their work may find this a beneficial stone to help protect their voice from damage or throat conditions.

Spiritual   The communication aspect of this stone extends to the communication with the spirit world and blue lace agate is a good stone to use in meditation.  It is one of the stones helpful in connecting with the angelic realm.

Emotional It is a cooling stone assisting feelings of peace and calmness. An additional use is for removing blockages in the nervous system.  As a stone of balance, it can help both those with difficulties in communication and also to calm those who are overly chatty.

Physical       It is useful in treating conditions such as arthritis and broken bones. As a throat chakra stone it is beneficial in respect of throat conditions and conditions of the thymus.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition SiO2pseudomorph
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

Balances the yin-yang energy and the physical emotional and intellectual bodies.  Stabilises the aura. Stimulates the analytical abilities and precision.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number Mexican lace Agate 7 / Crazy lace Agate 11
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 to 7

As with all agates this is a good general healing multipurpose stone.

Spiritual  Crazy Lace can be used to help you see the choices of path that are available and give you insight as to the way forward.

Emotional  Crazy Lace can help you find your ability to laugh again.

Physical  Crazy Lace can be used to help restore physical energy when you are out of balance and feeling low.  It has been used to support the heart and revitalise other internal organs.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini and Virgo
Vibrational number 3 and 4 Vibrational
Chakra(s) Earth star and sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Encourages gentleness and taking time to enjoy each moment.  Helps in the connection with the plant world and in healing the Earth.  It is a stone that provides abundance in your life in general and can be used for abundance in business and earth-based activities.  In healing it is used both for skeletal and nervous system diseases.

Improves ego and self-esteem together with an awareness of your true power.  Provides emotional balance and strengthens positive personality traits including stamina.  Calming and relaxing it is an excellent stone to use for meditation.

Spiritual    This agate allows you to connect to your etheric pattern and the true self.  In this way it can aid you in finding your destined path in life.

Emotional   It is a helpful stone when working on letting go of negative emotions and understanding the basis for such feelings together with the best ways to move forward.  The formation links to the patterns that we create in our lives and can help see how to change and forgive those in yourself and understand others so as to create a truthful environment.

Physical   As this stone works with the release of negative emotions it can be helpful to deal with stress related physical conditions including back pain that can be caused by struggling to deal with difficult situations.  Stress is often held in the solar plexus and sacral chakras and so the organs in these areas can be treated with this stone.

- DULCOTE / POTATO STONE From the Mendips, UK

Astrological sign(s) Taurus
Vibrational number Dulcote Agate 9      Potato Stone 6
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

These nodules are sometimes lined with bright sharp lustrous crystals of Quartz, Calcite, Galena, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Goethite, Lepidochrocite, Celestite, Amethyst, Citrine and a few more. Most of the time they have red agate or jasper filling most of the stone with patches of calcite or small areas of quartz.

Dulcote Agate can be helpful in breaking habits or other cyclical issues.

Spiritual    Dulcote Agate breaks up stagnant energy and replaces it with refreshed and renewed energy.

Emotional   Dulcote Agate is a balancing stone that can help to steady the emotions.

Physical Dulcote Agate is helpful for supporting those with addictions.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Root, sacral and solar plexus
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 – 7

Enables the letting go of those things which no longer serve whilst also illuminating reasons for your reluctance to do so.  In so doing it helps you become the best you can be.

Spiritual  This stone can aid the release of hidden creativity just as the fire within the agate shines through.

Emotional  Working with fire agate can help you to find your true passion in life connecting with your inner knowledge.  It can also support you in finding the courage to make the necessary changes to move towards your life passion.

Physical  The fire within this stone can also work on the physical level to increase your physical vitality.  It is also beneficial for conditions relating to the bowels and digestive system and also the female reproductive organs.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number Grape agate 9 Botryoidal purple chalcedony 7
Chakra(s) Crown, third eye
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 to 7

Also known as purple chalcedony, purple grape chalcedony or botryoidal purple chalcedony.  Grape agate is a trade name and the correct name is botryoidal purple chalcedony.  This stone vibrates on the Violet Ray/Flame. A good stone to meditate with inducing deep levels of meditation in a short period of time.

Spiritual  This stone is very good for clearing the third eye both to open to psychic awareness and to enhance it further also for psychic protection.  It helps you to work in connection with spirit whilst protecting you from any negative influences around during your psychic work.

Emotional  This stone helps you to feel emotionally protected during spiritual work and is particularly useful for children who are beginning to open to spirit and need to feel more protected.

Physical  It is suggested that this stone can be helpful in relieving anxiety and depression and may also be beneficial for those with other brain issues such as dementia.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Balances the yin-yang energy, the physical emotional and intellectual bodies.  Stabilises the aura. Stimulates analytical abilities and precision.  The stone is soothing and helps release jealousy.  It can also help release stored energy to deal with fatigue.  The action is slow but deep and effective

Spiritual  This agate can draw down the celestial energies through the crown chakra to help harmonise the physical body.

Emotional  This stone can aid you in finding the inner source of your anger or frustration bringing this to the surface for attention.

Physical  This agate is beneficial in times of exhaustion to go within to find your hidden resources.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Third eye and brow
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Enables clear thinking so that you can make unbiased decisions.  An excellent stone for increasing your connection with the world of spirit and improving your communication skills.  Useful for working with conditions affecting the throat and heart.

Spiritual Holly Blue Agate has a higher vibrational frequency than other agates and as such is useful to activate the physic centres in the brain.  This means that it can increase your clairvoyance and other psychic senses.

Emotional    As a light blue stone this is one that can instil calmness and as sense of all being well.  It is, therefore, beneficial for anyone in situations that require patience and tolerance and enables clearer judgement.

Physical  This stone is useful in the higher chakras and so can be used for headaches and over thinking that causes anxiety. Used at the throat it can help you to verbalise your emotions.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 44
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Iris agate is quite hard to come by.  It demonstrates the iridescent colour, which also leads to its alternative name of rainbow agate, only when thinly sliced and placed in the light.  This is a high frequency stone.

Spiritual  This agate can enable you to see your inner truths particularly when using it in meditation.  It is a guiding stone that can also enable you to see visions.  Guides you to trust your true path.

Emotional  Promotes honesty with yourself and others.  It is a joyful stone bringing you happiness.

Physical  This stone is primarily a spiritual/emotional one .


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Encourages agreeability, persuasiveness and strength in all endeavours.  Improves self-esteem and ego.  Helps you to see the beauty in all you behold.  It is useful when working with any type of agriculture.  It is a very grounding stone.

Spiritual As a grounding stone this agate encourages connection with the Earth and increases awareness of the living being upon which we live.  This creates an excellent base to open to greater spiritual awareness and connection to higher knowledge to help you to realign to your etheric template.

Emotional   Moss agate can be used to help balance the mood and create more stable moods.  It is calming and centering and so is useful in providing support to progress in life dealing with issues as they crop up more effectively.

Physical  Moss agate is a balancing stone and on the physical level can aid bringing all to the bodies systems back into homeostatis.  When the body is well aligned it becomes easier to move forward in life with a clearer focus.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 33
Chakra(s) Root
Element Water
Chemical composition Mn2+S
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

This is a relatively new stone to the healing arena and as such has limited information regarding its use.  It is said to be beneficial for balance physically (potentially linked to inner ear issues), emotionally and spiritually. It is also said to be beneficial in reducing chaos and also to promote effective communication particularly within families.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Heart and crown
Element Wind and water
Chemical composition BeAl2034
Mohs’ hardness scale  8.5

This stone is a form of chrysoberyl and changes colour in different lights; green in sunlight and red-violet in artificial light.  Alexandrite is often man made so exercise caution when purchasing.  It is fairly expensive so price can be a good indicator as to whether it is a natural crystal or not.

Spiritual You can use this crystal to identify the start of your personal development and understand what you have already achieved and what more you need to do.  Alexandrite can also be used to help connect with the Akashic records.  It is a heart stone that opens you to higher wisdom through the heart.

Emotional  Alexandrite can help to strengthen self-esteem.  It is a rebirth crystal enabling you to expedite change in both inner and outer self.  It is also a stone of joy and can help you learn how to accept/receive love from others.

Physical   This stone fundamentally works on the spiritual levels but physically works on the pineal and pituitary glands.  It can be helpful to support healing.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Heart and throat
Element Water
Chemical composition KAlSi3O8
Mohs’ hardness scale  6 – 6.5

Amazonite is a soothing stone that is particularly helpful at the heart and throat. It can help you if you have lost sight of your personal truth or if you are not sure what your true place in the world should be.It is a stone of truth.  It also aligns the physical and etheric bodies. It can also be used in manifestation and retaining pure universal love.

Spiritual  Amazonite is a stone of truth for self and others.  It is also a good stone to use when wishing to connect with higher truths and knowledge.

Emotional  Amazonite is an excellent stone for those who have difficulties in setting appropriate boundaries.  It is also useful to work with to help you determine your personal beliefs.  Amazonite can be used to help let go of worries and soothes the nerves.  It is a good stone to carry for general wellbeing.  and values.

Physical  Amazonite has been used to assist healing and cell regeneration and also to balance adrenals and thyroid.  It is a useful stone to carry for general health.Itcan be used to remove blocks in the nervous system and also for energy blocks.

GRAPHIC    This a combination of amazonite and smokey quartz.  Thus it adds grounding to the attributes of amazonite.


Astrological sign(s) Leo and Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third eye and brow
Element Earth
Chemical composition C, H, O (in variable proportions)
Mohs’ hardness scale  2 – 2.5

Amber is not strictly a stone but fossilised resin from ancient pine trees.  This is the reason that some amber has been found with insects and other things trapped inside.  Be cautious in purchasing amber with insects unless you can absolutely sure that it is genuine.  Amber can be melted and reformed with an insect etc. put in it and this is often done in order to gain the higher prices that insect included pieces can command.  Some tumble stones and jewellery also have reformed amber.  Also beware of fake amber (ie plastic).  Genuine amber is usually in the colour range of creamy colour through golden tones to a darker yellow-brown.  Rarer colours are green, red, black and blue.  Fake amber is unfortunately common and is usually made from plastic.  If you can test an item without damage being visible piercing it slightly with a very hot needle will enable you to tell the difference.  Amber has a lovely sweet resinous aroma and plastic smells quite unpleasant!

Amber allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy.  Emits a bright and soothing energy to help calm nerves and enliven the disposition.  It is also a useful stone for learning manifestation of your needs

Spiritual  Amber holds the energy of the sun and holding the solar light.  The different coloured ambers can be used at the relevant chakra to clear blockages in the energy centres. Amber aligns the various levels of the auric field to the physical being.

Emotional   Carrying the brightness of the sun this is a good stone for use in lifting depression.  The yellow form links to the solar plexus and the darker more orange form to the sacral chakra and can help to release incoming emotions that are causing unhappiness or depression increasing a good sense of self.

Physical  Amber is beneficial in increasing physical energy and improve the function of the digestive system and any other sluggish bodily systems.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius,
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown, etheric
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Amethyst is mainly found in shades of purple from very pale to intensely deep colours.  There are some other colourways that are less common such as pink.  The colour comes from trace amounts of iron and aluminium in different proportions together with  irradiation (either natural or artificially applied). It is a good stone to use in meditation and beds can be used to sit smaller crystals on to cleanse them.  A key stone to use to spiritual work.

Amethyst is one of the most commonly used crystals for meditation as it relates to the crown and third eye chakras which facilitates opening for psychic or intuitive work.  It has a peaceful energy which is also considered to be protective whilst undertaking psychic work.

Spiritual  Amethyst can help speed up development of your psychic abilities as it opens and clears the third eye and crown chakras.  It can also be used to protect against psychic attack.

Emotional Amethyst is a cooling stone and can be used to help align your spiritual purpose with your earthly incarnation.  This can be particular useful for Star People who feel that they want to ‘go home’

Physical Historically this stone has been used to encourage sobriety.  As such this can be extended to help with addictive personality and addictive habits.  It can also be used to relieve headaches and conditions of the ears.

All formations of amethyst have the same basic properties but the individual types have additional properties as follows.

- CHEVRON (Dream)

Astrological sign(s) All
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Third eye and Crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

This variety of amethyst is recognised by the white chevron shapes throughout.  Chevron amethyst placed on a chakra releases the tension in that chakra.  Excellent stone for journeying and inner self work.  Allows you to gain knowledge in the area of spiritual healing.

Spiritual Chevron amethyst can be used to gain knowledge in spiritual healing.  It can also be used to determine the nature and condition of the auric field and the necessary action to take to cleanse the aura.  Chevron amethyst is often used in journeying and other inner work.

Emotional  Chevron amethyst can help promote a more positive outlook on life that shows there can be good outcomes to all issues.

Physical   It has been used for conditions of the liver, lungs, intestines and pancreas.  Also it can be placed on the eyes to assist with conditions of the eye


Astrological sign(s) Virgo and Libra
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Heart, Crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

This formation is a plate with flat ruffle like surface that is a little like the shape of a chrysanthemum ball but flatter.  It is “a stone of love, healing and blessings” that connects the heart and crown chakra.  Helps you remember your reason for being in physical form at this time.  A stone for the Indigo Children.  Placed in the environment it can help with discouragement and despair bringing peace and relaxation.  It is a stone for the Indigo Children.

Spiritual  Amethyst flowers can help you recognise why you have incarnated in human form at this time.

Emotional Amethyst flowers are helpful in dispelling feelings of discomfort and disorder replacing this with a feeling of peacefulness.

Physical It can be used to deal with stress and anxiety.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo and Libra
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Third eye, Crown, Heart
Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Vera Cruz amethyst are generally relatively small crystals and are a much paler range than other forms of amethyst ranging through the shades of purple but all pale and often the strongest colour is nearer the termination.  This form of amethyst is also a higher frequency than most other forms. It is said to provide an immediate Beta state and stimulates the throat chakra and has a calming effect.  Stroking it brings energy emission.  Place on the arm for tranquillity.

Spiritual  Vera Cruz amethyst is particularly good for helping people meditate who tend to have difficulty achieving the correct state.

Emotional  It is a very calming stone that can help you reach the state where you can connect with your higher knowledge.

Physical  It can be used on the third eye to activate the pineal gland and helping to balance the left and right sides of the brain.


This stone has similar properties to purple chevron amethyst with additional properties.  This is a softer energy that supports emotional wellbeing and also helps you to recognise your true self.  It is likely that this is a heat treated stone although no confirming information is available at present.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Earth star, root
Element Earth
Chemical composition Fe2O3 (may be amended at a later date)
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5 – 6  (may be amended at a later

Ancestralite is a one of the oldest known stones and is a pseudomorph of Martite which is a type of hematite formed under increased oxygen activity.  It is a relatively new crystal, however, to the metaphysical arena.  As an ancient stone formed in the depths of the Earth the energy of this stone is helpful in dealing with past life, karmic and ancestral issues.  It clears the old energy of things we have not deal with from the physical bringing it to the emotional level for you to deal with and finally let go of.

Spiritual  Ancestralite is a grounding stone.  It is also useful to help connect with the Akashic records.

Emotional Ancestralite is beneficial when working with karmic issues and releasing karmic ties.

Physical  Ancestralite is helpful in conditions relating to the blood.  It is also helpful in relieving stress.

ANGELITE (Blue anhydrite)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaSO4
Mohs’ hardness scale  3.5

An excellent balancer that aligns the physical body with the etheric template.  It can be used to create a protective shield wherever it is placed.

Spiritual  It is good for use when working with the angelic realm and is a mineral that both sends and receives information making communication more effective.  Angelite can be used at the throat to balance and repair the throat chakra.

Emotional   It raises the state of conscious awareness to promote clear and orderly communication.  It dispels anger.

Physical Angelite works with the bones and can assist with such issues as osteoporosis and also with general mobility.

ANYOLITE – See Ruby in zoisite

Ruby in zoisite – Anyolite


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Base, Sacral
Element Earth, fire
Chemical composition 70 – 75% SiO2 + MgO, Fe3O4
Mohs’ hardness scale  5 – 5.5

Apache tears are a form of obsidian.  The name comes from the Apache lore about an attack in the 1870s in which the military carried out a surprise attack against the tribe on lands where the Apache tears were found and these are said to be the tears of the women.  It is said that carrying an Apache tear means you never need to cry again as the Apache women have cried the tears for you.  Thus it can be used as comfort in times of grief.  Enables realisation of the cause of the distress and ways understand and accept the loss.

Spiritual  Apache Tears are good protective stones that can help you to understand the spiritual lessons that you are to learn in physical form.

Emotional  It is supportive during periods of grief.  It can stimulate forgiveness to resolve disputes.

Physical  Apache Tears can help with strength and stamina and also boost the immune system.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat, third eye, solar plexus
Element Wind/water/earth
Chemical composition Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)
Mohs’ hardness scale  5

Apatite is found in a range of colours although the green and blue varieties are more readily available. The general attributes are to stimulate the intellect and to dissolve aloofness and negativity.  Apatite can be used to stimulate the development of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience.  Apatite is a attuned to humanitarian issues and links with healing, teaching and balancing energy so is an important stone for healers to carry with them.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Third Eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)
Mohs’ hardness scale  5

Blue apatite clears and opens the third eye helping improve psychic abilities and inner vision.  It is also useful in connecting to the Akashic records and past lives thus giving insight into karmic matters and your personal soul journey.

Spiritual Karmic and soul journey work and also for seeking information in dreamtime to gain answers to questions.

Emotional  Blue apatite can help  you look at difficulties from a higher perspective to find solutions.

Physical Blue apatite can be used to soothe headaches and also to ease dizziness or vertigo.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Heart, throat, third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Green apatite is particularly for anyone involved in the healing arts or teaching as it enables you to remain calm and balanced inside whilst giving out energy.  It also is used in communication with earth or nature spirits.

Spiritual As a green stone this can link to abundance and help address negative thought processes around abundance in general and money matters.  It supports positive thinking around attaining and maintaining good health.

Emotional Green apatite can help find the root cause of emotional problems including those from past lives and opens the way to resolve the matter.

Physical Green apatite is a good general healing stone and one that can support recovery.  It is specifically useful for heart conditions or those conditions that are stress or anxiety related.

ANANDALITE (Aurora quartz/rainbow quartz)

Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number

Anandalite 9 / Aurora quartz 6 / Rainbow quartz 5

Element Wind
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Anadalite is a natural quartz that has a rainbow effect similar to some of the lighter coloured aura crystals. The name mean ‘Divine bliss’.  It is a high frequency crystal.  It is a stone that works best for women as it carries a feminine energy. Some have found that it has been helpful to use this stone to focus your energy in the morning for the upcoming day.  Others have found it to be helpful in awakening the Kundalini energy although it is primarily considered to be most effective at the crown and brow chakras.

Spiritual  Anandalite is most effective in the spiritual aspects and is an excellent stone for awakening the Light Body.  It is a good stone to use in meditation to connect with the higher realms and to connect to your higher purpose.

Emotional  and  Physical  Anandalite has its main functions in the higher chakras but it also is a good healing stone for all the chakras and provides support for the heart.  It can also bring joy and happiness.


Astrological sign(s) Libra, Gemini
Vibrational number 4 Apophyllite pyramid 99
Chakra(s) Crown, third eye
Element Wind, earth
Chemical composition KCa4Si8O20(F,OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale  4.5 – 5

Apophyllite can be used to create a conscious link between the physical and spiritual realms and to facilitate astral travel.  Also to enhance and stimulate intuitive vision.  The formations are pseudo-cubic crystals, granular masses and natural pyramidal structures as well as drusy on other crystals.  Apophyllite is either clear or green. Apophyllite enables you to see that ‘as one door closes another opens’.  It is also helpful in working with removal of those things from your life that no longer serve you.

Spiritual   Apophyllite is a good meditation stone.  If you lie down to meditate you can place apophyllite pyramids either on your third eye or on each physical eye.  It is helpful for developing inner vision.  Green apophyllite more specifically connects with nature and the kingdoms of nature.

Emotional clear apophyllite can be used to restore your faith in your spiritual path particularly after times of disillusionment or ‘falling off the path’.  Green apophyllite can lift he mood and look at life as if through the eyes of a child letting go of cynicism.

Physical  clear apophyllite can help you determine the spiritual reason for physical conditions and thus correct the situation.  Green apophyllite can help with detoxification and also self-healing.


Astrological sign(s) Libra, Gemini
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Wind, earth
Chemical composition KCa4Si8O20(F,OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale 5

Green apophyllite links with the energy of the natural world and nature and the nature spirits.  It is also useful in animal communication.

Spiritual  green apophyllite links to the world of nature and is helpful for anyone working in that field.

Emotional  green apophyllite brings hope to the emotional body and can help you find the childlike joy in life.  It balances the heart energy.

Physical    green apophyllite can be use to help self-healing of conditions that are degenerative or affect bodily tissues.

The Disco ball the rarest formation of green apophyllite



Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Throat
Element Air
Chemical composition (H3O)8(Na,K,Sr)5Ca6Zr3SiSi(Si24O66)(OH)9Cl
Mohs’ hardness scale  4

Aqualite is a combination of quartz and blue apatite and so has the general properties of both minerals. Quartz acts to enhance and amplify the qualities of apatite.  It is an excellent general healing stone but which acts particularly in the area of the throat and head.

Spiritual  aqualite is a good stone to support spiritual practice to deepen meditation and help reach higher spiritual guidance.  It can help you to develop your psychic abilities.

Emotional  aqualite is useful for support and assistance for public speaking and also enabling your to speak your own truth.  It can also improve willpower.

Physical  aqualite is said to be helpful in dealing with issues of the bones and joints and also issues in the area of the throat and mouth.  It is also considered helpful in speeding up overall healing.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Pisces, Aries
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Throat, heart
Element Water
Chemical composition Be3Al2(SiO3)6
Mohs’ hardness scale

Aquamarine is a form of beryl.  The ‘stone of courage’.  Encourages the ability to ‘always be prepared’.  It has a gentle and compassionate energy.  Stimulates and activates the throat chakra.  For women it can help link to your inner knowing and verbalise this; for men it can help to verbalise emotions.  It is a stone of empowerment.

Spiritual Aquamarine opens the throat chakra and allowing you to speak your truth and release old outdated patterns.  It also helps connect more fully to your Higher Self.

Emotional  This is a very calming stone that helps you to move forward letting go of baggage.

Physical Cooling and reduces inflammation particularly for throat infections.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Aragonite helps you to centre yourself during periods of stress or in preparation for meditation.  It can help you to cope better in times of duress. anger.  Encourages self-acceptance and assists in showing the way to solve problems.  Aragonite is also a powerful earth healer.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Throat, heart, third eye
Element Wind, water
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Blue aragonite is very calming stone that is excellent at enhancing all levels of emotion and stopping you suppressing emotions.  It is a very positive stone that enhances your empathic and psychic abilities.  It also helps increase your ability to deal with stress.  In encourages compassion and for healing verbal abuse.  It is beneficial for those working with breathwork or sound healing.

Spiritual  Blue aragonite calms the mind and enables deeper connection with Higher Knowledge and your ability to transmit this information.

 Emotional Helpful to release fear of speaking your truth.  It also helps to think and speak compassionately.

 Physical Blue aragonite reduces inflammation and it particularly helpful for lung and respiratory conditions.



Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Brown Aragonite is a good grounding stone generally and during meditation.  This colour is particularly good for those engaged in earth healing.  Physically it is calming and centering and useful for issues related to the root chakra.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Green aragonite is balancing and calming and also linked to the earth.  This colour links to the ‘green’ parts of the earth, the plant life and is beneficial for those working with plants of all kinds.  It is a powerful healer that can help you clear any energetic blockages that are preventing you from reaching your potential.



Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

This colour of aragonite emanates love, compassion and forgiveness.  It encourages spiritual purifications.

Spiritual  Excellent stone for connection with the higher realms.  Spiritual purification.

 Emotional  This form can aid you in facing and dealing with your personal ‘baggage’.  Helps develop compassion and forgiveness.

 Physical  White aragonite enhances patience.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 2 or 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

This formation is excellent for healing and balancing.  It enables you to look into the different aspects of the past that can have created pain in the past and find ways to heal.  From the formation you can imagine you are at the centre and balanced and able to connect to all the other various issues from that point.White aragonite brings through the high frequencies of light.  It is calm and brings forth the energies of love, forgiveness and compassion to help you assimilate these qualities into yourself.

Spiritual  This form can be used to clear and activate the auric field and all the energy centres.  They also facilitate clear communication.

Emotional   You can use this form to aid self-healing working from a position of a calm heart.

Physical Sputniks can increase vitality and stamina and ground the energy of light into the physical being.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third Eye
Element Air
Chemical composition Na3Fe42+Fe3+Si8O22)(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Arfvedsonite is often confused with or misdescribed as astrophyllite.  The easiest way to identify the difference is the blue needles that occur in arfvedsonite and not in astrophyllite.  It is an excellent manifestation stone.  It has also been used to dispel nightmares and promote peaceful sleep.  Arfvedsonite can help you to become more positive in your outlook and recognise how any negative thoughts and behaviours are impacting on your life.

Spiritual  Arfvedsonite is a good stone for meditation and can help you to  connect to your higher consciousness to receive information that you need.  This is a powerful stone and you need to use a grounding stone with arfvedsonite

Emotional  Arfvedsonite can help you to remain calm when under stress and to instil a deep feeling of peacefulness.

Physical  Arfvedsonite is a restful stone that can help you sleep better.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition K2Na(Fe++,Mn)7Ti2Si8O26(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale  3-4

Astrophyllite is a stone of commitment in all contexts when the time, place and situation is beneficial.  It is a good stone to have to bring contentment within a marriage/home.  It enhances fidelity.  It can also help you to get back to your true life purpose if you have strayed or gone a little off course.

Spiritual  Astrophyllite can be used to improve communication with ETs or civilisations  past or future.  It can also be used to dispel negative entities.

Emotional  You can use astrophyllite to face and integrate your shadow self.

Physical Astrophyllite has been used to balance brain functions and also to regulate the nervous system.

ATLANTISITE (Tasmanite, Serpentine and stichtite)

Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale Serpentine: 3 – 4; Stichtite: 1.5 – 2

This mineral is a combination of serpentine and stichtite and so the following applies in addition to the attributes of the individual minerals.  It is a beneficial earth healing crystal and can be buried in areas that need healing.

Spiritual Atlantisite is a good mediation stone and is particular useful in connecting with past lives and particularly connecting with ancient civilisations such as Atlantis.

Emotional Atlantisite is helpful in determining a sense of security and learning to set appropriate boundaries.  This can help to bring about a more relaxed view of life.

Physical Atantisite can be used for stomach and kidney conditions and also for menstrual cramps.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element All
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Aventurines all include Mica so the properties of this mineral also apply.  There are a variety of minerals that also be included within aventurine such as hematite, chlorite or goethite and the actual mixture and proportion determines the colour of aventurine.  The ‘normal’ colour is green but varieties can be orange, red, grey, blue and many more variations.  The basic attributes apply to all colours but additional elements can apply and each colour can be utilised for the relevant chakra.

Aventurine balances the male/female energies.  It also encourages creativity and the motivation to pursue activities.  In addition it helps you to be decisive.  A further use of aventurine is in the reduction of and protection against electromagnetic and environmental pollution.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Wind, water
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Blue aventurine is a stone that enables you to develop self-discipline and inner strength.  It thus supports the letting go of bad habits particularly addictive behaviours.  It can also help you to recognise your true self and to be able to fully live your life.  Blue aventurine can also support the development of the ability to psychically ‘read’ others.

 Spiritual Blue aventurine enables you to recognise your true self and step into your personal power.

 Emotional  Blue aventurine helps you to see when you have adopted the role of the victim and the manner in which you have allowed this to happen and so be able to make necessary changes.

 Physical Blue aventurine is useful in balancing hormones.  It may also be beneficial in calming over-active behaviours.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water, earth
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

This is the most common colour of aventurine.  It clears and activates the heart chakra.  Balances male and female energies.  Reinforces decisiveness and increases leadership qualities.  It is a very positive energy increasing optimism and joy for life.

Spiritual  Green aventurine can be used to release attachment to the outcome and also to live in the ‘now’.  This can allow for letting go of the past and moving forward. 

Emotional  A joyful stone that helps you find hope and optimism.  Help you to remain heart centered and able to deal with difficult emotional situations.

 Physical Green aventurine is a heart stone and thus is beneficial in regulating the heart and circulatory system.  It is a good stone for healing in general.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Sacral and base
Element Earth, fire
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Useful at the sacral and root chakras.  Strengthens understanding of the self and promotes good self-esteem and self-worth.  It gives ‘fire to your belly’; the energy to tackle the challenges of life head on.  It instils faith and confidence.

Spiritual Red aventurine inspires the confidence to live to your highest ideals and also to recognise if you have moved away from your true path.  It provides persistence and commitment.

 Emotional Red aventurine is very helpful in enabling you to recognise when you are misleading yourself, be forgiving and rectify the situation.

 Physical As with many red stones red aventurine is beneficial in strengthening the blood and promoting production of red blood cells.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, sacral
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2 Different elements in addition change the colour and mica adds the sparkle.
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Placed at the solar plexus it opens the flow of energy through the heart allowing the link between the lower and upper chakras to be cleared and energy to flow freely.  It aids decision making and a good sense of self.

Spiritual Yellow aventurine can be used to manifest the state of ease in being yourself.

 Emotional  Helps to fill you with compassion and understanding.  It can also be supportive in states of grief.

 Physical Yellow aventurine strengthens the system in general and can prove helpful in conditions of the stomach and digestive system.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius and Capricorn
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition Azurite Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 / Malachite Cu₂CO₃(OH)₂
Mohs’ hardness scale  Azurite 3.5 – 4 Malachite

This stone combines the attributes of both minerals.  It also encourages flexibility.  This combination helps eliminate any egocentric tendencies such as arrogance or conceit.

Spiritual  This stone is a good meditation stone helping you to go deep into meditation to allow big changes to take place.

Emotional This combination of minerals helps to calm anxiety which surrounds ‘dis-ease’.  It brings the message that thoughts are ‘things’ and so to be careful what you think as you bring it into being.

Physical  This stone has been effective in increasing mobility and dealing with conditions of the skin, bones and circulatory system and stress related issues.

BARITE (Baryte)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number Barite – 1 Baryte – 9
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition BaSo4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 3

Barite forms in crystals in a range of colours, most commonly clear, white, light blue or green and also in pinkish rosettes called Desert roses.  Whichever colour barite helps you to pursue your dreams without any restraint.

Spiritual  Barite is useful is making changes to let go of genetic traits that no longer serve.  It promotes a greater connection to the Higher Self accessing the necessary information to carry this through.

Emotional Barite can help you identity and let of fear that underpins your inability to release attachment.

Physical  Barite has been used for conditions of the brain particularly to balance the energies and to assist in cases of degenerative brain conditions.

DESERTROSE  this formation shows that all things are possible.  It can be used to enhance love and also in situations requiring teamwork.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) Root, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition (Ce,La,Y)CO3F
Mohs’ hardness scale 4.5 – 5

Bastnasite is a quite rare crystal.  It is grounding and helpful for bringing dreams and plans into reality.  Bastnasite links strongly with the earth and is often used to work with the fae and elemental energies.

Spiritual  Bastnasite can help you to develop clairsentience.  It can also help with protection during spiritual work.

Emotional  Bastnasite helps you to deal positively with change.

Physical  Bastnasite can be helpful for conditions of the female reproductive organs.  It has also been used for blood disorders.


Astrological sign(s) Depends on colour
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Earth
Chemical composition Be3Al2Si6O18
Mohs’ hardness scale 7.5 – 8

Beryl is a group of minerals that includes emerald, morganite and aquamarine (see relevant sections for these).   Beryl helps you to deal with everyday life and let go of baggage

BLOODSTONE (Heliotrope) also Seftonite (African bloodstone)

SEFTONITE                                        BLOODSTONE

Astrological sign(s) Aries, Pisces, Libra
Vibrational number 4 (heliotrope 6)
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Bloodstone is formed from cryptocrystalline quartz with spots of red jasper. As such both chalcedony and jasper properties apply.

Intense healing stone and stone of courage.  Encourages unselfishness and idealism.  Enhances creative efforts and supports the decision-making process.  The message of this stone is to be in the here and now.

Spiritual  Bloodstone brings the courage to make the right choices.  It can also help you to move forward despite obstacles to achieve what you need to do.

Emotional  Bloodstone can help you to have the strength and courage to face everything you need to in the knowledge that you are enough and that you have what you need to succeed.

Physical As suggested by the name bloodstone can be helpful in any blood related conditions.  Also for women to assist during the menopause.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Brow, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Blue John is found only in the Blue John mines in Derbyshire UK.  It is a form of fluorite.  As there is a limited source it is becoming more difficult to obtain this mineral particularly in larger pieces.  In the Victorian era it was very popular and used to make carved vases and other such large pieces and these can be found in antique stores from time to time.  It is a helpful stone for pursuits that require attention to detail such as accounting or improving dexterity.

Spiritual    Blue John is a multidimensional high frequency stone that helps you to connect with your higher inner wisdom.

Emotional  Blue John has a stabilising effect on the emotional body.  It can help to support your emotions in the face of the uncertainties of the future so that you can deal with whatever arises.

Physical  Blue John helps to purify the whole body seeking out the issues that are stopping the body from being in a state of perfection.  It is helpful for respiratory conditions and boosts the immune system.


Astrological sign(s)
Vibrational number Boji stone 1, Boji 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition FeS2 + FeOOH. n H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Boji stones® are concretions with a primary constituent of pyrite but include some Palladium.  They are flattened spheres  and are used in pairs, one male and one female one for each side of the body or in either hand. Which way round varies for each person/healing. They are flattened spheres with the female the smoother of the two and the male often with small crystalline areas on the surface.  Some Boji stones exhibit a rainbow effect on the surface.

Boji stones aid balance and are useful for removing energy blockages.

Spiritual  Boji stones exhibit an electromagnetic field that can transfer the energy from the etheric body to the physical.

Emotional  KeepingBoji stones with you at all times can help to keep you in balance.

Physical  Boji stones are helpful for general healing and also tissue generation.

BORNITE (Peacock Ore) with chalcopyrite

Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number Bornite 2  Peacock Ore 2
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Cu5FeS4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Bornite is commonly cited as Peacock ore although this is more likely to be bornite and/or chalcopyrite.  It is “stone of happiness” bringing awareness of the joy of the moment.  An excellent healing stone bringing harmony to the cellular structure of the body.

Spiritual  Bornite is useful in activating each of the chakras.

Emotional  It is a stone of joy showing that there are always positives elements available to you in your life.

Physical  Bornite has been useful in physical body to rebuild all structures.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Sacral, Solar Plexus
Element Wind, fire
Chemical composition NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5

It is said that this crystal holds the energy of Atlantis and as such cautions you to consider carefully where you direct energy not to misuse the power.  Helps you release the unwanted.  Also assists in understanding difficult situations.

Spiritual  Brazilianite can help you find your passion in life and stimulating creativity.  It can also encourage you to take calculated risks to achieve your goals.

Emotional  Brazilianite is an empowering stone allowing you to leave your victim role behind and also to let go of fear of being judged by others.

Physical  Brazilianite works on the endocrine system and hormone production and also is helpful for the kidneys and spleen.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, sacral
Element Storm
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe2+)2[SiO3]2
Mohs’ hardness scale 5-6

Helps to combat irritability and criticalness, providing for discriminating judgement. Helps you to stand up for what is right in one’s moral structure.

Spiritual Bronzite can help to promote a loving, unprejudiced approach.

Emotional Bronzite can help you understand the benefit of assistance and of being of service.

Physical  Bronzite can help the body during normal cycles of transformation.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition TiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Brookite is a rare and high vibrational stone.  It can help you to cope with difficult or intolerable situations and to ‘go with the flow’.  It can be used to energise your chakras or energies in any other form. Brookite can also activate the brow, crown and higher chakras bringing them into alignment with the rest of the body.

Spiritual  Brookite is an ascension stone helping to increase the physical body’s vibration.

Emotional  Brookite helps to enable you to feel your spiritual and physical bodies as one entity.

Physical  Brookite can help with the absorption of minerals and vitamins. It also helps to allow the body to adapt to the higher frequencies of Light.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 33
Chakra(s) Solar plexus (yellow) Throat (blue)
Element Water
Chemical composition Mg(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  2.5

Brucite is a relatively new to the market stone and also a high frequency one. Colours available are yellow and blue.  This stone can help you to consider all perspectives before reaching decisions.  It can clear your energy but be aware that it is not a gentle approach but one that leaves you ‘squeaky clean’.  Brucite can open all the chakras particularly when placed on each in turn.  The blue form is particularly useful for helping you to speak your truth whilst the yellow form lifts depression.  It can be used to ‘sweep up’ negative energies from depressive or negative environments.  Frequent cleansing is needed, however, if it used for this purpose.  Brucite provides and energy of positive change and can be a beneficial one to use in group endeavours particularly at the outset to start things off with a burst of pure energy.

Spiritual  Brucite is an uplifting stone.

Emotional  Brucite is helpful for increasing confidence, willpower and decisiveness.

Physical  The blue form is useful for pain relief particularly for joints, headaches and neuralgia.


Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition Ca(Mn,Fe2+)(SiO3)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5 – 6

A stone for the new Age and it is a very powerful stone for energy work.  Bustamite has been used to remove energy blockages and to realign the energy channels to their proper places. It can provide the support you need to leave a physically unacceptable situation.  Bustamite can lighten the atmosphere and help you reconnect with your inner child.

Spiritual  Bustamite helps you align with the Universe to co-create and bring your ideas and plans into reality.

Emotional  Bustamite instils joyfulness to express your ideas.  Promotes a ‘can do’ attitude.

Physical  Bustamite stimulates the endocrine system, digestive system and sexual organs.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) All (depends on colour)
Element All (depends on colour)
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Calcite when placed under pressure releases electrical impulses and is an energy amplifier.  Calcite can effectively be used in a multi-directional energy way.  The suggestion is that energy directed into the mineral centre separates and returns amplified.  Brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy to clear and activate the chakras.  As there is a wide range of colours available it is possible to use calcite to create chakra sets.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye
Element Fire, Air
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Blue calcite has a gentle energy that can be very beneficial for anyone working in a creative field.  The energy within the auric field can help open the third eye and crown so that inspiration can come more easily.  It is also useful in opening the throat chakra so that communication is made easy.

Spiritual  Blue calcite is helpful in developing clairvoyance and telepathy.   It can also promote positive thinking.

Emotional  Blue calcite can help you realise that you need to take responsibility for the creation of your own reality.

Physical  Blue calcite can be used for lung congestion and also for conditions of the eyes.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition (CaCo)CO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Cobaltian calcite can help you to view your life path from the higher perspective aiding greater understanding of the choices you should make.  It also absorbs energy and transmutes it returning the energy in an amplified form.

Spiritual  Cobaltian calcite emanates the energy of unconditional love.  It can also be used for past life work.  It also helps to raise awaken latent psychic abilities.

Emotional  A good all round emotional healing stone.

Physical  Cobaltian calcite can be used to assist with heart related conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Fire, water
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

As with other colours of calcite, green calcite is a cooling, calming stone.  It can help bring about relaxation and clear the mind so that you are better able to deal with the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

 Spiritual    Green calcite activates the heart chakra and helps you live from your heart centre.  It encourages kindness and a desire to make positive changes in life.

Emotional  Green calcite opens the heart to exercise forgiveness for others and yourself.    It helps you see what needs to change and supports that change.

Physical  Used in the laying on of stones over the heart it can release deep seated emotional blocks.  It is also good for clearing the aura.



Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Root, Solar plexus, third eye
Element Fire, wind
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Honey calcite is particularly good when you need extra focus and capacity to deal with complex tasks or long-term activities.  It can also increase your ability to accurately analyse situations and find effective solutions.  Honey calcite can help you remove the blocks that prevent you from truly seeing and appreciating what you already have.

Spiritual  Honey calcite teaches you ensure that you always use your power in the right way and take responsibility for your actions.

Emotional   Honey calcite can move beyond being overwhelmed and recognise that you have the ability to make all the necessary changes to achieve your goals.

Physical  In addition to balancing the endocrine system and hormone levels honey calcite can help heal the damage from past abuse.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart, third eye, crown
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 6.5

Lemurian aquatine calcite is also known by a number of other names including; Argentinian Blue Onyx, Aqua Calcite, Lemurian Onyx, Ocean Calcite, Blue Lemurian Calcite.  It is a stone that links with the energies of whales and dolphins, the sea and the ancient civilisation of Lemuria.  Meditation with this stone can help you to link into these energies.

Spiritual Lemurian aquatine calcite is helpful for meditation particularly to work with Lemurian energies and sea creatures.  It can also be used to assist with lucid dreaming, conscious astral travel or past life work.

Emotional  Lemurian aquatine calcite is a very calming stone and is good for reducing anxiety and fear particularly in respect of fear of the future.

Physical  Lemurian aquatine calcite has more effect on the emotional and spiritual levels.  It is a very soothing stone.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3


This colour of calcite is beneficial for any issues linked to the solar plexus and sacral chakras including those relating to your sexuality and also your creativity.  It can heal wounds from these issues.

 Spiritual  Orange calcite brings solar energy to provide what is needed for action.

Emotional Orange calcite can be helpful in phobias or shyness.  It is also beneficial to use for those with depression or other negative feelings.

Physical  Orange calcite can be used to help conditions of the digestive system and hormonal imbalance.

- OPTICAL (Icelandic Spar, clear)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Fire, wind
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Optical calcite double refraction (you can see this if you hold it over printed words).  It can be used to remind one of the double meanings of words and to assist in communication during difficult conversations.  Excellent for use when cleansing and clearing the outer bodies.   It can help you to see where you are self-sabotaging and assists in allowing you to get out of your own way and move forward.

Spiritual  Clear calcite stimulates the third eye and is beneficial in clearing energy blocks.

 Emotional Clear calcite encourages forgiveness and helps release poverty thinking.

 Physical  Clear calcite can be helpful in weight loss by boosting the metabolism.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number Pink opaque and Mangano are both 5
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Fire
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Pink opaque calcite is a stone of empathy.  It also links the heart energy with the All That Is.  It encourages you to adopt the state of gratitude and balance.  Working with heart energy it helps restore the body to balance matching the etheric template particularly after injury or surgery.

Spiritual  Pink opaque calcite connects to Universal love through activating the heart chakra.

Emotional  Pink opaque calcite works well on emotional issues clearing patterns that are no longer relevant for you.  It is helpful to work on many deep-seated emotional issues.

Physical Pink opaque calcite is a useful stone for rebuilding tissue after injury or surgery. It is also beneficial for those with heart disease.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Root, Crown
Element Fire, Earth
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Red calcite is an energising stone but in a gentle way avoiding any harsh movement of energy.  It can help you to truly appreciate the physical world and being in physical form.  This colour calcite can help with weight loss and detoxification of the physical body.

Spiritual  Red calcite helps you feel comfortable in your physical incarnation.

Emotional   Red calcite can help you stop feeling overwhelmed and from overextending your energies.

Physical  Red calcite is beneficial for supporting the root chakra and your general physical health and vitality.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, Third eye, Crown and chakras above your head
Element Fire, Storm
Chemical composition CaCO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 3

Stellar beam calcite is identified by a crystal formation that has long sharp terminations and is usually yellow or amber in colour.    It can open the higher chakras and assist connection to extra-terrestrials.  Stellar beam can also assist you in gaining access to the Akashic record.

Spiritual  Stellar beam calcite is an excellent tool for psychic surgery and also  invokes golden white light to raise the frequency of yourself or your space.

Emotional  Stellar beam calcite can be used to ensure that all negative elements have been removed after conscious clearing work.

Physical The primary uses of stellar beam are not on the physical level with the exception of use in psychic surgery.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Vibrational number Carnelian 5 Sard 6
Chakra(s) Root, sacral, solar plexus
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

Carnelian is a form of chalcedony normally a red, red/brown, orange colour.  It is a good stone for grounding. Carnelian helps to clear negativity and encourages stabilisation of energy in the home.  It aids positive life choices and supports the lower 4 chakras.

Spiritual Carnelian helps you to do what is necessary to achieve your highest goals

Emotional Carnelian can be used to protect against negative emotions and remove them from the emotional structure.

Physical Carnelian is a useful stone to help break negative physical habits and also to increase physical vitality.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Third eye, Crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca(V+4O)Si4)10 ♀4H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 4

Cavansite can stimulate intuition to install second sight and to activate channelling abilities.  It can cause one to see characteristics that need attention.  Using etheric energy through the third eye it can focus the intuition to a higher level.  Through those processes it can work to modify or delete behaviour patterns.

One note cavansite is very similar to pentagonite.  It is more or less the same colour, found in the same locations on the same base minerals.  The difference visually is that cavansite forms more of a ball shape whilst pentagonite has a more elongated individual crystals.

Spiritual Cavansite is a good stone to use to help you achieve clear communication with spirit and your teachers and guides. It is an excellent, but very ‘active’ stone for meditation.  If it is too active use a grounding stone at the same time for balance.

Emotional Cavansite emits energy on the Blue Ray and can banish hopelessness to enable you to see the direction in which you should be going.

PhysicalCavansite is help to deal with stress related conditions and also for headaches. It stimulates the endocrine system and in particular the pituitary and pineal glands.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown, and the Higher chakras above the crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition SrSO4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 3

Celestite can assist with the transfer of information from the purity of the angelic realms.  It can assist in clairaudient endeavours.  Celestite is a stone for astral travel and excellent for dream recall.  Excellent healing stone transmuting pain into love and light.  Celestite is also useful as an environmental cleanser particularly in your healing room or mediation space.

Spiritual  Celestite is a lovely stone to open and cleanse the third eye and crown chakras.  It can increase your intuition and is one of the stones often used in angelic work.

Emotional  Celestite is a very calming and soothing stone but at the same time uplifting.  It can help you overcome fear.

Physical  Celestite is good for clearing infections and attachments.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chalcedony is made up of the same constituents as quartz but does not form in crystalline shapes but in fibrous layers (differentiating it from jaspers which have a grain like make up).  There are a variety of different colours as a result of other trace minerals in their make up.

Chalcedony is a sacred stone of the Native American Indians promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes.    Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind and spirit.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Fire
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Chalcopyrite can help in finding lost objects.  Useful in enhancing perceptions.  It is the ‘stone of the mystic’.  It can remove energy blockages and open, cleanse and activate the crown chakra.  Chalcopyrite can also help improve connections with ancient cultures.

Spiritual Chalcopyrite aids connections with spirit enabling messages to come through more easily for either yourself or for others.  A good stone for mediums or channelling work.

Emotional  Chalcopyrite can remove energy blockages so that your energy flows freely balancing your emotions.

Physical  Chalcopyrite is said to be able to connect with the energies of the Universe to help you in achieving the best physical state possible


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius, Scorpio
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Third eye, Crown, Solar Plexus, Root, Soul Star,
Element Wind
Chemical composition K5Ca8(Si6O15)2(Si2O7)Si4O9(OH)•3(H2O)
Mohs’ hardness scale 6

Charoite is a stone for this age. Provides for synthesis between crown and heart chakras. It assists in understanding self-inflicted lessons and is a stone for transformations.  Charoite helps to ground your spiritual self into the physical self.  It is useful for clearing the auric field and filling the chakras with a positive energy.  Charoite is a stone to bring magic into your life.

Spiritual Charoite is very powerful in its action on the upper chakras particularly those linking to Higher knowledge.  It shows you your path of service and what it is that you are here to do.

Emotional  Charoite is an important stone to help you more easily follow your spiritual path.  In addition, it helps you to recognise which issues are yours and which belong to other people an so set appropriate boundaries.

Physical  Charoite is very valuable for its ability to help ground your spiritual self into your physical form.


Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Crown, Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition Al2SiO5
Mohs’ hardness scale

In olden times chiastolite was believed to ward off evil and its protective nature remains today.  It signifies both death and rebirth allowing for a realisation of the state of immortality.  It can be useful during periods of change and also for problem solving.

Spiritual  Chiastolite is helpful in meditation to enable connection to the higher realms but at the same time providing grounding.  It is a spiritual protection stone.

Emotional Chiastolite is beneficial to carry to help life depression and anxiety.

Physical  Chiastolite is helpful to support you through the various changes in life, to recognise that this is all part of life and to find ways to deal positively with the changes.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Various
Mohs’ hardness scale  Variable

The composition of Chrysanthemum Stone is variable.  The  “flower” element consist of Celestite, Calcite, Feldspar or Andalusite, while the black, or sometimes brown, base rock of Chrysanthemum Stone is comprised of Dolomite, Gypsum clay, Limestone or Porphyry. It brings the message to enjoy each moment understanding that time is not precious until it has passed.  Helps one to ‘bloom’ and progress on the path towards the perfect self.  In addition it is a stone to bring forward wealth and abundance in all physical senses.

Spiritual Chrysanthemum Stone is an excellent stone to us when you are working on manifesting abundance.  It is a beneficial stone for healers and other people who work with energy a lot.

Emotional Chrysanthemum Stone connects with the pure joy of creation and manifestation.  It encourages you to take calculated risks and overcome self-limitation.

Physical Chrysanthemum Stone is helpful for women with difficult periods, fertility issues of fertility.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Virgo, Taurus
Vibrational number 5
Chakra(s) Throat, Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition (CuAl)2H2Si2O5(OH)4 ♀ nH2O
Mohs’ hardness scale  2-4

Chrysocolla carries very feminine energy and is a stone of empowerment. It produces inner strength during stressful situations and enhances physical vitality.  It eliminates fear, guilt and nervous tension.

Chrysocolla helps you consider the way your put your energy out into the world and the value and meaning (or not) in your words.

As a throat chakra stone it is excellent support for anyone whose job is using their voice.  Chrysocolla also links to the heart and so for teachers and similar occupations it enables honesty and truthfulness in their teaching.

Spiritual  Chrysocolla supports sound and is an excellent stone for sound healing.  It encourages honest and truthful communication.

Emotional  Chrysocolla helps you feel secure in your communications.  It also supports you to recognise the value of your experiences and knowledge.

Physical  Chrysocolla is excellent for releasing stress and anxiety and also regulation of the thyroid and adrenal glands.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat(Green) Root (Black)
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Combines the properties of both minerals.  In addition, this formation enables the release of distress caused by negative emotions and works to bring the body to the state of total perfection; the malachite supporting the transformation.


Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Heart, Solar Plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Chrysoprase is an apple green form of chalcedony.  It balances yin-yang energies and aligns the chakras.  Helps to heal a ‘broken heart’.    Working on the heart chakra it reduces inferiority or superiority complexes.  Can be used to encourage fidelity in business and personal affairs.

Spiritual Chrysoprase is an excellent stone for deep levels of meditation.

Emotional Chrysoprase instils a loving state of grace.

Physical   Chrysoprase can be used for people with heart conditions.

CHRYSOTILE (Chrysotite)

Astrological sign(s) Taurus
Vibrational number Chrysotile 8 Chrysotite 55
Chakra(s) Solar plexus
Element Earth
Chemical composition Mg3Si2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 2

Chrysotile forms in delicate fibers in a range of colours greens, brown, black, yellows, grey and white and mixtures of these colours.  Chrysotile helps you to find your true self by letting go of the ‘baggage’ and understanding your controlling habits.

Spiritual  Chrysotile is helpful for use in telepathy.

Emotional  Chrysotile helps you to find your authentic self and let go of baggage.

Physical Chrysotile has been used for disorders of the veins and arteries, lung infections and chronic fatigue.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, brow
Element Air
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe,Ni,Al,Zn,Mn)2-3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale  3-6k

Chytha stone is a form of serpentine (this is often called new jade) with dark green jade.  It is a good stone for healing in all areas bringing the whole body and all the bodily systems into balance. Chytha has been helpful for women during pregnancy.  It is also a good stone for those learning about or working with plants or the plant kingdom including herbalism. Chytha can also be used to clear out negative energy from around you.

Spiritual  Chytha can help engender compassion in yourself and direct your mind towards wisdom and enlightenment.  It can help you to let go of those things that no longer serve you.

Emotional  Chytha helps you to develop and maintain self-love.

Physical  Chytha is a calming stone that can be helpful for healing on all levels including the physical.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Cinnabar 8 / Cinnabrite 5
Element Fire
Chemical composition HgS
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Cinnabar is a form of mercury and is highly toxic. Always wash your hands after handling (or wear gloves) and never use for direct method elixirs.  Extreme care is needed if drilling/sanding this stone as inhaling the dust is extremely dangerous.  Cinnabrite is the name given to polished cinnabar in matrix so is a little more stable but great caution should still be taken when using this stone.

Cinnabar is said to help you be more assertive and more effective in your endeavours through effective communication.

Spiritual  Cinnabar shows us that the physical form is actually formed from energy that shifts and flows and that we have the ability to manipulate and transform ourselves.

Emotional   Cinnabar can help you to release anger, fear and resentment that you have been holding on to.

Physical  Cinnabar can help to improve the immune system.


Heat treated                                               Natural

Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

There are two basic types of citrine that are available; natural and heat treated.  Natural citrine is usually a lighter and somewhat duller colour and the bright yellow/orange/brown citrine is treated by heating amethyst to very high temperatures.  Heat treatment does change the energy of the stone but both can be used effectively.

Natural Citrine is a comforting stone that helps you to ‘laugh without restraint’.  Brings in positive influences to business matters, interpersonal and family relationships and can help soothe family problems.  It activates your thinking process and is a good stone to have on you during situations where you need to think clearly such as in exams.  Citrine can help you resolve problems and also is beneficial for the digestive system.   The Kundalini quartz is a form of citrine from the Congo which is also said to raise the Kundalini energy.

Spiritual  Naturalcitrine is an excellent stone to support manifestation and to help you keep going when things get difficult.

Emotional  Naturalcitrine is helpful in overcoming difficulties.

Physical  Naturalcitrine supports the endocrine system and enhances physical stamina and energy.

Heat treated citrine has a lighter energy than natural citrine.  It is beneficial when working on being more assertive and outgoing and also for boundary setting.

Spiritual  Heat treated citrine can be used in learning situations as it links to the mind.  It can also help you recognise how you or others are using their power.

Emotional   Heat treated citrine is an uplifting stone that can be use to raise your spirits and lighten the mood.

Physical  Heat treat citrine is yellow and thus is helpful for the stomach and digestive system.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart, solar plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition Dolomite (CA,Mg(CO3)2) 60%
Mica and serpentine: (Mg3Si2(OH)4) 36%
Calcite (CACO3) 02%
Mohs’ hardness scale

Connemara marble comes from Connemara in the west of Ireland called ‘the Irish Gemstone’ and is one of the rarest forms of marble. It is a gift of friendship.  A ‘Stone to provide protection’.  It provides for clarity and suspension in states of meditation and total recall of dreams together with guidance in purification and control of thoughts.

Spiritual Connemara marble is an excellent meditation tool.

Emotional  Connemara marble can help you to feel more in control.

Physical  Connemara marble has been used to assist people with diabetes and hypoglycaemia.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Crown
Element Fire
Chemical composition Tree Resin
Mohs’ hardness scale

Copal is often called ‘young’ amber.  Like amber it is fossilised tree resin but it not as old as amber.  It can be used to remove energy blockages.  In meditation it can help you remain aware.

Spiritual Copal can be used to enhance psychic abilities and is often used in incense for this purpose.

Emotional  Copal is a sunny stone that can lift the mood.

Physical  Copal has been used in treating kidney and bladder conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Sagittarius
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition
Mohs’ hardness scale

Copper activates and opens the root and sacral chakras and enables the energies of these chakras to be used towards personal evolution.  Copper can be used to magnify the energy transferred.  It also acts as a conduit between Heaven and Earth and is a channel of energies. Copper can enhance the energies of stones and is often used in this way in gridding and energy tools.  It is a beneficial metal considered to bring luck and is a bestower of good.

Spiritual  Copper is useful in achieving and understanding the concept of balance.  It can be considered like the Crone who has gained much knowledge and wisdom during her life but will only share this when she is ready.

Emotional Copper promotes love and loving thoughts.  It can help you find the higher knowledge to be gained from you experiences.

Physical Copper is often used to help relieve arthritis and it also supports production of red blood cells.



Astrological sign(s)
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) Root, third eye
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

The Cradle of Humankind stone is named to honour the site where it was found which is considered to be the area in which the first humans existed evidenced by the earliest hominid remains that have been found there in caves.

This stone encourages you to look back over your life and to see what you have learned and how you have applied this wisdom. It teaches you that to move forward you need to accept where you are at the moment and to forgive others and, importantly, yourself, for all issues in the past.   It can also support you in feeling true gratitude.

Spiritual  The Cradle of Humankind helps you to review and heal issues from the past. It teaches forgiveness and compassion. Good for ancestral healing.

Emotional  It teaches you how to live in a state of forgiveness and gratitude.

Physical  It can help to heal pain from past lives and also is useful for headaches, migraines, brain function and vascular issues.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)10·2(H2O)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Creedite is quite a rare mineral from Mexico and the porcupine type formation is found in the same mine as rare pink fluorite. It is a high frequency mineral that is beneficial in all spiritual pursuits.  It is a good stone to have in your healing room to help you to identify your client’s needs more quickly and get to the core of the problem.

Spiritual  Creedite is a good crystal to help you to connect with the Akashic Records and to connect with your highest guides or open to connection to your guides if you have not yet done so.  It is excellent for meditation and fills the aura with the full range of Light.

Emotional  Creedite can help you to stop being attached to drama and to see things from a higher perspective to achieve greater calmness.

Physical  It has been used to assist in healing broken bones and torn muscles.

CROWN OF SILVER (Psilomelane)

Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number Crown of silver 8 / Psilomelane 4
Chakra(s) Root, third eye
Element Earth
Chemical composition MnO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-7

Crown of silver is also sometimes called black malachite due to the formation of this stone which creates similar looking patterns to those found in malachite.  It is a protective stone that is also beneficial when you are feeling down or heartbroken.

Spiritual  Crown of Silver is a good meditation stone. It is also good for gazing, scrying and remote viewing.

Emotional  Crown of Silver is a stone  of ‘order’.  It helps with things like money management, correcting unwanted behaviours or habits and ambition so that your can bring your life into balance and order.

Physical  It has been used to help with pneumonia, clearing mucus from the lungs  and help heal the lining of the lungs.  Also said to be helpful in balancing the insulin/glucose in the system.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini, Aquarius
Vibrational number 44
Chakra(s) Root, crown
Element Air
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Cryolite is one of the oldest minerals in the world and is quite rare.  NB cryolite will melt in candle flame so should not be cleansed with fire.  It allows for the free flow of energy through your whole body.  It is quite a high vibrational stone that helps you to connect more easily with the higher realms.

Spiritual  Cryolite is a excellent stone for ascension work, light-body awakening and enlightenment.

Emotional  Cryolite can help support those involved in public speaking. It is good for giving focus and clarity particularly to help during periods of stress.

Physical  Cryolite is said to be helpful in supporting the body when it is cold to reduce chills.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart, Crown, 8th and higher
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaB2Si2O7(O)
Mohs’ hardness scale 7 – 7.5

Danburite form in a range of colours including water clear, white, grey, yellow-white, yellow-brown, pale wine-yellow, amber, pink and dark wine-yellow.  The properties are essentially the same with additional attributes dependent upon colour, particularly as the different colours are mostly found in different locations. Danburite helps people get along with others and is an intellectual activator.  It also helps rectify recalcitrant attitudes.  Danburite is a high frequency stone that opens and aligns the higher chakras.  Grey Danburite comes from Peru and has an affinity with extra-terrestrials.  Golden yellow Danburite comes from Madagascar and are tuned to the etheric music.  Russian Danburite is often more smokey and duller than the clear bright specimens from Mexico.  The Russian ones active the third eye and stimulate psychic vision.

Spiritual  Danburite is an excellent stone to use when communicating with angels and other higher beings.

Emotional Danburite is soothing for the emotional body and is helpful is releasing grief, fear or anger.

Physical Danburite can be calming and soothing in physical conditions but its main functions are on the spiritual and emotional levels.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, Crown
Element Air
Chemical composition CaB2Si2O8
Mohs’ hardness scale 7

Also known as Agni-gold danburite. This stone can be described as the proverbial ‘ray of sunshine’.  It is a warm, cheering stone that instils joyfulness.   It connects the solar plexus and crown to open to higher knowledge.  Also it can help you to direct your personal power in appropriate ways.  Sunshine danburite allows for clarity of thought.  It also helps you to be happy in your own skin.

Spiritual  Connection to higher knowledge.

Emotional  Encourages courage and self-confidence.

Physical  Can be helpful for  the skeleton or conditions of the bones.


Astrological sign(s) All
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Fire, Earth
Chemical composition SiO2,Al,Fe2O3,Mn,MgO,CaO,Na2O,TiO2,K2O,P2O5,Cr2O3,NiO,OH,Cu
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

A recent find.  Desirite is an Ascension stone here to aid self-development.  During meditation you can visit four different levels, three on the different coloured phantoms and one for the entire crystal.  Strongly linked to the Lemurians and Native Americans.

Spiritual     Desirite is an excellent meditation stone enabling access to multiple layers of knowledge.

Emotional Desirite allows you find the root cause of your emotional imbalance in order to make appropriate changes.

Physical Desirite is both a high frequency spiritual stone and also grounding so it can create greater balance and strength in your whole system.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, throat(Green) Root (Black)
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Spiritual  Dianite is a useful stone for mediums or when seeking to receive information from the spiritual realms as it supports your inner self to check the truth of the knowledge that you receive.

Emotional  Dianite helps you to take a step back to view the bigger picture from a place of calm.  It can help you utilise the knowledge gained from past mistakes into positive steps forward.

Physical Dianite is a cooling stone for conditions that are caused by inflammation such as arthritis.


Astrological sign(s) Virgo
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, Root,
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaMg(Si2O6)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Diopside forms in a range of colours, the most commonly found are green and black/black star. Green diopside is It is a good stone for those who will not allow themselves to cry as it brings forward the inner female and allows you to see the duality within.  Holding the mineral and touching a pet can help to calm them.

Black diopside is more difficult to come by and is called star diopside as the crystals are asterated.  This form is a very good grounding stone and for use by people who work with ley lines.

Spiritual Diopside is an excellent stone to work with Gaia and all creations on Earth in every realm.  It helps you to see your place in the bigger pictures.

Emotional Diopside is calming and centring (green) and grounding (black).  Both are helpful for stress relief.

Physical Green diopside is an excellent general healing stone whilst black diopside is helpful where serious or terminal conditions have made the body weak.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius, Scorpio
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition Cu6(Si6O18) ♀6H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale  5

Dioptase is quite rare but is one of the best healing stones available.  It can be used to both clear and stimulate all chakras to the higher level of awareness and brings an invigorating and refreshing energy.  Helps one to understand the message of living in the now but also gives insights into past lives.  It can also be used to manifest abundance.  Dioptase is a beautiful clear green stone that is one of the purest forms that carries the green ray.

Spiritual Dioptase is a very powerful teacher showing the way to heal the heart and release that which no longer serves you.  It also teaches love and forgiveness.

Emotional  Dioptase is helpful for those who constantly live in the past and also those who a acting the victim.  It helps you to step into your own power.

Physical Dioptase is a very powerful healer of the heart and for those who have been abused.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number Dolomite 3 Pink Dolomite and Chalcopyrite  9
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition CaMg(CO3)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Dolomite forms in a range of colours including colourless, green red, brown, black and pink.  It helps to relieve sorrow in such a way that you recognise there are no reasons to be sorrowful, i.e. everything happens for a reason. It can also be used to stop energy leakages from the chakras. Chalcopyrite is the stone of the mystic (see chalcopyrite for more information).

Spiritual  Dolomite shows you that you do not have to become spiritual you are already so.  You are fully yourself you only need to recognise this.

Emotional  Dolomite is a calming stone that helps you detach from dramas.

Physical Dolomite can balance the appetite and metabolism so maintaining weight.  It can also be useful in healing bones and reducing bone loss.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition (AlFe3+)7(BO3)(SiO4)3O3
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 – 8

Dumortierite can reduce excitability and eliminate stubbornness whilst allowing you to “stand up” for yourself. Excellent stone for patience.  Dumortierite is a strong stone for mental discipline.  It stimulates the mental and psychic power and is, therefore, a good stone to support divination and for card readers or other psychic activities.

Spiritual Dumortierite is good for opening your psychic channels and developing intuition.  It can bring prophetic dreams and help you see beyond obstacles.

Emotional Dumortierite can help you feel you have a place and purpose on Earth and connect with your higher guidance.

Physical Dumortierite can help clear brain fog but its main functions are on the emotional and spiritual levels.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Base, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 7-7.5

Eclogite is a rare stone that is made up of red almandine and pyroxene omphacite and pyrope rich garnet and which may also contain some other minerals such as Kyanite, Rutile, Quartz, Zoisite and Dolomite.  It is considered useful for promoting inner strength.

Spiritual  Eclogite is useful to help you recognise the Unconditional love of the Universe.

Emotional  Eclogite has been used to help relieve fear.

Physical  Eclogite is considered to be useful for conditions of the reproductive organs.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 3
Element Water
Chemical composition Cu3P2O83Cu(OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale

Eilat Stone is the national stone of Israel and is also known as King Solomon’s Stone.  It is a combination of chrysocolla, malachite, azurite, turquoise and some other minerals.

It can help you to further your knowledge of ancient cultures and particularly those in the region of Eilat.  It is also a highly nurturing stone that can remove negativity from yourself, those around you and from your environment.  It can help you move towards gaining wisdom. Eilat Stone is also said to help with travel and help you to see your path more clearly.

Spiritual  Eilat Stone can awaken your psychic abilities and also initiate transformation.

Emotional  Eilat Stone can help you release negativity and feel supported by the Universe.

Physical  Eilat Stone is an excellent healing stone for the whole body and in particular for treating problems with the feet.


Astrological sign(s) Leo, Aquarius
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition Be3(Al,Cr)2Si6O18
Mohs’ hardness scale 7.5 – 8

Emerald is a green form of beryl.  It helps to find successful love and opens and activates the heart.  Emerald can enhance memory and increase psychic and clairvoyant faculties.  Emerald can be used to eliminate negativity from your life.

Spiritual Emerald connects to Divine love and can teach you to release poverty thinking.

Emotional Emerald can help overcome feelings of lack of worth and it is an excellent emotional healer.

Physical Emerald works on the physical heart too for all heart related conditions.


                                                              Epidote in quartz

Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth, water
Chemical composition Ca2(Fe3+,Al)3(SiO4)(Si2O7)(O,OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 6 – 6.5

Epidote dispels critical-ness, enhances keen perception, stimulates participation and interaction and supplements personal power.      When specifically programmed and directed it can increase whatever you are working with.  However, note that if this is positivity, gratitude or other positive elements it will bring more of this to you.  The reverse is also true if you are focusing on the negatives you will bring more of that to you.

Spiritual Epidote teaches that your thoughts create your reality and holding positive thoughts will raise your frequency whilst also showing where you have any negative issues so that you can release them.

Emotional Epidote helps you let go of negative patterns and behaviours.

Physical  Epidote instantly raises the frequency of any blocked areas and can help find the core of any disease.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Heart, throat base
Element Water, Earth
Chemical composition Na16Ca6Fe3Zr3(Si3O9)2(Si9O27)2(OH,Cl)4
Mohs’ hardness scale

Eudialyte is a lovely uplifting stone that opens the heart chakra to give and receive love.  It is often found with black tourmaline and this adds grounding to eudialyte and increases the feelings of protection.  It may also occur with aegirine.  Eudialyte teaches us to use our inner wisdom to heal and repair our bodies and emotions.  It is a powerful teacher showing how to bring your dreams into reality.  In addition it helps you to practice forgiveness of self and others and how to learn from past ‘mistakes’.

Spiritual Eudialyte helps you to know the purpose for each soul connection.  It can help you to determine the nature of the soul relationship with someone you feel very drawn to.

Emotional Eudialyte is a lively, energising and uplifting stone.

Physical  Eudialyte encourages physical activity.  It fortifies the skeletal system and helps with bone repair.

EYE OF THE STORM (Judy’s Jasper)

Astrological sign(s) All
Vibrational number Eye of the Storm 3 Judy’s Jasper 4
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale

This is a good grounding stone that enables you to see the bigger picture from a balanced perspective.  It was named by Judy Hall after she was sent this stone to consider its properties.

Spiritual  Eye of the Storm brings feelings of peace.

Emotional  Helpful when dealing with loss replacing negative feelings with those of abundance.

Physical  Eye of the Storm is a good grounding stone and one for relieving stress.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, heart
Element Fire
Chemical composition KAlSi3O8 – NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Mohs’ hardness scale 6 – 6.5

Feldspar is a group of minerals that are characterised by containing silica and alumina.  This group includes orthoclase, microcline and plagioclase feldspars such as Amazonite, Labradorite, Sunstone and Moonstone. Although within the same group of minerals each stone has very different properties. There are some properties that are considered to be applicable to all members of this group.  Feldspars are considered to be ‘moon’ stones that support you in developing clairvoyance and clairaudience in particular but are good for developing psychic abilities in general.  Feldspar can also help you to ‘think outside the box’ to find solutions that are more creative or unconventional.

Spiritual  Feldspar is useful in developing psychic abilities particularly clairvoyance and clairaudience.  It is also used for astral travel.

Emotional  Feldspar  helps you to find and clear any blockages that are holding you back from self-love and self-awareness.

Physical  Feldspar has be used to treat skin conditions and muscular structure.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Fluorite has a range of colours which add to the basic attributes of this stone.  It is the ‘stone of discernment and aptitude’.  Increases the ability to concentrate.  Provides for purification, cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder and can remove negativity or ‘hangers on’ from the atmosphere.  As it does absorb these energies it is a stone that needs frequent cleansing as you work with it.  Fluorite helps to clear your mind and organise thoughts so is an excellent stone for learning and study.  It can also help you decide which creative direction you are best to take when you have a choice or more than one and cannot decide.

Spiritual  Fluorite can help you attune to higher guidance during meditation.  It can also help you to strengthen your psychic attributes.

Emotional Fluorite can help you release negative thinking and let go of fear of the future.

Physical Fluorite is beneficial in enhancing learning and memory retention.  It can also help you to feel physically more balanced.



Astrological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Whilst rainbow fluorite contains several colours which may include blue, blue on its own is less commonly found.  Blue fluorite is non-directional so can be directed where you require.  Blue fluorite is a calming stone that helps you to develop clear and concise communication/

Spiritual  Blue fluorite  can be used to improve communication with the higher realms.

Emotional  Blue fluorite is very calming.

Physical  Blue fluorite has been used for eye conditions and for problems around the nose and sinus.



Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 77
Chakra(s) Brow, crown.
Element Air
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Flower fluorite is very effective at opening the channels in the brain to open the way to deep thought.  It can sharpen thinking.  It also helps to remove negativity and replace it with positivity.

Spiritual  Flower fluorite can help you to receive visionary dreams and lucid dreams.

Emotional  Helpful in dispelling anxiety and panic.

Physical  Flower fluorite is not so active on this level but more effective on spiritual and emotional levels.



Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Libra
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Green fluorite is a cleansing stone that brings a bright clean energy removing negative energy from the chakras and the environment.  Green fluorite is a lovely light and fresh energy that renews the chakras and is useful in cleansing the aura.  It is an excellent healing stone particularly for the stomach, intestines and throat.

Spiritual  Green fluorite can be used to connect with the nature spirits..

Emotional  Green fluorite is particularly useful for healing emotional trauma and heartache.

Physical  Green fluorite is useful for issues with the stomach and digestive tract.  It is a very good general healing stone.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 66
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Pink fluorite is one of the rarest colours of fluorite but one with beautiful loving energy. It increases self-confidence so that you understand you can achieve your goals.  It can also help you develop discernment in your thinking. Pink fluorite works to heal the emotional body and to activate the higher heart chakra.  It is an expression of unconditional love.

 Spiritual  Pink fluorite teaches unconditional love.

Emotional  Pink fluorite is very calming and imparts a loving energy.

Physical  Pink fluorite has been useful in treating heart conditions and also for the nervous system and respiratory system. it is helpful in immune function, the respiratory



Astrological sign(s) Libra
Vibrational number 77
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Purple fluorite links to the third eye and brings a balanced connection to psychic and spiritual growth.  It is an excellent stone to prepare you on every level for healing.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 8
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Rainbow fluorite carries an energy for the ‘Indigo children’.  It promotes the concept that you cannot rely on others for your happiness and that it is your responsibility.  Rainbow fluorite activates and energises all the chakras.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, sacral, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale 4

Most of the fluorite colours are calming but yellow fluorite has a more energising effect.  It has been useful in balancing the energy in group endeavours. Yellow fluorite helps promote preciseness and accuracy in both creative and intellectual pursuits.  It is a stabilising influence in group activities promoting co-operation.  It also encourages logical thinking.

 Spiritual  Yellow fluorite can help to stimulate your psychic abilities.

Emotional  Yellow fluorite promotes a positive outlook.

Physical  Yellow fluorite has been used for liver conditions and balancing the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol.  It can be beneficial for those with IBS although for some it may have too strong an effect and a gentler alternative may be preferable.


Astrological sign(s) Pisces, Capricorn
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) All
Element Wind
Chemical composition CaF2
Mohs’ hardness scale

Fluorite has a range of colours which add to the basic attributes of this stone.  It is the ‘stone of discernment and aptitude’.  Increases the ability to concentrate.  Provides for purification, cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder and can remove negativity or ‘hangers on’ from the atmosphere.  As it does absorb these energies it is a stone that needs frequent cleansing as you work with it.  Fluorite helps to clear your mind and organise thoughts so is an excellent stone for learning and study.  It can also help you decide which creative direction you are best to take when you have a choice or more than one and cannot decide.

Spiritual  Fluorite can help you attune to higher guidance during meditation.  It can also help you to strengthen your psychic attributes.

Emotional Fluorite can help you release negative thinking and let go of fear of the future.

Physical Fluorite is beneficial in enhancing learning and memory retention.  It can also help you to feel physically more balanced.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, solar plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
Mohs’ hardness scale 2 – 2.5

Fuchsite is a form of mica/muscovite.  In meditation can give guidance on ‘day to day’ matters, such as general health, career, family, pets or the environment.  It can also help you to bounce back after a period of stress.  When fuchsite is used with other crystals it can increase the energy transfer in healing situations.

Spiritual  Fuchsite can be used in channelling to obtain information about herbal or holistic remedies.

Emotional  Fuchsite acts more on the spiritual and physical levels.

Physical  Fuchsite has been used to balance white and red blood cells, alignment of the spinal column carpal tunnel syndrome and muscle flexibility.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition Natural glass
Mohs’ hardness scale

Fulgurite is natural glass formed by lightning strikes into sand or other high silica or quartz filled ground.  It forms silica glass tubes and may be coated with other minerals.  Fulgurite helps you to fulfil your duties and to complete tasks.  Also it provides the basis of ‘knowing’ so that you can progress to higher levels of spirituality.

Spiritual  Fulgurite is a very high frequency stone that initiates rapid spiritual transformation and evolution.  It is an important stone for people who connect with this higher knowledge and transmit it to others, such as teachers and channels.

Emotional Fulgurite is excellent at clearing negative patterns.  It can also provide information regarding any karmic relationships you are currently experiencing.

Physical  Fulgurite can be helpful in low energy situations and also help with blood flow to the extremities.


Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 22
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition PbS
Mohs’ hardness scale

Galena is a compound of lead and the dust from this mineral is poisonous if inhaled.  If there is no dust present it is perfectly safe to handle galena.

Galena traditionally been used by shamans when performing soul retrieval and journeying.  It is a grounding stone and can be helpful in overcoming fear.  It can also help you to recognise and understand ‘moods’ more accurately.

Spiritual Galena is helpful in recognising and reintegrating all parts of yourself and fully integrating them into one.

Emotional  Galena can help you to step into your own power and take back responsibility for yourself.

Physical  Galena has been used to help counteract infections.


Astrological sign(s) Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Dependent on colour
Element Dependent on colour
Chemical composition (Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale 6.5 –

Garnet derives its name from the Latin granatum meaning pomegranate as the red form was thought to resemble the seeds of the pomegranate. Garnet is most commonly thought of as red but there are a number of different coloured forms which are individually described here.

In general garnet is the stone of health and contentment. It extracts negative energy and transmutes it to a beneficial state. Garnet is calming and aids sleep and dreaming.  All garnets are stones of prosperity and abundance.

- BLACK (Andradite)

Astrological sign(s) Capricorn
Vibrational number 11
Chakra(s) Earthstar, Root
Element Wind
Chemical composition Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale

This form of garnet is very grounding.  It mainly works on the male qualities enhancing such things as courage, stamina etc.  It is also useful for bringing into relationships that which is needed for your development.  You can also use black garden to help you to connect more fully with the Earth and all her mysteries.

Spiritual Black garnet is a very powerful physical and spiritual protection stone.  It is also a strong grounding stone so is helpful in re-grounding after conducting high frequency spiritual work.

Emotional Black garnet helps to overcome feelings of being defeated or victimised and supports self-empowerment.  Very helpful for recovering addicts.

Physical  Black garnet is very helpful for those with compromised immune systems and is also a physical protection stone.

- GREEN (Grossular and Tsavorite)

Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 6 Grossular garnet 5 Tsavorite garnet
Chakra(s) Solar plexus, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition (Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale

Grossular garnet inspires the ideal of service and helps to encourage the effort and methods needed to keep going.  It is also an excellent stone to bring abundant manifestation into being.    It is a potent abundance stone.

Tsavorite garnet are gem grade stones.  It is also an excellent manifestation stone particularly for wealth in every context.  When worn it can emit the energies of the desired manifestation in such a way that this transmits to those around you further enhancing the ability to manifest what you desire.

Spiritual  Grossular garnet teaches about abundance in every context and how to connect to the Divine Source to bring this about.

Emotional  Grossular garnet is an excellent stone to help you overcome and let go of poverty thinking.  It also encourages being in the state of gratitude.

Physical  Grossular garnet helps you understand your role in your own healing.  It also works on a cellular level to repair physical damage quickly.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Sacral
Element Fire
Chemical composition Ca3Al2(SiO4)3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Hessonite garnet is a form of Tsavorite/Grossular Garnet.  Because of the orange/brown colour it is sometimes called ‘cinnamon stone’. It is a comforting stone that has been used for support during times that are sometimes called ‘the dark night of the soul’.  It provides, strength, protection and is centring so is a good stone to have for support in a crisis.

Spiritual  Hessonite can be useful to provide guidance and protection when astral travelling ensuring you safely reach your destination.

Emotional  Hessonite is an uplifting, warm and comforting stone.

Physical  Hessonite has been used to assist with infertility and also to balance hormonal activity.

- RASPBERRY (Pyrope)

Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Leo
Vibrational number Raspberry and Pyrope Garnet are both 3
Chakra(s) Base, crown
Element Water
Chemical composition Mg,Al2(SiO4)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals
Mohs’ hardness scale

Raspberry garnet protects the root and crown chakras and links these two chakras to allow access to inner wisdom.  This crystal works within the personal energy field and does not normally extend outside this area.  It is a stone of inspiration and charisma that teaches you to recognise and own your talents and attributes and to share them with others.

Spiritual Raspberry garnet links you to your Higher wisdom.

Emotional  Raspberry garnet support your self-worth and encourages you to recognise and own your abilities.

Physical  Raspberry garnet is supportive of good health.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral, Solar plexus
Element Earth, Fire
Chemical composition (Ca,Fe2+,Mg, M2+)3 with traces of a wide range of other minerals.
Mohs’ hardness scale 7 – 7.5

Spessartine garnet have a magnetic quality to draw to you whatever it is that you wish to attract.  It also removes from your aura anything which may be preventing you from effectively manifesting.  It also increases your creativity and can increase fertility in any sense.

Spiritual Spessartine garnet relates to creativity and it connects you to Source to draw inspiration.  It also teaches manifestation.

Emotional Spessartine garnet is a very positive stone encouraging positivity and joyfulness.

Physical Spessartine garnet can be helpful in fertility issues and also for weight loss.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Heart, Solar plexus
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3
Mohs’ hardness scale

Uvarovite is helpful in teaching you to let go of poverty thinking.  It can also teach that the Universe will provide what is needed at the right time if you trust.  The energy of Uvarovite is more intense although similar to tsavorite. It has the energy of abundance.  Uvarovite also works at the heart chakra to heal emotional wounds.

Spiritual  Uvarovite is beneficial in clearing your channels either to receive from the Universe or from other people.

Emotional  Uvarovite stimulates heart healing from emotional wounds.

Physical Uvarovite is helpful to support and heal heart conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Brow
Element Storm
Chemical composition CaSiO3
Mohs’ hardness scale 4.5 – 5

Garnet in wollastonite combines the properties of both minerals. (Refer to the garnet section for this mineral)  Wollastonite  can help you to drop the flimsy façade that you have to move forward with more confidence and in a way true to yourself.

Spiritual  Wollastonite can help you to develop clairaudience.

Emotional  Wollastonite can help you to understand the duality within yourself.

Physical  Wollastonite has been used to correct the alkalinity within the body.

GARNIERITE (Falcondoite, Noumeite)

Astrological sign(s) Leo, Virgo
Vibrational number 7
Chakra(s) Brow, solar plexus
Element Water
Chemical composition (Ni,Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 2.5 – 4


Garnierite is known as the ‘stone of acquisition and accumulation’. Meditate with the stone to help you to see the best direction to obtain your goals.  It has also been used to stop gossip.  It provides an energy that stops negative communication.  Garnierite has also been used to support single parent or single living showing you how to be self-sufficient.  It promotes healing on all levels through the heart centre.

Spiritual  Garnierite helps you to see the qualities you possess and also those possessed by others.

Emotional  Garnierite opens the heart chakra and encourages self-love.

Physical  Garnierite is beneficial to your recuperative powers and ability to regenerate cells.


Astrological sign(s) Aries
Vibrational number 44
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral, Third eye
Element Earth
Chemical composition Fe3+O(OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5

Geothite can help you to enjoy the journey of life and increase progress towards your goal.  Also useful in connecting with the angelic realm.  Geothite also teaches you to go through things with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that you see every single aspect.  It is a helpful for any pursuits that require precision and attention to detail.  Geothite is also beneficial for dealing with grief both for counsellors assisting clients or for individuals working through this themselves.  It is a stone of death and rebirth.   If specifically programmed goethite can be used as a wish stone that can be placed on your altar to manifest your wish.

Spiritual Geothite can access the Akashic records.  It is also a wish stone.

Emotional Geothite is a balancing stone for the emotional body.

Physical Geothite strengthens the blood and stimulates bone marrow growth.


Astrological sign(s) Leo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart, throat
Element Fire
Chemical composition

(Mg, Fe2+)(Al, Fe3+)3(SiO4)(BO3)O2

Mohs’ hardness scale 7.5

Grandidierite is one of the world’s rarest stones and not easy to come by. It can help you to evaluate evidence correctly and draw precise and correct conclusions.  Grandidierite shows you that you are a perfect manifestation of the Divine; you are good enough, pretty enough, you are enough.  This is the perfect stone for people who are insecure in themselves.  It can also help you to find your passion again if you have lost your way.  It can also help you speak clearly what is in your heart.

Spiritual  Grandidierite can help you to connect with the higher realms in order to see you path more clearly.

Emotional  Grandidierite encourages open and loving relationships.

Physical  Grandidierite has been useful for conditions of the throat and headaches.  It can also be helpful for those suffering from shortness of breath.


Astrological sign(s) Taurus, Virgo
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition SiO2 + (Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)
Mohs’ hardness scale 6


Greenlandite is a mixture of quartz and fuchsite and is similar in appearance to green aventurine.  It helps you to be able to be aware of the emotion that is linked to a situation and to resolve the situation in a heart centered way.  Greenlandite also teaches us to live in tune with the Earth upon which we live to take care of the Earth and connect with nature.

Greenlandite is used in gridding against geopathic stress and in general earth healing.

Spiritual  Greenlandite can protect against psychic vampire attacks on your energy.  Place it over whichever chakra you most need protection, particularly the heart and solar plexus.

Emotional  Greenlandite is a calming stone that is helpful in reduces anger.  It helps to strengthen mature love.

Physical  Greenlandite balances male/female energies and promotes general well-being.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 4
Chakra(s) Throat, third eye, crown
Element Air
Chemical composition Na8Al6Si6O24Cl2
Mohs’ hardness scale 5.5 – 6

Hackmanite is a form of sodalite so the properties of sodalite also apply to this stone.  It is a high vibrational stone.  It can help in stressful situations and enable you to have a clear mind.  It is uv reactive.

Spiritual  Hackmanite is a high vibrational stone but is also grounding making it an excellent partner for deep meditation.

Emotional  Hackmanite stimulates the brow and crown chakras helping you to see and recognise the truth of situations and promotes healthy self-worth and self-confidence.

Physical  Hackmanite can be used to clear electromagnetic smog.  It can be helpful for throat conditions, insomnia and digestive conditions.


Astrological sign(s) Cancer, Pisces
Vibrational number 1
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition NaCl
Mohs’ hardness scale 2

Halite is formed from sodium chloride (salt) by evaporation of sea water and so will melt if in a damp environment or you try to cleanse it in water or the earth.  Cleanse by alternative methods.   It can be colourless, white, purple, blue, yellow, pink red or grey/black and the properties vary slightly with each colourway.  As it is such a soft and fragile mineral it is unsuited to being made into jewellery or worn/carried on the person.

Halite is an excellent purifier of energies in yourself or in the environment. It also lifts the mood.  Pink halite is particularly good for this purpose together with clearing ‘brain fog’ and calming the emotional body.

Spiritual  Halite cleanses the aura and can help to prevent entity attachment.

Emotional  Halite balances the emotions particularly for those who experience mood swings.

Physical  Halite has been used for conditions of the colon and lower intestinal tract.  All colours are also said to be beneficial to assist with asthma, allergies and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).


Astrological sign(s) Taurus
Vibrational number 33
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition Na22K(SO4)9(CO3)2Cl
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 3.5

Hanksite is a stone that can help you to call up karmic issues from the past for healing.  It also links to Lemurian energies and can allow you to access information from that civilisation.  However, the information must only be used for the greater good of all.  It is a stone that is beneficial for clearing your aura and preventing attachments.  Hanksite is a ‘stone of truth’ that enables you to dispel illusions or deceptions in others and yourself.

Spiritual  Hanksite is excellent for cleansing the aura of any negative detritus.  It also works at the third eye and can help you to see visions.

Emotional  Hanksite can release anger from the emotional body.

Physical  Hanksite can be helpful for detoxifying the body and also for water retention in the lower legs and feet.


Astrological sign(s) Aquarius
Vibrational number Healer’s gold 8  Apache gold 9
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition FeS2
Mohs’ hardness scale  6


Healer’s gold is comprised of pyrite, steatite, magnetite and other minerals.  The name is a reflection of the ability of this stone to increase both the energy of the healer and the receiver.  It is a very positive energy and is beneficial to you in new creative work.  Whilst it does not provide the inspiration it supports you in your new work or ideas. Healers gold is helpful for those working in the healing arts who tend to feel drained after a session.

Spiritual   Healer’s gold draws down high frequency energies and grounds them.  It is also a protective stone during meditation.

Emotional  Healer’s gold can turn indecision into positive choices and clearer decisions.

Physical  Healer’s gold is a good all round healing stone.  It is particularly useful for improving the oxygenation of the blood and improving physical energy.


Astrological sign(s) Aries, Aquarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition Fe2O3
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Hematite is one of the best stones for grounding.  It is also a stone of protection. Stone of clarity, balance and calm reason.  Hematite dissolves negativity and brings positive attitudes towards life, health and well-being.        Hematite is an important stone to draw down the energy from the Universe to ground it.  In order to effectively manifest you need to be grounded and not just working in the higher realms and hematite is one of the best stones for this purpose.   Furthermore, to work in the highest realms it is imperative that you are properly grounded. It is a stone that combines both the female and male/yin yang energies.

Spiritual  Hematite is a very grounding stone which enables you to remain connected to the Earth whilst carry very high frequency energies.

Emotional  Hematite can give you courage and help you see that every cloud has a silver lining.

Physical Hematite can support healing from blood or bone marrow conditions.


Banded hematite is a combination of hematite and jasper and has the combined attributes of these two minerals.



This formation of hematite is a calming stone that is useful to deal with anger or anxiety.

Resonates to Cancer and vibrates to 4


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Third eye, crown
Element Storm
Chemical composition SiO2
Mohs’ hardness scale  7

Herkimer diamonds are a form of quartz that occurs in short double terminated crystals.  They derive their name from the Herkimer mines in which they were first found.  Only crystals from that specific mine can be called Herkimer and the properties given here relate to these forms.  The Herkimer style of crystal has since been found in other locations and although larger ones do come from the Herkimer mine many of the large examples come from other locations around the world.

Herkimer diamonds help you to simply ‘Be’ and so lead you to self-recognition.  It aids in recovery of memory to facilitate healing.  It also stimulates clairvoyance and telepathic abilities.  Herkimer diamonds can help you to attune to others which can be beneficial in healing situations.

Herkimer diamonds are also helpful in dreamwork; place several under your pillow having set the program for your desired outcome.  In healing Herkimer diamonds have a high, clear energy that is helpful in removing energy blockages.


Spiritual  Herkimer diamonds are useful in dream work, astral travel and other areas of expanded reality.  They are also excellent in gridwork and to clear the energetic field or healing room.

Emotional  Herkimer diamonds are helpful in showing where there are blockages in the emotional system and clearing them and also removal of energetic cords.

Physical  Herkimer diamonds are good general healing stones particularly for the eyes and eyesight.


Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius
Vibrational number 9
Chakra(s) Heart, third eye, crown
Element Wind
Chemical composition (Ca,Na,K)2-3Al3(Al,Si)Si13O36 ♀ 12H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5 – 4

Heulandite is one of the minerals in the zeolite group so the attributes of zeolite also apply.   It can be found in a range of colours but green and which are probably the most commonly found. Heulandite helps you to find out all that you need from the past and the present so that you can make the best decisions. It allows release of limiting conditions such as jealousy.  Heulandite also allows you to be able to see others in the light that they are doing they best they can and to be compassionate.  Heulandite is one of the high frequency stones here to aid with our evolution.


This colour of heulandite is a heart chakra stone which helps keep your emotional state positive.   It is also useful to help recovery from heart conditions.


Spiritual  Green heulandite aligns the heart with Universal love energies of creation.  It helps you obtain and remain in a heart centred stated.

Emotional  Green heulandite is helpful when dealing with grief or loss and also for releasing attachments.

Physical  Green heulandite is excellent for supporting the healing of the physical heart.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Heart
Element Water
Chemical composition LiAl(SiO3)2 with Cr
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5 – 7

Hiddenite is a variety of Spodumene.  It helps you to use the loving side of your nature to bring into conscious awareness the unknown. Hiddenite is a powerful heart stone teaching you to connect to and return Universal love.  It helps you to live in gratitude. Hiddenite heals deep wounds to the heart.  Hiddenite is also a stone of renewal helping you to find hope in even the most difficult situations.

Spiritual  Hiddenite teaches the true meaning of gratitude and abundance enabling you to connect with the Universal source to truly understand this energy.

Emotional  Hiddenite helps you to live in joy by living in the now and not looking for joy in the past or future.

Physical  Hiddenite is helpful for physical heart issues and to lift low moods.


Astrological sign(s) Scorpio
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) All
Element Earth
Chemical composition tba
Mohs’ hardness scale 6 – 6.5 (estimated)

Hilutite is a composite mineral composed of Goethite, Garnet, Zircon and Quartz and fairly new addition to the healing minerals.  It is quite rare and difficult to acquire at present. As it is quite new there is limited information on the uses for this stone. It can help you to feel emotionally balanced and it particularly helpful for those who feel they want to return to their home in the stars to ground and enjoy the physical nature of being human.

Spiritual  Hilutite is a high frequency stone that is good for working in the higher frequencies whilst remaining well grounded.

Emotional  Hilutite is a positive stone that raises your mood.

Physical  There is little noted at present regarding this aspect.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 2
Chakra(s) Heart, solar plexus, throat
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca2SiB5O9(OH)5
Mohs’ hardness scale 3.5

Howlite dispels criticalness and selfishness.  It eliminates pain, stress and rage and encourages subtlety and tact.     Howlite is a good stone to have to help discourage inappropriate behaviour related to rage or boisterousness.  Not only does it calm the situation but it also reflects the inappropriate back to the offender thus enabling them to make changes.

It is worth noting that howlite (and ivory magnesite) are often dyed to appear to be other minerals such as turquoise and sugilite and sold as these other (much more expensive) minerals by traders either innocently or deliberately.

Spiritual Howlite has greater action on the emotional and physical levels.

Emotional  Howlite calms communication and rage moderating behaviour and also allowing the offender to be aware of their actions.

Physical  Howlite has been used to balance the levels of calcium in the body and allied conditions.

IDOCRASE (Vesuvianite)

Astrological sign(s) Sagittarius, Capricorn
Vibrational number Idocrase 2    Vesuvianite 3
Chakra(s) Third eye, heart
Element Earth
Chemical composition Ca10Mg2Al4(SiO4)5(Si2O7)2(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale  6.5

Idocrase forms in a colour wide range of colours including yellows, browns, pinks, and greens.  It offers a soft vibration of loyalty to all humans.  You can use it to promote humanitarian efforts. It is a good choice for your friend or family member who is in the armed forces. Use to dispel fear and negative thought patterns. It will advance you along your spiritual path while providing easy access to your higher self.

Spiritual  Idocrase provides an easy link with your higher self to help you progress on your spiritual path.  It also increases your clairsentience.

Emotional  Idocrase is helpful in dispelling anger and lifting depression.  It can also help to relieve fear.

Physical  Idocrase can be beneficial for improving the creative element of mental faculties.  It has also been used to strengthen teeth and help assimilate food intake.


Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number 6
Chakra(s) Root, Sacral
Element Earth
Chemical composition Mg,Fe,Ni,Al,Zn,Mn)2-3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4
Mohs’ hardness scale 3 – 4

Infinite stone is a mixture of pale green serpentine and chrysotile. It allows access to angelic guidance.  It is good for past life work bringing past, present and future into alignment and promotes compassion and forgiveness.  As part of your spiritual development it can raise your frequency.  It also connects with nature.  Infinite stone has a soothing energy that can help disperse crystallised energetic patterns.

Spiritual  Infinite stone can clear the auric field of crystallised patterns.  It can also help focus in study or meditation.

.Emotional Infinite stone can help you be more resilient to other’s comments or actions and increase your self-confidence.

Physical   Infinite stone can help protect your energy against electromagnetic or energetic pollution.

IOLITE (Cordierite) (Water Sapphire)

Astrological sign(s) Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
Vibrational number 7 both Iolite and Cordierite       6 Water Sapphire
Chakra(s) Third eye
Element Wind
Chemical composition (Mg,Fe2+)2Al3(AlSi5O18 ♀ H2O
Mohs’ hardness scale 7 – 7.5

Iolite is also called ‘the violet stone’. It is It balances the male/female aspects of the character.  Enables you to enjoy each moment and awaken to the inner knowledge awaiting access.  Shamans sometimes wear rings with iolite when seeking visions to ensure accuracy of the information received.  It is helpful when seeking past life information.  As violet stone Iolite is also beneficial to calm an overactive mind.

Spiritual  Iolite opens and clears the third eye to open the visionary channels.  In particular it assists in connecting with other realms.

Emotional Iolite helps you to visualise solutions to even those difficulties with seem to be insurmountable.

Physical  Iolite is a very good stone to assist healing of the eyes.  It also helps with sleeping difficulties and improves memory.

IRGIZITE (Impactite)

Astrological sign(s) Gemini
Vibrational number Irgizite 4    Impactite 6
Chakra(s) All
Element Storm
Chemical composition tba
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Irgizite is a relatively new find of tektite.  There is very little written up about this form as yet but the general provisions relating to tektites are relevant. It can be used to make connection to extra terrestrials.


trological sign(s) Cancer
Vibrational number 3
Chakra(s) Root
Element Earth
Chemical composition tba
Mohs’ hardness scale  5-6

Isua Stone is thought to be one of the oldest stones on Earth and comes from Greenland.  There is little written up about this stone as yet as it is relatively new to the market and is quite rare and hard to find a present.

It can be used to cut ties and also to establish firm boundaries.

Spiritual  Isua Stone is good for connecting with ancient knowledge and wisdom or for doing past life work.  It can be used to travel through time and space during meditation.


Isua Stone can help you to let go of ‘the chains that bind’ and which may be holding you back.  It shows you how to move forward to reach your dreams.


Isua Stone is both balancing and grounding.

Actinolite can help to stimulate white blood cells and supports the immune system.  It also brings balance and harmony to the adrenal glands.